Romans 1-3 Flashcards
What is the first choice that we have to make at the start of each day?
It’s the choice whether you want to be self-centers or God-centered
How does that choice impact the remainder of the day?
Choices always lead to consequences
who was the individual who acknowledged the authority of God, but did not find peace in following him?
Where did Paul speak to the people in Athens?
What were the people in Athens “religious” towards?
they were religious towards anything that was a new concept, they basically worshiped anything that had a concept behind it, anything new to their culture.
What is the lesson taught by Paul in the book of acts when speaking to the people in Athens?
God is authority whether you accept it or not, and your gonna live the consequence if you do or not
What is significant about acts 17:26?
Nothing is circumstantial, every moment has significance for you from God, therefore the opportunity to hear from God
What are the two invisible qualities that God has made plain to man so that they are without excuse?
Eternal power, and divine nature
what does the above mentioned phrase “without excuse “ refer to?
Acceptance of reality that God created everything
what does Romans, chapter 1 state that man exchanged the truth of God for?
Lies of self-centeredness
What does Romans, chapter 1 state that man exchanged the creator for?
for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles
How does Romans, 1:28 define what having a “depraved mind” is?
To choose no to retain the knowledge of God
What is the purpose of the Old Testament?
To tell of the coming messiah
what was nicodemus searching for?
he was searching for truth and wisdom
How did Jesus show love to nicodemus?
He tells The concept of being born again
What does it mean to be “born again”?
To choose to submit to the authority of God
What was the Samaritan woman “thirsty” for?
The Samaritan woman was thirsty for love
How did Jesus show love to the Samaritan woman?
He showed love by both introducing her to unlimited satisfaction and significance with life by seeing and believing in the messiah. He also showed love by actually meeting her there at the well, because he went out of his way to get there to meet the Samaritan women
How did John the Baptist display An example of leadership?
He displayed a example of leadership by both humbling himself and doing what God sent him in this world to do which was mainly point out who the messiah is, and do the Jewish leaders job in the first place which was exactly that
How did the Jewish leaders fail to display an example of leadership?
they failed to display a example of leadership by only following to gain more societal status, more power in the laws they keep. They were more focused on who’s better then who, rather then focusing on the upcoming messiah
What is significant about the teaching in Romans, and the gospels to “ not seek praises from man”?
because man’s praise is based off of a “who’s better” mentality,
Peoples praises are manipulative
What lesson does Paul teach in Romans regarding what happens when you judge others?
Your judging yourself
Why does Paul state in Romans 2:24 that “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you?
Because he is basically saying that you have to judge and talk to people out of love not out of hatred and anger, people wouldn’t want to be a Christian if they think your one if you act in a negative way.
When tempting Jesus to turn the stone to bread, what appeal to emotion was the devil using as temptation?
he is mocking Jesus trying to get him to act in a prideful way
When the devil used scripture verses to tempt Jesus to throw himself down from the temple, what emotional ploy was the devil using as temptation?
the emotional ploy was that he want him to test God, he uses scripture to try to manipulate to get what he wants,
When the devil offered Jesus all the kingdoms world and their splendor if Jesus would bow down to him in worship, what appeal to emotion was the devil using as temptation?
he is flattering Jesus, he is trying to appeal to his greed
What was Pilate’s job?
He was a Roman governor for Jerusalem
Did Pilate believe that Jesus was an innocent man?
yes he did
Who did Jesus say was primarily responsible for his death?
The Jewish leaders
What did Jesus say was His purpose of being sent to Earth?
To testify to the truth
What did Pilate believe about truth?
There isn’t one absolute truth that applies to all
What is the problem with the statement “there is no such thing as absolute truth”?
that you are saying that there is a absolute truth That there is no absolute truth
What was the primary motivation of the Jewish leaders?
To gain prestige, power, and wealth
Who did Pilate agree to give Jesus’ body to?
Joseph of armathia
Which Jewish leader clearly believed Jesus was the Messiah, based upon the evidence of his presence at claiming Jesus’ body?
What was Pilate’s primary motivation to set Jesus free?
He didn’t want to deal with a problem
Who warned Pilate not to have anything to do with Jesus?
His wife