RTC 3//Quiz 1 Flashcards
After landing in freezing conditions what additional step should be taken during the Shutdown Procedure?
Stabilizer trim….set 5 units
Airport elevation is 500 feet, MDA 1200 feet, temperature -20ºC what is your temperature correction to the MDA
100 feet
At which temperature are NO cold temperature altitude corrections required?
+1ºC or above
Before takeoff, engine anti-ice is required and OAT is 3 degrees C or below, which statement is correct?
Run-up to a minimum of 70% N1 and confirm stable engine operation before the start of the Takeoff roll
Clear ice:
Is relatively transparent. A tactile check may be required to detect its presence
Cold temperature altitude adjustments are NOT required for which of these altitudes?
ATC assigned Flight Levels
De-icing the aircraft requires an entry in the Technical Log
Do not use engine or wing anti–ice when
The OAT (on the ground) or TAT (in flight) is above 10°C
During cold weather operations taxi-out
Taxi at a reduced speed, use smaller nose wheel steering and rudder inputs and apply minimum thrust evenly and smoothly
During FREEZING CONDITIONS which additional action should be taken by the pilot flying as part of the normal Preflight Procedure?
PROBE HEAT switches……………..ON
During FREEZING CONDITIONS, as part of the Before Taxi Procedure, the flaps should:
Be moved first to 40 and then to UP before taxi
During taxi out you notice that the wing anti-ice VALVE OPEN lights cycle bright/dim. What actions would be appropriate?
It is normal to see the VALVE OPEN lights cycle bright/dim due to the control valves cycling closed/open in response to thrust setting and duct temperature logic, there is no crew action required
Flaps should be in the UP position during taxi out:
For taxiing in freezing conditions
How long should we wait after de-icing is complete before we turn the engine BLEED switches on?
Wait approximately one minute before turning the BLEED air switches on
Icing conditions exist on the ground if:
The OAT is +10ºC or less, and there is visible moisture present (clouds, fog with visibility less than one statute mile (1600m), rain, snow, sleet, ice crystals, and so on), or ice, snow, slush or standing water is present on the ramps, taxiways, or runways
If a flaps 15 landing will be made, set VREF ICE=VREF 15+10 if which of the following condition(s) apply?
All the other answers are correct:
Engine anti-ice will be used during landing//Icing conditions were encountered during the flight and the landing temperature is below 10ºC//Wing anti-ice has been used any time during the flight
If a re-treatment is necessary what must be done before the new de-icing/anti-icing treatment is applied?
Any residue of the previous treatment should be removed
If de-icing with the engines running which checklist should be used?
The winter operation “handy dandy” dedicated checklist should be used
If landing on a runway contaminated with ice, snow or slush, which modification should be made to the normal after landing procedure?
Do not retract the flaps to less than 15 until the flap areas have been checked to be free of contaminants
If the service providers insist on using their own documentation instead of the Ryanair DAR form, what should you do?
This is acceptable and a copy of the service providers form shall be returned in the flight envelope
One-step de-icing/anti-icing means that?
De-icing and anti-icing is carried out at the same time using a mixture of heated de-icing/anti-icing fluid and water
Removal of contaminants from the airframe may be performed with?
Fluids, mechanical tools and forced air
Ryanair aircraft,
Can operate if there is frost due to cold soaked fuel on the upper wing if less than 1.5mm and other conditions are met
Severe icing can usually be avoided by
A change in altitude and/or airspeed
SNOWTAM Braking Co-efficient are?
Listed for each third of the runway
Take-off and landing is not permitted when the braking action is reported as?
Poor / Nil
Takeoff is permitted with:
A light coating of frost, up to 3 mm in thickness on the lower wing surface due to cold fuel
The colour of Type I fluid is?
The colour of Type II fluid is?
Translucent Water like appearance
The colour of Type IV fluid is?
The conditions giving rise to ice accretion on the ground include, but are not limited to
All the other answers are correct:
Blown snow from snow drifts, other aircraft, buildings, or other ground structures//Operation on ramps, taxiways, and runways containing moisture, slush, or snow//Freezing fog
The contamination check is?
