A Doll's House Act 1 Flashcards
a comfortably and tastefully,
but not expensively furnished room
a bell rings
in the hall outside
hide that Christmas
tree away
is that my skylark
twittering out there?
takes her playfully
by the ear
it wouldn’t make much difference
whether i was in debt or not
how like a
guess what
i’ve got here
i’ll wrap up the notes
in pretty gold paper and hang them on the Christmas tree
its incredible what an
expensive pet she is for a man to keep
we larks
and squirrels
these things are
has my little sweet-tooth
been indulging herself in town today, by any chance?
you know i could never
act against your wishes
pretty eyes
and your delicate little hands
these last eight years
have been such a happy time for me
not even a feeling
of loss or sorrow
isn’t it a wonderful thing
to be alive and happy
i’ll get him
in the right mood
i too have done something
to be proud and happy about
a wife can’t borrow money
without her husband’s consent
it’d completely wrech
our relationship
when Torvald no longer
loves me as he does now
it was almost
like being a man
what do i care about society?
i think it’s a bore
really clever
let me hold
her for a moment
my sweet little
baby doll
it’s such
dogs don’t bite
lovely little baby dolls
how on earth could you imagine
that i would have any influence over my husband?
from that day, every
opening was barred to me
now your husband wans to
kick me off that ladder back into the dirt
my pride
and joy
the law does not concern
itself with motives
the Christmas tree
much be beautiful
his finger
it all seems so stupid
and meaningless
so little Miss Independent’s in trouble
and needs a man to rescue her, does she?
i can’t get anywhere
without your help
every breath that their children
draw in such a house contains the germs of evil
it’s usually the
nearly all young criminals
are the children of mothers who are constitutional liars
morally speaking,
he is dead
pale with
corrupt my little children
poison my home