RTC3//Quiz 2 Flashcards
A weather radar measures what?
Reflectivity of the moisture in the air
Above FL290 with the RDR-4000 weather radar which of the following is true?
The lower limit for displaying flightpath weather is always FL250
An aircraft should avoid making an approach if a thunderstorm is active over the airfield or there are cells on the final approach centre line within
3 nautical miles of the field
Can Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) be detected on weather radar?
Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) cannot be detected by radar
Does the Predictive Windshear function with the weather radar deselected?
Yes, it is automatically functional below 2300 ft AGL
Flightpath weather on the RDR-4000 weather radar between 10,000ft and 29,000ft is based upon what altitudes?
+/- 4000ft of Flightpath
Flightpath weather on the RDR-4000 weather radar is based upon what?
Vertical rate, groundspeed and extrapolated to 60nm’s
Flying at FL 360 and a red cell appears on the weather radar. You should avoid this area by
Flying on the upwind side and clear of the red area by at least 20nm’s
How does the RDR-4000 weather radar help weather avoidance at higher levels?
It automatically increases gain at higher levels to help identify weather
In the climb below 6000ft with the RDR-4000 weather radar which of the following is true?
The upper limit for displaying flightpath weather is always 10,000ft
Is a serviceable weather radar required for dispatch?
No, provided the aircraft is operated during day VMC
On Approach, if you cannot get around a thundershower?
Avoid the approach if within 3nm of the field
On the RDR 4000 weather radar panel, the gain control?
MIN reduces gain, requiring greater intensity levels to display red
On the RDR-4000 weather radar which of the following is true?
Flightpath weather always takes precedence over secondary weather
On the RDR-4000 weather radar, secondary weather is displayed as?
A hatched area
On the RDR-4000 weather radar, the 3D volumetric buffer?
Contains a worldwide terrain database and removes ground returns from the weather returns
On the RDR-4000 weather radar?
There is no tilt control feature on this weather radar
Question text
Ryanair aircraft with registration EI-FEE onwards have which weather radar installed?
RDR-4000 Intuvue
The only selection modes where you will get a WX radar return on the ND inflight are:
The returns from a weather radar?
Give an indication of possible turbulence and hail depending on colour
The weather radar can detect?
Sufficiently sized water drops
Weather radar annunciation ‘WXR ATT’ on the ND indicates?
Loss of attitude stabilisation for antenna
What is the preferred tilt setting for T/O and landings?
4 to 5 degrees up - to prevent excessive ground returns and see and avoid bad weather on the climb path ahead
What is the primary function of the weather radar?
To avoid thunderstorms and not penetrate areas of storm activity
What is the sweep arc of the radar antenna?
180 degrees
What is the typical beam width of a jet air transport weather radar antenna?
3 degrees
What type of turbulence can the weather radar display?
Only that associated with a horizontal flow of precipitation with velocities of 5 or more meters per second toward or away from the radar antenna
When deviating around a thunderstorm?
Deviate to the upwind side
When looking above the freezing level in a radar return which of the following is true?
The strength of returns is reduced and so gain can be increased to compensate
When max range is selected on the EFIS control panel, weather radar returns are limited to?
320 nm
When ‘TEST’ function is selected on the radar control panel, this?
Tests both weather radar and Predictive Windshear if on the ground and thrust levers not advanced for TO
Which of the following are Predictive Windshear alerts?
All of the other answers are correct:
Which of the following is true with the RDR-4000 weather radar?
Both pilots can display returns and have different selections, e.g. Ranges & AUTO/MAN
Which of the following is true with the RDR-4000 weather radar?
The radar adjusts for the curvature of the earth in all modes
Which of the following is true with the RDR-4000 weather radar?
AUTO mode uses composite reflectivity to build an image of returns
Which weather radar related system is susceptible to spurious warnings?
Predictive Windshear system
With WX/TURB selected on the weather radar panel?
Weather and turbulence ahead, the latter to 40 nm maximum