A check of the aircraft to establish the need for de-icing
The de-icing/anti-icing procedure is?
The procedure by which frost, ice, snow and slush is removed from an aircraft to provide uncontaminated surfaces
The de-icing/anti-icing process is broken down into which of the following steps the following steps?
Contamination check, de-icing/anti-icing procedure, post treatment check, pre takeoff check, pre takeoff contamination check
The flaps should be up during de-icing/anti-icing to:
Prevent ice and slush from accumulating in flap cavities during de-icing
The holdover protection runs out at?
Both the commencement of the takeoff run and when frozen deposits start to form or accumulate on treated aeroplane surfaces
The ICAO definition of notification of ‘light icing’ is?
No change of heading or altitude necessary
The ICAO definition of notification of ‘moderate icing’ is?
Change of heading and/or altitude may be considered desirable
The ICAO definition of notification of ‘severe icing’ is?
Immediate change of heading and/or altitude is considered essential
The indications of structural icing in order to turn on wing anti-ice are?
Ice accumulation on the flight deck window frames, windshield centre post, or on the windshield wiper arm
The minimum cleared width allowed for takeoff and landing is?
30 meters
The normal or preferred way to remove ice from the fan blades is?
With hot air
The post treatment check is:
An external check of the aircraft after a de-icing/anti-icing treatment to ensure that the aircraft is free from any frost, ice, snow or slush
The pre takeoff check is?
An assessment normally made from within the flight deck, to validate the applied holdover time
The pre takeoff contamination check is?
A check of the treated surfaces for contamination, performed when the holdover time has been exceeded or if any doubt exists regarding the continued effectiveness of the applied anti-icing treatment
The primary method to use the wing anti-ice is?
By allowing ice to accumulate before turning wing anti-ice on
Thin hoar frost is acceptable on the upper surface of the fuselage
Provided that the layer is thin enough to distinguish surface features underneath, such as paint lines, markings or lettering and all vents and ports are clear
To get a longer hold over time you should?
Use less diluted Type II or Type IV fluid
To indicate to the service provider which areas of the aircraft he/she wishes to have treated the commander should use?
The DAR 01 form or the de-icing providers form
Two-step de-icing/anti-icing means that?
De-icing and anti-icing is carried out in two separate steps
Type I fluid is mostly used for?
Removal of adhering ice and snow
Use of wing anti-ice above FL350 should be avoided because
It may cause a bleed trip off and possible loss of cabin pressure
We are allowed to take off with frost on the upper surface, once other conditions are meet. This frost is due to;
What are the considerations during engine start in cold weather operations?
Several minutes maybe required for oil pressure to reach normal pressure
What can be an indication of Fan Blade ice accumulation?
Engine vibration
What factors must be considered when determining whether a one-step or a two-step procedure is necessary?
Contamination on the aircraft, weather conditions, available equipment, available fluids and the holdover time to be achieved
What happens to the pink copy of the DAR (De/Anti-icing Request) form after De/anti-icing is completed?
It is returned to the handling agent/service provider and then to the Ryanair quality department where it is checked and paid if correct
What is correct in reference to airframe icing on the ground?
Cold soaked wings may cause airframe icing in temperatures above freezing
What is the effect of ISA deviation on true altitude?
True altitude is lower than indicated altitude with a negative ISA deviation
What is the greatest depth of dry snow, above which a takeoff is not recommended?
101 mm
What is the holdover time under the following conditions? KILFROST ABC-K Plus Type II 50/50, OAT-1º, Freezing Fog
What is the holdover time under the following conditions? KILFROST ABC-K Plus Type II 75/25, OAT-5º, Snow or Snow Grains
0:35 - 1:05
What is the holdover time under the following conditions? OAT -3ºC, Light Freezing Rain, SAE Type I fluid applied.
What is the holdover time under the following conditions? OAT -5ºC, snow/snow grains, SAE Type II fluid 100% applied
What is the holdover time under the following conditions? SAE Type II 75/25, OAT -2ºC Freezing fog.
