RTA + Liver tear Flashcards
Young male patient came in motor cycle RTA .. Hypotensive and tachycardic.
Young male patient came in motor cycle RTA .. Hypotensive and tachycardic.
Q1. How will you assess the patient ?
By ATLS protocol A-E assessment
Q2: what are the general principles of ATLS ?
Airway with C-spine
Q3: After primary assessment you ordered a chest Xray ,
Given this Xray what is your findings?
AP CXR showing Black shadow on the lt lung and shifting of trachea to opposite side, Obliteration of lt costophrenic angle, presence of surgical emphysema
Dx; Lt T. Pneumothorax
Q4. How will you manage this?
Urgent needle decompression in the lt 5th ICS MCL followed by applying chest tube connected to underwater seal.
Q5. Now the patient is shocked , what is the classes of hemorrhage ?
Class 1 – Losing < 750 ml // HR < 100 // Bp n // RR 14-20 // UOP >30 ml
Class 2 – Losing 750-1500 // HR 100-120 // Bp n // RR 20-30 // UOP 20-30ml
Class 3 – Losing 1500-2000 // HR 120-140 // Bp dec. // RR 30-40 // UOP 5-15ml
Class 4 – Losing > 2000 // HR >140 // Bp dec. // RR >35 // UOP < 5ml
Q6: How will you manage the circulation of this patient ?
Control ext source of bleeding
– insert 2 wide pore cannulas
– draw blood for routine blood test and blood group and cross matching and order 4 units of matched blood.
- start Pt on 1 -1.5 L of crystalloids within 1hr. No response start blood transfusion
Q7. How will you monitor the response of the patient?
Monitor by – > Bp / CRT / HR / UOP / Mental status / U&E
And what will you do if you noticed he is not improving?
Inform my consultant and HDU specialist – > admit to HDU and start blood transfusion (Consider central line insertion)
Q8. A CT was done for the patient and showed the following, What is your diagnosis?
Lesion of liver most likely liver tear
Q9. Management of liver tear? Grades?
According to the stability of the pt and grade of injury
Conserve – > Blood transfusion and monitoring response
Surgical – > Damage control / Packing Repair /Resection
Grades; Read It well :D
Q10: Was CT a good investigation for this patient?
No , as pt is unstable I would have gone with FAST