Roosevelt's 'Big Stick' Foreign Policy Flashcards
Roosevelt’s Corollary
- Sanctioned US armed intervention in Latin America when it felt necessary to prevent financial/political collapse
- Latin American countries had to pay back American loans or US would invade to get their money back
- US would act like a world police force to protect Latin America from European powers
- Marked a significant shift in US foreign policy
- US didn’t know what to do with Cuba, e.g. independence or colony
- Platt Amendment (1901): gave US control of Cuba, limited Cuban sovereignty, gave US right to intervene in Cuban affairs and gave US certain naval bases in Cuba
- US made Cuba’s economy heavily reliant on the US
- Cuban sugar/tobacco were tied to US markets through preferential tariffs
- American businesses began to move into Cuba
- US forces left in 1902, returned in 1906, invaded in 1912 due to former slaves revolting
Panama Canal
- US supported building of a canal to connect Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
- 1881: French company, also built Suez Canal, began to build canal in Panama, stopped due to financial difficulties
- America took over, encouraged by Roosevelt
- Columbia demanded $15 million from US gov and $10 million from the New Panama Canal Company to build canal across Panama, Roosevelt refused to pay
- 1903: Panamanians revolt for independence from Columbian rule
- They achieved independence, accepted US offer of $10 million for 16km strip of land where canal would be built
- Completed in 1914
- Important country to US due to close proximity, Atlantic/Pacific canal site and high level of economic investment in the country
- US interests threatened by Nicaraguans anti-American president, Zelaya
- 1909: Zelaya cancelled economic privileges granted to US mining concerns
- President Taft sent marines to install a pro-American president, Adolfo Diaz
- Extended American influence by providing huge loans, in return, US controlled Nicaraguan National Bank
- Within 3 years, US sent troops again, position of Diaz threatened by revolution
- USA set up protectorate, occupied country for another 10 years
Dominican Republic
- 1903: DR defaulted on repayment of American loans worth $40 million
- Roosevelt was reluctant to invade over the issue
- Instead took control of DR’s customs revenue and used it to pay off their debt
- Roosevelt described it as his ‘big stick’ policy
‘Open Door’ China Policy
- 1899: ‘Open Door’ policy introduced, asked states to respect each others trading rights in China
- 1900: Boxer Rebellion - directed largely against foreigners, broke out in China
- US sent small number of troops to rescue foreign embassies in Peking (Beijing)
- At the same time, second ‘Open Door’ note released asserting the principle of equal and impartial trade in all parts of China
- Also asserted that in the future, US gov would protect the lives/properties of US citizens living in China
- US felt threatened by the growth of a large Japanese navy, as well their ambitions in China
- Threats increased when Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05)
- Roosevelt helped in negotiating the end of the war with the Treaty of New Hampshire, Japan given a free hand in Korea
- 1908: Root-Takahira Agreement signed, US keen to develop better relations with Japan
- Two countries agreed to respect each others interests in China
- ‘Open Door’ policy confirmed for US, in return, w/o consulting Koreans, gave Japan the ‘right’ to annex Korea