Greek and Roman World | pg: 256 & 317 Flashcards
Who was Cyrus the Great?
He lived from 585 - 529 BC, and he was a great ruler of the Persian Empire. He treated conquered people well, and told them they didn’t have to follow Persian customs.
What is a cavalry?
A unit of soldiers who ride horses
Who was Darius I
He was a Persian Emperor that divided the empire into 20 provinces and appointed satraps. He built many roads and created a new capital called Persepolis.
What are Satraps?
Another word for governor.
What were the Persian Wars?
A series of Wars/Invasions between Greece and Persia.
Who was Xerxes I?
He was the the son of Darius I. He tried to conquer Greece 10 years after his dad. He was a failure of a conqueror as he failed to conquer Greece.
What is Zoroastrianism
A Persian Religion that thought there were 2 forces (good and evil), fighting for control over the universe. Priests urged people to stay on the good side. This remained popular for many centuries.
What is an alliance?
An agreement to work together.
Ex) The Peloponnesian League
What was the Peloponnesian War?
The war between Athens and Sparta that threatened to tear all of Greece apart.
What is a phalanx?
A group of warriors who stood close together in a square.
Who was Phillip II?
A Macedonian king that conqured Greece, then passed his leadership to Alexander the Great.
Who was Alexander the Great?
The greatest conqeror, built an empire that united much of Europe, Asia, and Egypt. He wanted to push into India. He is a Macedonian coqueror
Who was Socrates
taught the Socratic method which was asking questions which angered and frightened people. Because of this was arrested and killed.
Who was Plato?
A student of Socrates and created a school to discuss ideas. Wrote the Republic which described his ideal society.
Who was Aristotle?
He was Plato’s student. Taught living life in moderation or balance. Believed moderation based on clear and ordered thinking
Who was Euclid?
Spent life studying math, especially geometry.
Who was Hippocrates?
Greek doctor know n for ideas about how doctors should behave.
Who was Archimedes?
Made great discoveries such as water screw which brought water to fields.
Difference betweeen Sparta and Athens?
Sparta girls had more right than Athenian. Athenian girls had basically nothing. Boys were treeted weein Athens but bad in Sparta.
Delian League?
Alliance between city-states of Greece.
What is the Peloponnesian League?
Sparta made this alliance.
Who was Aneas
Great Trojan leader. Aeneid made by Virgil talks about his trip to Italy.
Who was Romulus and Remus?
Romulus and Remus were brothers that were kidnapped. They then escaped, making a city plan for a celebration. They had an argument about the name, who should it be named after. Then, Romulus killed Remus, having the city named Rome
Who were the Etrucians?
Kings that ruled Rome, MOST were Etrucians. Etrucians made huge contributions to Rome. They were then overthrown by nobles, then not wanting to have a king, they created a republic.
What is a republic?
Romans created a republic in 509BC, which elected officials ran the government. They created terms so no one could become a dictator. Terms were 1 year long.
Who is Cininatus?
He was one of Rome’s famous dictator’s who quickly defeated his enemies and returned to farming long before his 6-month term was ended.
What are dictators?
Rulers with almost absolute power, to lead a city