Roman History Flashcards
Where did the Romans defeat Pyrrhus of Epirus in 275 B. C. ?
Who infamously disrupted the sacred rites of the Bona Dea in 62 B. C. ?
Clodius Pulcher
Which emperor of Rome demanded to be called Dominus et Deus?
Which of these men did NOT rule in the year 238 A. D. ?
A. Decius B. Gordian II C. Maximinus Thrax D. Pupienus
A. Decius
The emperor Titus carried on an unpopular affair with which Jewish woman?
What elderly senator was selected to replace Domitian in 96 A. D. ?
Where did the emperor Augustus die in 14 A. D. ?
Which general was called Rome’s second founder?
Which of the following generals survived the disaster at Cannae in 216 B. C. ?
Which king established a cult to Diana on the Aventine?
Servius Tullius
Where did Caesar defeat Pharnaces II of Pontus in 47 B. C. ?
In what year did Marius and Lutatius Catulus defeat the Cimbri at Vercellae?
101 B. C
What emperor’s misrule was helped by the use of secret police called frumentarii?
To what city in modern day Croatia did Diocletian retire in A. D. 305?
Where did Acilius Glabrio win a battle against Antiochus III in 191 B. C. ?
Which emperor completed the wall which was begun by Aurelian?
What Numidian king allied himself with Hannibal against the Romans?
Which of the following was NOT a child of Agrippa and Julia the Elder?
A. C. Caesar B. Agrippa Postumus C. Julia the Younger D. Agrippina the Younger
D. Agrippina the Younger
Who defeated the Samnites at Colline Gate in 82 B. C. ?
What general died after he fell from his horse in 9 B. C. ?
What general quelled the revolt of Bar Kochba in Jersusalem in A. D. 135?
Julius Severus
Where in Africa was the emperor Septimius Severus born?
Leptis Magna
Who was the first Plebeian to hold the office of dictator?
C. Marcius Rutilus
At which of the following sites did a P. Decius Mus NOT commit devotio?
A. Heraclea B. Asculum C. Sentinum D. Mt. Vesuvius
A. Heraclea
What emperor issued the Constitutio Antoniniana which granted citizenship to all freedmen?
In what year was the First Mithridatic War concluded by the Treaty of Dardanus?
85 B. C
What Numidian chieftian was defeated by Cornelius Dollabella in A. D. 24?
Who, the agent of king Pyrrhus of Epirus, called the Roman Senate an “assembly of kings”?
What general led the invasion of Britain under Claudius in A. D. 43?
A. Plautius
What consul of 195 B. C. was sent to Spain to take command against the Celtiberians and Turdetani?
M. Porcius Cato
Whose cult, which involved a ritual baptism with the blood of a bull, became popular with Roman soldiers?
Which king of Rome established the fetiales and drained the salt marshes at Ostia?
Ancus Marcius
Where did Scipio, the future Africanus, earn his final victory in Spain in 206 B. C. ?
What wife of Trajan played a critical role in the ascension of Hadrian?
What Spanish city did Scipio Aemilianus starve into submission in 133 B. C. ?
What battle of A. D. 324 ultimately decided the war between Constantine and Licinius?
What law of 59 B. C. secured Caesar’s governorship of both Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum?
lex Vatinia
Which general under Domitian defeated the Caledonians at Mons Graupius?
Which general who fought for Caesar was defeated and killed in the Bagradas Valley in 49 B. C. ?
Who was the mother of the emperor born as Bassianus?
Julia Soaemias
How many times was Julius Caesar elected consul?
Which member of the Praetorian Guard assassinated Caligula in A. D. 41?
Cassius Chaerea
Who revolted against Sulla’s restoration government and was defeated at the Milvian Bridge?
Whom did the Senate declare joint emperors in A. D. 238?
Pupienus & Balbinus
Who convinced the Plebeians to return to the city with his parable of the “belly and the limbs”?
Menenius Agrippa
Where was the emperor Augustus born?
Who was the victorious admiral at the battle of Mylae in 260 B. C. ?
Who was Rome’s third consul?
Valerius Publicola
To what city did Honorius move the capital of the Roman Empire?
Which notorious Prefect under Commodus sold 25 consulships in one day?
Who was killed by her brother at the Capena Gate for weeping over her dead fiancé?
