CVP Flashcards
After insertion of CVP for a patient in ICU His oxygen saturation dropped and started To be tachycardic .
After insertion of CVP for a patient in ICU His oxygen saturation dropped and started To be tachycardic .
Q1: Given the following x rya what is your diagnosis ?
Rt T. Pneumothorax
Mediastinal shift / black shadow on rt side / Rt lung is collapsed
Q2. is this x ray adequate ?
No, because we cannot see C-Ph angle / According to X-ray whether CP angle present or not
Q3: types of pneumothorax ?
Open / Closed
Simple / Tension
1ry / 2ry
Q4.difference between tension and simple ?
S; trachea not shifted / no cvs compromise / no hypoxia
T; trachea will be shifted / hypoxia / CVS compromisation / Emergnecy thoracotomy.
Q5 . safe triangle for insertion ?
Ant; Lat border of Pec M. / Post; Lat border of Latismus / Inf; a line drawn from nipple backwards
Q7. complications of central venous line insertion ?
Immediate; Injury of surrounds (Pulmonary, Vascular), arrythmia, Cardiac tamponade
Late; Infection and thrombosis and stenosis
Q6. indications for central line insertion ?
Monitor Fluid balance
Failed prephiral Access
Certain drugs and meds
Q9. removal technique ?
Pt lying down straight and applying pressure after to prevent hematoma
Q8. NICE guidelines for insertion ?
Insertion under ultrasound guidance
* Post procedure radiograph for:
o Position of the radiopaque tip in SVC just superior to its entry in RA
o Pneumothorax
Q10. indications for removal ?
- Resolution of the acute problem Cessation of support
- Pt is being discharged home
- Line sepsis
Q11: sites of insertion ?
IJV / Subclav V. / PICC. And .
……… Femoral V
Q12: organism causing infection ?
Staph epidemrids / Aureus
Q13: how to prevent
infection ?
- Hand hygiene
- Skin antiseptic and ensure it has been dried
- Sterile barriers; Gown / gloves / cap / mask / drape
- After insertion; follow recom maintainance practices / wash hand before and after touching it / removal once no longer needed
Q14: most common line prone to infection ?
Femoral V
Q. Name of technique of insertion?
Q. Explain the Technique
Technique for Insertion of Central Venous Line (IJV)
1. Identify Anatomical Landmarks:
o Mastoid process
o Carotid pulse
o Depression between the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid (above the clavicle)
2. Locate:
o Clavicle
o Two heads of the sternomastoid muscle
3. Needle Insertion:
o Palpate the carotid artery in the center of the triangle formed by the landmarks.
o Insert the needle lateral to the carotid artery.
o Direct the needle at a 45 angle towards the patient in the coronal plane, aiming towards the ipsilateral nipple.
4. Aspirate and Cannulate:
o Aspirate as the needle advances.
o Once blood is aspirated, use the Seldinger technique to cannulate the vein.
5. Secure:
o Suture the line in place.