0:25 – 0:55
What is the holdover time under the following conditions? SAE TYPE IV 100% -15ºC, Moderate Snow
0:06 - 0:20
What is the holdover time under the following conditions? SAE Type IV 100/0, OAT -2ºC Light Freezing Rain
What is the holdover time under the following conditions? SAE Type IV 50/50, OAT-3ºC Freezing Fog
What is the main advantage of Type II and IV fluids over Type I fluid?
They provide a longer hold over time
What is the maximum taxi speed on a slippery taxiway?
The maximum recommended taxi speed on a slippery surface is 5ks
What is the planning minimum for destinations and take off alternates with an operational precision approach?
The weather must be at or above the required minimum RVR/Vis
What is the procedure for removing ice from the Fan Blades (OFI) ?
Hot Air or de-icing fluid. In the latter case it must be accomplished by an Engineering service provider (licensed aircraft engineer)
What is true about rehydrated fluids?
Dried fluid residue could occur when repetitive application to thickened de-icing/anti-icing fluids may lead to the build-up of a dried residue in aerodynamically quite areas
What should be done with the green copy of the DAR (De/Anti-icing Request) form after De/Anti-icing is completed?
It should be clipped to the Captains control column until commencement of line up for takeoff as a reminder to verify that the hold over time has not been exceeded
When a two-step de-icing procedure is necessary the second step should be applied
Less than three minutes after the first step was started and if necessary done area by area
When correcting MDA/DA for cold temperatures
Ensure that you enter the Altitude Correction Table with your height and not your altitude (QNH)
When landing on a contaminated runway, which braking action table should you use for assessing landing distance required
As determined by the TALPA matrix
When using engine anti-ice you should
Have the ENGINE START switches in CONT
Which of the following factors may affect the ‘Hold Over’ time and must be taken into consideration when completing the Pre Takeoff check
Changes to precipitation intensity or type
Which of the following fluids are not normally used in Ryanair operations?
Type III
Which of the following statements is true?
Holding in icing conditions with flaps extended is prohibited
Which Statement is correct
You should use the temperature and visible moisture criteria to determine if engine anti-ice is required
Which statement is correct if the aircraft has been de/anti-iced:
Takeoff with reduced thrust is permitted provided takeoff performance accounts for runway surface condition
Which statement is correct regarding engine anti-ice use in flight?
Engine anti-ice must be ON during all flight operations when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except during climb and cruise when the temperature is below -40ºC SAT
Which statement is correct when taking off from a contaminated runway?
The assumed temperature method of reducing takeoff thrust is prohibited
Which statement is correct with reference to the use of engine anti-ice?
Use the temperature and visible moisture criteria and activate engine anti-ice prior to entering icing conditions.
Which statement is true regarding the post treatment check?
This is a check normally done by the de-icing crew or engineer. In the case of clear ice as requested by the commander for a tactile check on the DAR 01 form
Who accomplishes the procedure for the “Shutdown checklist – Freezing conditions” checklist?
Who completes (reads) the “Before taxi checklist – Freezing conditions” checklist?
First Officer
Who reads the challenge and response for de/anti icing with engines running?
First Officer
Why should the APU/ENGINE BLEED air switches be selected OFF if de-icing with the APU running?
To prevent de-icing fluid from being ingested and fumes and odours entering the cabin
Why should we limit thrust to the minimum required, when operating over significant amounts of standing de-icing or anti-icing fluid?
Excessive ingestion of de or anti-ice fluids can cause fluids to build up on compressor blades resulting in compressor stalls and engine surges
With a two-step procedure, the holdover time begins?
At the commencement of the second step
You are on stand and freezing fog is reported on the ATIS. Which statement is correct?
You are not allowed to use wing anti-ice as an alternative for ground de-icing/anti-icing Application of a suitable de-ice/anti-ice fluid is required
You should use wing anti-ice on the ground?
Between engine start and takeoff when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, unless the airplane is or will be protected by application of Type II or Type IV fluid