Who succeeded Valentinian III as emperor in the West in A. D. 455?
Petronius Maximus
What chieftain of the Cherusci defeated three Roman legions at Teutoberg Forest in A. D. 9?
Who was the king of the Dacians during the time of Julius Caesar?
What Mauretanian emperor elevated his son Diadumenianus to the rank of Caesar?
In what year did Constantius Chlorus, the father of Constantine, die at Eboracum?
From the years 444-367 B. C. , what office was not held in Rome?
Stilicho defeated Alaric in two consecutive battles at Pollentia and
What general sacked Athens in 86 B. C. ?
What emperor died while fighting the Parthians in A. D. 363?
Against what enemy were the Fabii nearly annihilated at the Cremara rivulet c. 475 B. C. ?
What Roman colony built in 328 B. C. disallowed the Samnites from entering the Liris Valley and cut them off
from the western seaboard?
What member of the original tetrarchy was said to have been descended from Claudius Gothicus?
Constantius Chlorus
What was the age of Tiberius when he died in 37 A. D. ?
What famous jurist served as praetorian prefect during the reign of Alexander Severus?
What battle of 171 B. C. began the Third Macedonian War with Perseus?
What Carthaginian leader in the Second Punic War died on a voyage back home from Genua in 205 B. C. ?
Mago Barca
Where did the Second Triumvirate meet in 39 B. C. to negotiate with Sextus Pompey?
Who created an independent imperium Galliarum in A. D. 260?
What two provinces were assigned to Brutus and Cassius in 44 B. C. ?
Crete & Cyrene
What emperor made a bonfire in the Forum of records of some 900 million sesterces’ worth of such debts owed
to the fiscus?
A battle fought at Naraggara is more commonly known to us at what?
What city was sacked by Gaiseric and the Vandals in 439 A. D. ?
What consul of 290 B. C. concluded Rome’s conflict with the Samnites?
Curius Dentatus
What emperor required all citizens to carry around libelli, documents which proved their allegiance to the pagan
In what city was Pyrrhus of Epirus killed in 272 B. C. when someone dropped a tile on his head?
What slave on Sicily called himself King Tryphon?
Where were the Goths defeated in 269 A. D. by Claudius Gothicus?
What king of Alba Longa ruled in the time of Tullus Hostilius?
Gaius Cluilius
What island was cleared of pirates by Q. Metellus from 68-67 B. C. ?
What praetorian prefect was executed by Commodus on an unfounded charge of treason in 185 B. C. ?
Tarquinius Superbus secured the aid of Lars Porsenna after what indecisive battle against Rome?
Silva Arsia
What emperor built the world’s first university in Constantinople?
During which emperor’s reign was the Parthian capital Ctesiphon sacked?
Septimius Severus’
What battle of 305/304 B. C. concluded the Second Samnite War?
What emperor was defeated and killed at Aquilea by one of his own family members?
Constantine I
What Carthaginian admiral defeated the Romans at Cape Passaro in 249 B. C. ?
What man from Aricia was put to death for speaking out against Tarquinius Superbus?
Turnus Herdonius
What emperor formally renounced the title of Pontifex Maximus?
Which of the following emperors was the half-brother of his predecessor?
What Gallic tribe did NOT fight with the Romans during Caesar’s campaign?
A. Morini B. Remi C. Menapii D. Ambiani
B. Remi
In what year was the denarius first introduced into Roman currency?
212 B. C
What governor of Britain reconstructed Hadrian’s Wall from 205 to 207 A. D. ?
Lucius Senecio
Who became proconsul of Cilicia in 96 B. C. ?
What tribune increased the power of the Tribal Assembly in religious matters after a Vestal Virgin was struck by
lightning in 114 B. C. ?
Sex. Peducaeus
What king of Armenia was deposed by Trajan in 114 A. D. ?
What general of Marc Antony recaptured Jerusalem from the Parthians in 37 B. C. ?
Gaius Sosius
In what city did Maximinus Daia meet his death having been defeated several times by his eastern rival Licinius?
What former governor of Egypt became the first ever praefectus annonae?
C. Turranius
Which of the following is the correct sequence of emperors who ruled in the West from 461 to 474 A. D. ?
Severus III, Anthemius, Olybrius, Glycerius