rs christianity Flashcards
what does Romans 5:12 say?
‘… sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.’
what does John 3:16 say?
‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, and whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’.
Matthew 28
Jesus instructs the apostles to baptise ‘in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’.
a quote from genesis 1
God said, “let there be light” and there was light.
what did God tell humans to do in genesis 1? (quote about ruling)
‘Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the round.’
what do the Plymouth Brethen believe?
(nature of god)
They focus on the holiness and purity of god, and believe only members of the brethen can truly understand the oneness of god.
what do the hillsong church believe?
(nature of god)
they focus on the grace of god for forgiveness, and do not believe salvation is a reward that can be earnt.
what do baptists believe?
(nature of god)
god is directly accessible by all believers, and priests are not necessary to intercede between humans and god.
what do catholics believe?
(nature of god)
priests are necessary to intercede e.g confession and eucharist.
what do free church believe?
(nature of god)
emphasises personal and accessible nature of god.
what do amish believe?
(nature of god)
live in separate communities separating themselves from sin and they believe they must practice life of salvation.
what is the role of the father in the trinity?
creator and protector
what is the role of the holy spirit in the trinity?
god living in humans to help them live in the way he requires
what are the three main roles of the son in the trinity?
-revealing himself to people, showing love and power and teaching how he wants them to live
-sacrificing himself
-rise from the dead to show god has power over death and is eternal, and that christians can have eternal life also.
what do unitarians believe?
the trinity suggests there is more than one god so puts the monotheism of christianity in danger.
how is humanity made in genesis 1?
the man was formed from the dusk in the ground and life was breathed into his nostrils by god.
how are humans accountable to god?
they were given the task of stewardship - the responsibilty to protect the earth.
what are literal interpretations of genesis 1?
-god created the universe in 6 days
-god spoke the universe into existence
how can genesis 1 be seen as a myth?
-some catholics, evangelicals and liberals see it as metaphorical
-some believe that the six days represent a longer period of time
what is theistic evolution?
when christians accept evolution as they believe it could be possible and fit with their beliefs if god caused it.
what does genesis 2 show?
that god gave humans everything they could possibly need for eternal paradise, and gave them one rule to follow
what did original sin lead to?
the fall - the broken relationship between god and humanity
Irenaeus theodicy
evil exists to mature us and teach god’s goodness
augustinian theodicy
evil is a result of the fall and human free will.
what were titles used for jesus?
messiah, saviour, lord