Roots A-C, D-H, I-L, M-O, P-R, S-Z Flashcards
ab away from
–ac pertaining to
acous/acouso- hearing
acr/acro- extremity, topmost
–ad toward, in the direction of
ad- increase, adherence, motion toward, very
aden/adeno- gland
adip/adipo- fat
adren/adreno- gland
–aemia (Britain) blood condition
aesthesio- (Britain) sensation
alge/algesi- pain
–algia pain
ambi- around, on all sides, both
an- not, without
angi- blood vessel
ankyl/ankylo- crooked, stiff
ante- before
antebrachial forearm
anti- against, opposed to
apo- separated from, derived from
arteri/arterio- artery
arthr/arthro- joint, articulation
articul/articulo- joint
–ary pertaining to
–asthenia weakness
–ation process
auri- ears (aural)
aut/auto- self, same
bi- two, both, twice, double
bio- life
blast/blasto- germ or bud
brachi/brachio- arm/ upper arm
brady- slow
bronch/bronchi- bronchus
burs/burso- bursa
carcin/carcino- cancer
cardi/cardio- heart, esophageal opening of stomach
–cele pouching, hernia
–centesis surgical puncture for aspiration
cephal/cephalo- head
chem/chemo- chemistry, drug
chlor/chloro- green
chol- bile
chondrio/chondro- cartilage, gristle, granule, granular
chrom/chromato- color
–cidal/cide killing, destroying
circum- around
cis- on this side
co- with, together, in association
col/colo/colono- colon
com- with, together
contra against
cor- with, together
costo ribs
coxa hip
crani/cranio- cranium, skull
cry/cryo- cold
cycl- circle, cycle
cyst/cysti/cysto- bladder or sac
cyt/cyto-/cyte cell
away from