A Doll's House Act 3 Flashcards
the door to the hall
stands open
a woman chucking a man
because something better turns up
i thought it my duty
to destroy all the feelings you had for me
i’m a shipwrecked man
clinging to a spar
suppose we two
shipwrecked souls could join hands
it is the greatest
joy of my life (work)
i need someone
to be a mother to
this unhappy secret
of Nora’s must be revealed
large black
possibly a trifle
too realistic
an exit should always be dramatic, Mrs Linde.
But unfortunately that’s just what I can’t get Nora to realise.
you ought to take up
(embroidery) it’s much
dreadful bore
that woman is
you’re a distractingly
beautiful young woman
my most treasured
mine alon
as you stand there
young and trembling and beautiful
aren’t I
your husband?
those are big words
for my little Nora to use!
wish me the
i must empty
the letter-box
his suffering and loneliness
seemed to provide a kind of dark background to the happy sunlight of our marriage
often I wish some terrible danger
might threaten you, so that I could offer my life and my blood, everything, for your sake
do you understand
what you’ve done?
i am condemned to humiliation and ruin
simply for the weakness of a woman
we must appear to be
living together just as before
i have broad wings
to shield you
taking off my
fancy dress
she has become his property in
a double sense
she is now not only his wife
but also his child
i shall be both your will
and your conscience
a great wrong has been done to me, Torvald.
first by papa, and then by you.
i performed tricks for youm
and you gave me food and drink
i haven’t ever been
i’ve been your doll-wife,
just as i used to be papa’s doll-child
i must educate
you’ve no experience of the world /
you’re blind
can you neglect
your most sacred duties
i believe that i am
first and foremost a human being
i don’t really know what
religion mean
has a woman really not the right
to spare her dying father pain, or save her husband’s life?
you’re out of your
no man can be expected
to sacrifice his honour, even for the person he loves
millions of women
have done it
you think and talk like a stupid
a complete
they’re in better hands
than mine
I shall often think of you
and the children and this house
the miracle
of miracles
i don’t believe
in miracles any longer
the street door
slammed shut downstairs