Classical Art Flashcards
Who sculpted Athena Parthenos?
Who sculpted Athena Promachos?
Who sculpted Zeus at Olympia?
Who sculpted Discobolus?
The triangular section of a Greek temple, above the entablature, is called the
Praxiteles is most well known for his sculpture of which divinity?
Which of these shapes of pottery has the same use as a kylix?
The metopes of the treasury of Athens at Delphi depict what three things?
- Theseus and the Minotaur
- Theseus and Sciron
- Herakles and the Nemean Lion
What stories are depicted on the Francois vase?
- Calydonian boar hunt
- Theseus and Ariadne
- Centaurs and Lapiths
Which painter signed the François Vase?
Where in Greece can you find the omphalos?
What archaeologist discovered the ruins of Mycenae?
Heinrich Schliemann
The palace of Knossos can be found on what island?
The “Treasury of Atreus” near Mycenae is actually a
Minoan goddess figures found on Crete are often depicted with what creature?
The people of Naxos dedicated a sculpture of which creature to Apollo at Delphi?
the Sphinx
The most famous temple at Ephesus was dedicated to whom?
A large statue of Helios, near the harbor, was located on which Greek island?
Archaeologists discovered a workshop belonging to Phidias in what city?
Most of the evidence of Etruscan art comes from
The typical Etruscan style of pottery, with a shiny black finish and etching, is referred to as
A famous Etruscan statue, found at a temple in Veii, depicts which god?
Which of these is a unique feature found on many Etruscan sarcophogi?
embracing couples
What are three typical themes of Etruscan wall paintings?
- Trojan war
- banqueting
- athletic competition
A massive sanctuary to which goddess, is found at Praeneste (ancient Palestrina)?
The earliest wall around the city of Rome is ascribed to which king?
Servius Tullius
What early event facilitated the development of the Forum Romanum?
construction of the Cloaca Maxima
A temple dedicated to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva is referred to by what name?
What is the typical design seen in the “First” Pompeian style of wall painting?
imitation marble
The Forum of Augustus is anchored by a temple dedicated to which divinity?
Mars Ultor
In which house of Pompeii was the famous “Alexander at Issus” mosaic found?
House of the Faun
What is the theme of the famous fresco found in the Villa of Livia at Prima Porta?
garden scene
In what city can you find the Maison Carrée, one of the best preserved Roman temples in France?
The Portland Vase is an example of what type of Roman art?
cameo glass
The punishment of Tarpeia is depicted on a frieze from which of these buildings?
Basilica Aemilia
The procession on the Ara Pacis of Augustus is meant to mimic a similar procession found on the
What is the theme of the sarcophagus of Portonaccio, now found at the Palazzo Massimo in Rome?
battle scene
What three things were constructed to honor Marcus Aurelius?
- column in Rome
- bronze statue in Rome
- triumphal arch in Libya
What is a unique feature of the Arch of Constantine in Rome?
sculptures taken from other monuments
What favorite of Hadrian was often depicted in sculptures as Bacchus, Silvanus, or Osiris?
What is the Latin term for the pieces that make up a mosaic?
What kind of column has volutes?
Chryselephantine sculptures consist of what two materials?
gold and ivory
If a column is said to be “engaged”, what does this mean?
embedded into a wall
Which of these terms is most associated with ancient gem carving?
What painting technique, using heated wax as a coloring and sealing medium, is seen in the Fayum
If a sculpture is carved from porphyry, what is most likely true about the subject?
member of imperial family
What is the term for ornaments at the apex of the gable and at the corners of the roof of a temple?
In Roman art, what is typically found on a spandrel?
winged Victory
What is the term for a sculpture with a head, and perhaps a torso, above a plain, usually squared lower
What is the marker of the Corinthian order of architecture?
acanthus leaves