Rossetti key quotes Flashcards
When I am dead, my dearest:
‘I shall not see…
…the shadows.’
From the Antique:
‘Doubly blank…
…is a woman’s lot.’
From the Antique:
‘Still the world…
…would wag on the same.’
From the Antique:
‘I should be nothing, while all the rest…
…would wake and weary and fall asleep.’
Shut Out:
‘It had been mine,…
…and it was lost.’
Shut Out:
The 4 looking quotes
‘looked’ (1st stanza)
‘peering’ (3rd stanza)
‘straining’ (5th stanza)
‘blinded’ (6th stanza)
In the Round Tower:
‘Is the time come? -…
…The time is come.’
In the Round Tower:
‘I wish I could…
…bear the pang for both.’
A Birthday:
‘My heart is like…
…a singing bird.’
Maude Clare:
‘His bride was like a village maid…
…Maude Clare was like a queen.’
Maude Clare:
‘“Maude Clare,” - and…
…hid his face.’
Maude Clare:
‘I’ll love him till he loves me best,…
…me best of all Maude Clare.’
Up Hill:
‘Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak?…
…Of labour you shall find the sum.’
No, Thank You, John:
‘I have no heart?-…
…Perhaps I have not’
No, Thank You, John:
Don’t call me false,…
…who owed not to be true’
‘I take my heart…
…in my hand’
‘Shall not…
…question much.’
Winter: My Secret:
‘I cannot ope to everyone who taps,…
…and let the draughts come whistling thro’ my hall’
Soeur Louise:
‘Where is the hire…
…for which my life was hired?’
Soeur Louise:
‘Oh vanity of…
…vanities, desire!’
Goblin Market:
‘She clipped a…
…precious golden lock’
Goblin Market:
‘Her tree of life…
…drooped from the root’
Goblin Market:
‘Tore her gown…
…and soiled her stocking’