Rotter Flashcards
behavior potential
The probability that a particular behavior will occur, as a result of that person’s uniqueness and the perceived value of the reinforcer in a given situation.
Intensely anxious individuals with very strong internal control orientations who fear vomiting because they would lose control.
A cognition or belief—held with a higher or lower degree of certainty—about the property of some object or event.
field theory
The idea that behavior is determined by a complex interplay between cognitive and environmental variables.
freedom of movement
The individual’s expectancy that his or her behaviors will generally lead to success (high freedom of movement) or failure (low freedom of movement) in a given life area.
God-mediated control
An indirect form of internal control in which individuals work collaboratively with God to achieve their personal goals.
I-E scale
Test designed by Rotter to measure the individual’s belief that forces are or are not beyond his or her control. Internals (Is) are people who believe that events are under their own control; externals (Es) are people who believe that outcomes are controlled by outside forces such as luck, fate, God, or powerful others.
internal/external control of reinforcement
The individual’s belief that his or her behavior is self-determined (internal control) or determined by outside factors (external control).
locus of control of reinforcement
Term that refers to people’s beliefs about the location (internal/external) of controlling forces in their lives.
minimal goal
the lowest bar for satisfactory outcomes and unsatisfactory ones. Such as a B is ok for some while its not ok for me.
psychological situation
The meaning of the situation as it is defined by the person.
reinforcement value
The importance of a given reinforcer to an individual in relation to other reinforcers if the probabilities of attaining all of them are equal.
stimulus generalization
The process in which responses made in the presence of an original stimulus come to be made in the presence of other, similar stimuli.
Example: people who resemble figures we wish praise from such as our parents, we will generalize the need to receive approval from them and work for it. Such as Ben being a need for approval from a stable father figure.
Some Biographical information about Rotter
Influenced by Alfred Adler and Kurt Lewin.
Adler’s focus on goal-directedness of behavior and unity of personality
Lewin’s field-theory approach which emphasized the interrelatedness of behavior, multiple factors are involved in behavior and that behavior must be analyzed by thinking from the other person’s perspective.
-he blended the reinforcement approach and cognitive or field theory
Some core aspects of Julian Rotter’s Principles?
1.personality is learned through our interactions with other people
- a person’s past is key to understanding their behavior
- Emphasized unity or interdependence of personality which is past events influence current experiences and current experiences change the things learned in the past
- behaviors are functionally related
- reinforcements can also be functionally related. Such as getting a degree could have financial benefits as well as social respect.
Rotter’s ideas on Motivation
- Behavior is goal-oriented, Emphasizing the law of effect.
- If reinforcers can be identified then behavior can be predicted.
- Needs, goals and reinforcements are used interchangeably
Rotter’s four core social learning concepts
- behavior potential,
- expectancy,
- reinforcement value
- the psychological situation
Core aspect of Rotter’s Behavior potential
- Behavior potential Is the potential of a behavior occurring in a situation calculated in relation to reinforcements
- Emphasized cognitive factors and subjective interpretation of events.
- utilized implicit and explicit behaviors for predictions
Core aspects of Rotter’s Expectancy
- defined as cognition or belief about some object or event
- rated by magnitude from 0-100%.
- expectancy is based on the knowledge of past experience. A person may want an A on an exam but if they have a history of not studying or cramming then they will not likely get an A
- generalized Expectancies operate across a variety of situations
What are the three types of expectancy in Rotter’s social learning theory
- Simple cognitions
- behavior-reinforcement outcomes.
- reinforcement sequences.
Rotter’s core aspect of Psychological Situation
the Psychological Situation is the situation defined from the person’s perspective
Rotter emphasized that both personality disposition and social cues are important for predicting behavior. Such as a person’s past history of aggression which would indicate aggressive tendencies may not surface in a situation where they are likely to be punished by others
Rotter’s Core Aspects of Personality Development
- Rotter believed personality developed in relation to other people. The earliest being parents. but eventually goes to peers and teachers
- Words serve as cues for directing behaviors and words can also serve as verbal reinforcers and punishments such as “I love you” or “You disappoint me”.
What Test is Rotter most known for?
the I-E scale (internal vs external locus of control)
Does the I-E type of the parent typically pass on to the child
How does I-E change over time?
People tend to be more internally motivated as they get older however when decrepidness comes from aging this can change to external locus of control but it is not consistent. Many elderly people are still internally motivated
The Role of Education in I-E
Uneducated Elderly have more external orientation and Educated elderly have more internal orientation as internal are flexible and change goals to suit their physical condition while uneducated elderly do not and feel resentment
The role of religion in I-E
Those who believed in religion had more internally motivated sense of control surprisingly. They believe God doesn’t solve problems for them but instead God gives them strength to do tasks.
I-E and attribution to responsibility
-Internals feel more shame at defeat than externals who tend to make excuses
-Externals subconsciously prep excuses before and after a task to compensate for their failures.
-Internals tend to not only take responsibility for their actions but the actions of others
I-e and academic performance
-internals tend to perform better than externals in academics. Internals find ways to cope and are more persistent vs blaming others as externals do.
-Surprisingly Black students with negative cultural identity and internal motivation performed more poorly than those with a positive cultural identity. It’s possible they are less likely to fall prey to cultural stereotypes.
I-e and career development and status
-internals seek opportunities while externals show less motivation in pursuing careers
-achieving success in the workplace and fostering autonomy is higher in internals
I-E and physical health
-Internals are more likely to take care of themselves and engage in risky behaviors such as smoking or unprotected sex
I-E and Psychological Health
-Internals as a whole are typically healthier than externals
-Externals are more likely to be drug addicts and repeat criminal offenders as they believe its simply bad luck that caused them to be like this
-Externals are more likely to feel powerless and get high credit card debt
-internals are better able to cope with stress from school, work and life
negative Qualities of Internals?
-Internals are more likely to be compulsive
-emetophobics (individuals with fears of vomiting) have exaggerated internal control and sometimes leave work early or avoid situations for fear of their vomiting and even avoid getting pregnant because of morning sickness
-internals blame themselves even when it isn’t their fault
-internals with a history of drinking show aggression to their partners during a disagreement
Positive Qualities of Externals?
-Less likely to blame themselves when its not their fault
-Also in situations out of their control such as going in for surgery, they show less anxiety
Rotter’s social learning theory’s implication for therapy?
- saw dysfunction as a result of relationships
- accepts the defense mechanisms of Freud but reconceptualized them as avoidance or escape behaviors. These defenses can prevent maladaptive people from learning adaptive behaviors.
- Emphasized flexibility in therapy
- One client may need to have their expectations heightened to succeed and another might have to be lowered a bit to not feel bad
Evaluative Comments on Rotter’s Theory
Comprehensiveness: Good, it has application in both clinical and experimental settings and covers a wide range of phenomena
Precision and Testability: Rotter’s theories are well-defined, able to be tested and have been tested.
Parsimony: it’s fair here however its unsettled in abnormal and therapeutic phenomena
Empirical Validity: Mostly based on the I-E concept which is very strongly supported however the rest is somewhat fallow
Heuristic Value: The I-E concept has stimulated research in many areas
Applied Value: his theories have been strongly used in the clinical therapy world for diagnosing many psychological problems