RS Flashcards
How old is Judaism?
Judaism is around 4000 years old; it is the oldest of the monotheistic religions.
Who started the religion?
Abraham and the Patriarchs started the religion, Abraham is considered a father of Judaism. However, both him and the Patriarchs started the religion.
How many Gods does Judaism have and why?
Judaism only has one God as it is a monotheistic religion; the other two being Christianity and Islam.
What is the Holy book?
The Torah is the holy book, that is also in the Old Testament in the Bible.
How many followers are there today?
There are 12 million followers of Judaism in the world today.
What is the Star of David?
The Star of David is a Jewish symbol.
What is the Menorah?
The Menorah is one of the oldest Jewish symbols, it symbolises the burning bush.
What is kosher food?
Kosher food is food which is allowed to be eaten by Jews.
What is Treyfah food?
Treyfah food is food that isn’t allowed to be eaten by Jews.
What does ‘kosher’ mean?
‘Kosher’ means fit for Jewish use.
What do Jews celebrate every week? Why?
Jews celebrate the beginning of the universe every week because they believe that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. That day is called Shabbat.
Where did Judaism begin? What do people think it began?
Judaism began in Palestine, now known as Israel. People say that it began in the state of Israel, but at the time it was known as Palestine, they took some land and called it Israel.
What happens during Shabbat?
- Family get together because spending time with family is really important
- It begins on Friday evening and ends on Saturday night
- 3 special meals are eaten: Friday evening, Saturday afternoon and just before the end of Shabbat
- Best clothes are worn, not work clothes
- Overall, it’s a complete break from their normal daily lives
How do the Shabbat meals begin?
Meals begin with a blessing over two loves of bread which is symbolic of the MANAA God have the Jewish people in the desert after the escape from Egypt.
What does candlelight symbolise?
Candlelight symbolises peace.
How do Jews celebrate Shabbat?
Jews celebrate Shabbat by having a full day of rest. It begins on Friday evening and ends on Saturday evening, all housework and food preparation is done before it goes dark on Friday. They don’t use electricity and do nothing that needs work because God had a day of rest on the 7th day of creation.
What is Leaven?
Leaven is what makes bread rise and become fluffy.
What is mutzot?
Mutzot is unleavened bread, bread without any yeast in it.
What is Seder?
Seder is the special Passover meal.
What is Hagadah?
Hagadah is the book in which the special order of the Seder meal is written.
What is Passover?
Passover, or Pesach as it is sometimes called, is a Jewish festival celebrated in spring time.
What is the main part of the Passover celebration?
The meal. This is called the Seder. The special offer of the Seder meal is written in the Hagadah, this tells the story of the Exodus.
Why is it called Passover?
The celebration is called Passover because it reminds the Jews of the last of the ten plagues, when the angel of death passed over the Jews and killed the Egyptians first born.
Why is the egg eaten on the Seder plate? What is it also a symbol of?
Egg is eaten in memory of the daily Temple sacrifice, which is no longer offered. It is also a symbol of new life and springtime.
What is the lamb bone on the Seder plate?
The lamb bone is a reminder of the lamb which was killed so its blood could be put on the doorposts.
What is horse radish on the Seder plate?
Horse radish is symbolic of the bitter treatment of the Israelites during slavery.
What is charoset on the Seder plate?
Charoset is symbolic of the Egyptian buildings because it is gritty. It is also sweet to symbolise God’s sweet kindness which made slavery bearable.
Why is parsley on the Seder plate?
God commanded that parsley was to be served with the lamb.
What is salt water on the Seder plate?
Dipped in salt water, salt water is symbolic of the tears shed during slavery.
What is Hanukkah?
Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday celebrated for 8 days and nights because the oil found (which was supposed to last a day) lasted 8 days.
Who was Oskar Schindler?
A member of the nazi party who saved the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust.
How did Schindler save the lives of all the Jews during the Holocaust?
By employing them at an enamelware factory he obtained and bribing the Nazis to keep his workers safe.