Greek Identification Flashcards
obv - turtle
obv - seal
obv - varying types (with simple rev punches)
Athens’ Wappenmünzen, 550-25
obv - gorgon
Athens Goegoneia series 525-15
obv - unwreathed helmeted Athena
unwreathed owls 515-480
obv - Pegasus
Corinth, or associated ally (indicated by ethnic)
obv - bull
obv - lion head
obv - ear of corn
obv - pointy beard soldier on horse
Tarsus (Persian type)
obv - Wreathed Athena, full profile eye, and classical helmet décor
athenian owl early 4th century BC
obv - Wreathed Athena, full profile eye, and pi-style helmet
mid to late 4th century BC
obv - cockerel
obv - griffin
obv - lion scalp
obv - celery leaf
obv - quadriga
Syracuse / early Rome
obv - mule driven cart
for Anaxilas’ games victory at RHEGIUM
obv - head of Dionysus
Naxos (Sic. Island)
obv - Satyr head
Aetna (town on the volcano’s slopes)
obv - dolphin in sickle shaped harbour
legend - ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ
‘king’, Macedonian/Eastern leader
rev - 2 small square punches, one central rectangle punch
Early Lydo-Milesian standard
rev - incuse square with random lines
zig-zag pattern
rev - four smaller incuse squares
window pattern, North Aegean
rev - window with extra diagonal split
large skew pattern
rev - X like punch
wheel pattern
rev - union jack (last development incuse punch
Aegina or Corinth
rev - facing owl but NO olive sprig or crescent moon
pre-persian war owls
rev - Facing owl, leaves, and crescent moon + ethnic starting at head
classical and early 4th century owls
rev - crab
rev - prow of Samian galley
Samians at Zancle
rev - basic drawing of magnifying glass
Corinth (ethnic = archaic kappa)
rev - three legs in rotation
triskeles, originally of Aspendos
rev - galloping hare
Rhegium = origin
rev - bunch of grapes
Naxos (Sic. Island)
rev - detailed image (eg. alongside eagle on pine tree) of reclining Zeus Aitanos
rev - shell in geometric pattern
early Zancle