RS4 Flashcards
How much scores on a variable deviate from the mean
How much scores on two variables deviate from their respective means
Spearman’s rho and Kendall’s Tau-b
Use when we have a smaller data set with a large number of tied ranks, ie: if many scores have the same rank. Kendall’s tau is lower as it takes account of people scoring the same.
Point Biserial correlation
When one variable is categorical (dichotomous with just 2 categories eg: male and female) and the other is continuous eg: self-reported IQ.
Phi correlation
2 dichotomous categorical variables (each has 2 levels)
Face validity
From the appearance of the items, does the scale appear to measure what it claims to measure?
Content validity
Do the items of the scale cover the important characteristics of the concept being measured? Good content validity involves researching in depth the literature etc on a topic and needs to reflect the variety of facets of the concept being measured. Consulting expert opinion may also be necessary.
Concurrent validity
Does the scale correlate well with other measures of the same concept taken at the same time? eg: a more widely used and accepted test taken at the same time.
Predictive valdity
Does the measure accurately predict future behaviour, eg: does IQ predict those that go to university? Usually unimportant in psychology.
Construct validity
This involves developing theoretical and conceptual understanding of what is being measured. How well do we understand the construct? It is about theory development and general progress of knowledge and is not a technical type of validity that can be measured easily.
Convergent validity
Do different sorts of measures of the same construct tend to intercorrelate? eg: self-reported measures of honesty, behavioural measures of honesty and a polygraph test. However, would not always expect different measures of same construct to correlate eg: behaviour may not always reflect attitudes.
Discriminant validity
Do measures of apparently different concepts not correlate with each other? Opposite to convergent validity.
Reliability is about:
a) the consistency of the items within the measure and
b) the consistency of a measure over time
Cronbach’s alpha, split-half reliability and odd-even reliability are all measures of
Internal reliability
Which is preferable to use out of split-half reliability, odd-even reliability and Cronbach’s alpha?
Cronbach’s alpha as this takes an average of every possible half of items correlated with every possible other half of items so therefore takes account of all possible ways of splitting items.