Rome and Christianity Study Guide: page 322-343 Flashcards
Who was Cicero?
He was a Roman philosopher and orator in the 70s BC, Rome who called on upperclass Romans to make Rome better. During this time Rome was really dangerous and in disorder.
Who was Julius Caesar?
A great Roman general conquered nearly all of Gaul, now France in 58-50 BC. He made an alliance with Pompey and Crassus that lasted 10 years and had many supporters. In 50 BC Pompeys allies wanted him to give up power, so he returned to Rome in 45 BC making himself dictator for life. In March 15, 44 BC, Senators in the government of Rome stabbed him to death.
Who was Pompey?
He was allied with Julius Caesar before Julius went to Gaul. In 50 BC his allies in the Senate ordered Caesar to give up command. Because of this Julius went to kill him and defeated him in 48 BC.
Who was Marc Antony?
Caesar’s former assistant. He teamed up with Octavian to punish those who killed Caesar. In 42 BC they defeated the killers. In 40 BC, he married Octavian’s sister Octavia. 8 years later he divorced her for Cleopatra, queen of Egypt. Because of this, in 31 BC Octavian sent a fleet to kill him. He committed suicide in Egypt with Cleopatra so they wouldn’t be captured by Octavian.
Who is Octavian(Augustus)?
He was Julius Caesar adopted son. He teamed up with Marc Antony to punish those who killed Caesar. In 42 BC they defeated the killers. After killing Antony, he gained limitless power and took the title princeps or first citizen. The Senate gave him the new name Augustus or “revered one”.
What is Pax Romana?
The first 200 years after Octavian became Augustus was considered a time of general peace. This time is called Pax Romana and lasted till AD 180s.
What is a Aqueduct?
A raised channel used to carry water from mountains into cities.
What are the Romance Languages?
These are the languages that were developed from Latin. They include Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian.
What is Civil Law?
This is a system inspired from Roman law. It is a legal system based on a written code of laws.
What is Christianity?
It is a religion based on the life and techings of the Jesus of Nazareth. It appeared at the beginning of first century AD in Judea. It was rooted in the ideas and teachings of Judaism but is a separate faith.
Who is the Jesus of Nazareth?
He was the creator/inspiration for Christianity and is considered the Jewish Messiah. Lived at beginning of first century AD.
What is the Messiah?
It means “Gods anointed one”. Jews believed that God would choose the Messiah to lead them.
What is Crucifixation?
A type of execution in which a person was nailed to a cross. Comes from Latin word for “Cross”.
What/Who are the Apostles?
These were 12 disciples whom Jesus chose to receive special training. They traveled widely talking about Jesus after the Resurrection. Some of them wrote about the accounts of his life and teachings which are the Gospels.
Who is Paul of Tarsus?
After Jesus’s death he traveled throughout the Roman world spreading Christian teachings. He also helped the Christian Church break away from Judaism.
Who is Constantine?
In the early 300’s, he became a Christian. Because he was the emperor he removed all bans on Christianity.
Who was Diocletian?
He became an emperor in the late 200s. He split the empire into the East and West. They were ruled separately.
Who was Attila?
He was a fearsome leader of the Huns who raided Roman territory in the East.
What is Corruption?
The decay of people’s values. This became widespread in the Roman government by 400’s.
Who is Justinian?
He was an eastern emperor who ruled from 527 to 565. He conquered many places and created a new legal system “Justinian’s Code” which helped keep fair treatment for all.
Who is Theodora?
In 532 an uprising threatened to drive Justinian from Constantinople but she, his wife, convinced Justinian to stay and fight the uprising. He won with her help.
What is the Byzantine Empire?
Historians call the society that developed in the Eastern Roman Empire this.