Roman Identification Flashcards
obv - (Imperial type) bearded emperor
obv - radiate crown
often DOUBLE denomination and indicates somewhat divine status of the wearer
obv - cloth headband, laurel wreath
obv - shows toga
obv - shows military dress
obv - janiform unbearded men
dioscuri dridrachm
obv - cista mystica
legend - PP
pater patriae
legend - TRP
tribunician potestas tribunician power - republican position that afforded the indiv special privledges incl sancrosicity. Emperor used to get access to these and designate a successor.
legend - IMP
legend - AUG
augustus (title)
legend - PM
pontifex maximus
legend - CO + number
consul + how many TIMES position was held
legend - P
legend - F
legend - country name + ‘us’ ending
emp. pictured defeated that country
legend - Q. (after a name)
legend - EX SC
‘consulted by the senate’ i.e. permission from the senate
legend - IIIVIR
tresviri, roman moneyer
rev - horse
rev - SC
senatus consultus, by decree of the senate
rev - XXI
antoniniani value mark meaning 20:1 (bronze:silver) as a result of aurelian reform that made composition 5% Ag
rev - X
early denarius value mark
rev - V
early quinarius value mark
rev - SII
early sestertius value mark
rev - clasped hands
rev - globe
original - global power/roman ppl. later - expansionism and imperial power
rev - axe
pietas (piety)
rev - umbrella like stick
fasces (rods of office), symbol of constitutionality
rev - caduceus (snake headed, winged staff)
Attribute of Mercury, represented felicitas
rev - club
mint mark of Rome
bronze rev - ship’s prow
roman as
legend - IIIVIR
rev - wheat stalks