Prefixes, I-L Flashcards
–ia/iasis condition
–iatrics treatment
iatr/iatro- treatment, physician
–iatry treatment
–ic pertaining to
–icle small
–ics organized knowledge, treatment
idio- self, one’s own
ileo- ileum
infra- below
inter- between, among
intra- within
irid/irido- iris
ischi/ischio- ischium
–ism condition, disease
–ismus spasm, contraction
is/o equal, like
–ist one who specializes in
–ite the nature of, resembling
–itis inflammation
–ium structure, tissue
karyo- nucleus
kerat/kerato- cornea (eye or skin)
kinesi/kinesio- movement
kino- movement
kyph/kypho- humped
lacrim/lacrimo- tear
lact/lacti/lacto- milk
laryng/laryngo- larynx
latero- lateral
lei/leio- smooth
–lepsis/lepsy seizure
lepto- light, slender
leuk/leuko- white
linguo- tongue
lip/lipo- fat
lith/litho- stone, calculus
log- speech
–logist one who specializes in study or treatment of
logo- speech
–logy study of
lymph/lympho- lymph
lys-/lyso-/ -lytic dissolution