Greek Monetary History Flashcards
Croesus’ Reign, thus period in which bimetallism was established.
c.560-46 BC
darics and zigloi start to be minted
c.510 BC
Period in which coin was invented in the Greek World
650-25 BC
Start of Greek minting at Aegina (‘first’ Greek mint)
c.555/550 BC
Start of Wappenmunzen
c.550 BC
Start of Gorgoneia coins at Athens
c.525 BC
Start of unwreathed owls
c.515 BC
Blacksmith’s Owls (low quality, result of ‘frenzied’ minting)
c.480 BC
Start of minting at Corinth
c.530 BC
Start of minting in South Italy
c.530 BC
Period of most notable spread of coinage in Greece.
550-500 BC
Period Athens depended on emergency bronze and gold coins due to Peloponnesian conflict
407-04 BC
Approximate date of Thorikos Hoard
Early 3rd century BC
date of Colophon Hoard
c.500 BC
Battle of Eurymedon, acquisition of much booty fromPersians
466 BC
Start of Athens’ minting AFTER persian war / ‘Wreathed’ Owls
c.478 BC
New temporary minting of Athenian decadrachms
End of Athenian decadrachms
Start of Standardized/Conventionalized silver coinage of Athens and ‘immobilized designs’
End of Standardized/Conventionalized silver coinage of Athens
c.405 BC
Period of Athenian ‘immobilized designs’
450s - 295 BC
Period of allied states’ mints closing under Athenian influence
c.500-445 BC
3 Possible dates for Athenian Decree on Coinage, Weights, and Measures
450 / mid-420s / 414 BC
By when had Macedonia had numerous silver mints w some electrum
c.500 BC
Time around when ALEXANDROU (for Alexander I) legend appeared on Macedonian coins
470s BC
Period of minting of debased staters by Macedonian mints
late 5th - 4th cent
Reign of Philip II
Victory of Philip’s horses at Olympic Games
356 BC
Victory of Philip’s racing chariot at Olympic Games
Start of early phase of Philip’s tetradrachms
post-356 BC
2 dates of start of Philip’s gold coins
c.352 / c.345 BC
2 dates for start of AtG’s silver and gold coins
336/5 / post-333 BC
Battle of Issus (defeat of Darius III) for AtG
333 BC
approximate ‘eagle tetradrachm’ minting period
early in AtG’s reign
Minting of Poros Medallion
c.326 BC
Demanhur Hoard (signif: shows circ after AtG died) buried
c.318/7 BC
First appearance of ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on coins of AtG
c.329 BC
start of small change minting in sicily (specif. Acragas)
c.450 BC
since when had eas rude been minted in S Italy
12th cent BC
since when had eas signatum (stamped bronze) been minted in S Italy
6th cent BC
When did Sybaris (later Thurium)start minting coins?
c.446 BC
When was Sybaris renamed to Thurium?
443 BC
In what century were bronze coins first minted in Black Sea region (specif. Olbia)?
5th cent BC