Prefixes, M-O Flashcards
macr/macro- large, long
–malacia softening
mal- bad
mast/masto- breast
meg/mega- large
megal/megalo- large
–megaly large
melan/melano- black
mening/meningo- meninges
mes/meso- middle
meta- after, behind
–meter instrument for measuring
–metry process of measuring
micr/micro- smallness, one-millionth
mon/mono- single
morph/morpho- form, shape
muscul/musculo- muscle
my/myo- muscle
myc/myco- fungus
myel/myelo- bone marrow, spinal cord
myring/myringo- eardrum
myx/myxo- mucus
necr/necro- death
neo- new
nephr/nephro- kidney
neuro- nerve
normo- normal
oculo- eye
odont/odonto- tooth
odyn/odyno- pain
oesophago- (Britain) gullet
–oid resemblance to
olig/oligo- few, little
–oma tumor
–omata plural of -oma
onco- tumor, bulk, volume
onych/onycho- fingernail, toenail
oo-/ovo-/ovulo- egg, ovary
oophor/oophoro- ovary
ophthalmo- eye
orchio- testis
orth/ortho- straight, normal, correct
–osis a condition,disease or increase
osseo- bony
ossi- bone
ost/oste/osteo- bone
ot/oto- ear
–ous pertaining to
ovi/ovo- ovary
oxo- addition of oxygen
oxy- sharp, acid, acute, oxygen
large, long