Rosh (12/22-1/2) Flashcards
Nerve injury and deficit from hip flexion or deep retractors
Femoral and sciatic - anesthesia of anterior and medial thigh, inability to extend knee
Nerve injury with lymph node dissection
Obturator - inability to adduct thigh
Nerve injury from compression of lateral knee
Peroneal - foot drop
Vulvar injury
Peroneal - vulvar pain
Torch - deafness, cataracts, cardiac disease, purpura, hepatosplenomegaly
Torch - skeletal abnormalities, maculopaoular rash, pseudoparalysis
Torch - intracranial calcifications, hydrocephalus, chorioretinitis
Torch - microcephaly, intracranial calcifications, ocular anomalies, hypertonia. / spasticity
Torch - periventricular intracranial calcifications, thrombocytopenia, sensorineural hearing loss, hepatosplenomegaly, microcephaly
Vacuum placement
Along sagittal suture, 4 cm in front of posterior fontanelle
Cause of both venous and arteria thromboembolism
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Clinical manifestations of antiphospholipid
VTE, RPL, delivery of a normal fetus <34 wga due to preeclampsia or placental insufficiency
What part of bowel is most sensitive to radiation?
Terminal ileum
How many days after embryo transfer can it be seen on ultrasound?
23 days
Venous drainage of ovary
Left to renal vein
Right to IVC