RPM package management Flashcards
what is the naming format RPM package files follow
how do you view the rpm packages on CentOS
ls -1 *.rpm
rpm -e
removes package
rpm -F
(freshen) upgrades a package only if an earlier version already exists
rpm -i
installs the specified package
rpm -q
queries whether the specified package is installed
rpm -U
installs or upgrades the specified package
rpm -V
verifies whether the package files are present and the package’s integrity
rpm -q
queries package management database for installed packages
rpm -qc
lists names and absolute references of package configuration files
rpm -qi
provides information, version, installation date, signatures
rpm -qR
displays various package requirements (dependencies)
rpm -qs
provides state of different files in a package, such as normal (installed), not installed, or replaced
rpm -V
rpm package verification
verification ? response code
unable to perform tests