RS Y08 Spr1 Flashcards
1.1 Genesis
The first book of the Bible, where you can find the Creation stories.
1.2 soul
The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, which is immortal.
1.3 Adam
The first human, created by God and put in the Garden of Eden.
1.4 metaphorical
Something used to stand for, or symbolise, another thing.
1.5 sanctity of life
The Christian belief that life is sacred/special, because it was created by God.
1.6 conception
The moment a sperm fertilises an egg.
1.7 fertilisation
The process involves a sperm fusing with an egg, which eventually leads to the development of an embryo.
1.8 embryo
An organism in the early stages of development.
1.9 foetus
After eight weeks of development, the human embryo is then called foetus as limbs and organs are now in the early stage of development.
1.1 foetal heartbeat
The embryo’s heart begins to beat at 5 ½ to 6 weeks after conception.
1.11 contraception
Prevention of pregnancy during/after sexual intercourse.
1.12 male condom
A barrier that prevents sperm entering the vagina.
1.13 female condom
A barrier that prevents sperm passing up the female reproductive system.
1.14 abortion
the termination of pregnancy and is legal in the UK under strict conditions
1.15 pro-choice
The view that it is up to the woman to decide whether it is right for her to have an abortion because it is her body.
1.16 pro-life
The view that abortion is wrong because some believe that human life begins at conception.
1.17 Lesser of two evils
When both options are not good, which one does the least harm, or seems the right choice.
1.18 God’s will
The plan God has for humans.
1.19 euthanasia/ assisted death
The deliberate ending of a person’s life for compassionate reasons because they are suffering, e.g. from a painful or incurable disease.
1.2 quality of life
How good an individual’s life is. It is different for each individual, as is their ability to deal with pain and suffering.
2.1 Why do Christians believe in sanctity of life?
The Bible teaches: “So God created mankind in his own image”.
Christians believe being made in the image of God makes them holy and therefore precious and not to be harmed.
2.2 Why do Christains believe all people have a soul?
The Bible teaches “God breathed life into Adam.”
Christians believe that humans have a soul, this verse is often used to support this view.
2.3 Why are some Christians pro-life?
The Bible teaches “I knitted you together in your mothers womb.”
This for many Christians shows that God has a plan for all life.
2.4 Why are some Christians pro-choice?
The Bible teaches “love your neighbour as yourself.”
Some Christians argue that there are times that women should not be forced to continue with a pregnancy, for example if it risks their life.
2.5 Why are some Christians against the use of contraception?
The Bible teaches, “your [God] will be done….”
Some Christians would argue that stopping conceptions happening, is preventing God’s plan for that couple to have a child.
2.6 Why are some Christians anti euthanasia and/or abortion?
The Bible teaches “Do not kill”
Some Christians would use this part of the 10 Commandments to mean that ending a pregnancy or assisting someone with their death breaks the rule. They would consider both abortion and euthanasia murder.
2.7 Why are some Christians pro euthanasia?
The Bible teaches “love your neighbour as yourself.”
Some Christians would argue that it is the loving to allow someone to end their life if they are in pain.
2.8 Why do some Christians believe that IVF and genetic engineering are good things?
The Bible teaches “Jesus went about all Galilee,…healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.”
Jesus was healing people who would otherwise not got better. IVF allows people with medical barriers have a family.
3.1 The gestation period before abortion
●There has been an increase in the proportion of abortions that are performed at under 10 weeks since 2009.
●In 2019, 82% of abortions were performed under 10 weeks
3.2 What is the law surrounding abortion?
●The legal limit for a woman having an abortion is 24 weeks gestation. This is the point at which the fetus is viable outside the mother’s body.
●Abortions may be performed after 24 weeks in certain circumstances, for example, if the mother’s life is at risk or the child would be born severely disabled.
●Abortions where gestation is 24 weeks or over account for a very small number of abortions (0.1% of the total). There were 279 such abortions in 2019.