Latin Lit Flashcards
Q. Ennius
Institutio Oratoria
Asinus Aureus
Noctes Atticae
Aulus Gellius
Cato the Elder
Marcus Aurelius
Seneca the Younger
What author translated the Odyssey into Latin and is considered the “Father of Latin Literature”?
Livius Andronicus
What elegiac poet wrote a collection of 117 poems dedicated to Cornelius Nepos?
What author wrote Book VIII of the De Bello Gallico?
What six book didactic work by Lucretius explains Epicurean philosophy to a Roman audience?
De Rerum Natura
What author wrote the works Bellum Catilinae and Bellum Iugurthinum?
Which of the following is NOT a work by Ovid?
A. Amores B. Ars Amatoria C. Heroides D. Georgics
D. Georgics
What late-Latin author was considered the “Christian Cicero”?
The Punica, considered to be the worst poem in Latin literature, was written by what Silver Age author?
Silius Italicus
Which of the following was NOT a work by Tacitus?
A. Historiae B. Agricola C. Germania D. Sermones
D. Sermones
What author defended himself against witchcraft in his Apologia?
What work by Statius contains 32 poems in 5 books including the “Hymn to Sleep”?
What is the term for the fusion of two Greek plays into one in Latin, a constant critique of Terence?
Which of the following was NOT part of the ‘Triumvirate’ that conspired to rule all of Gaul in Caesar’s De
Bello Gallico?
What Roman author feuded with the Metelli and wrote the praetextae Lupus and Clastidium?
Gnaeus Naevius
What elegiac poet wrote “ave atque vale” in a poem about visiting his brother’s tomb in Bithynia?
What author born around 180 BCE wrote 30 books of Satire?
In which of Juvenal’s Satires does he deliver a rant against women?
What elegiac poet, most of whose lines are lost, was addressed in Vergil’s tenth Eclogue?
Which of the following did NOT write fabulae togatae?
A. Afranius B. Pacuvius C. Atta D. Titinius
B. Pacuvius
In what speech of Cicero does he defend the status and citizenship of a Greek poet?
Pro Archia
What is the oldest extant prose work in Latin?
De Agricultura
What author wrote a three-volume universal history of the world?
Cornelius Nepos
Who wrote De Architectura?
What author wrote a 10-book work of cooking recipes entitled “De Coquendo” or “De Re Coquinaria”?
What Silver Age author, who died at age 25, wrote lost works including De Incendio Urbis and the
What Roman author was librarian under Trajan and Hadrian and wrote a De Viris Illustribus?
Which of the following plays of Plautus has no speaking roles for women?
Which of the following places is not mentioned in Vergil’s epitaph?
A. Calabri B. Mantua C. Parthenope D. Verona
D. Verona
Which of the following is NOT an example of Menippean Satire?
A. Apocolocyntosis B. Thebaid C. Consolatio Philosophiae D. Satyricon
B. Thebaid
What rival does Terence bash in the prologue of his Eunuchus?
What late Republic author wrote a 2-book grammatical treatise entitled De Analogia?
Julius Caesar
What author, a Greek brought to Rome, wrote a 40-book history recounting the period between the First
Punic War and the sack of Carthage?
“Carpe diem” and “aurea mediocritas” are both phrases coined by what author?
What, according to Apuleius, was the real name of Propertius’ Cynthia?
What author famously claimed that, “Satura tota nostra est” or “satire is wholly Roman”?
What poem of Catullus contains the marriage of Peleus and Thetis and Theseus’ abandonment of Ariadne?
What play of Terence failed to hold the audience in its first two showings of 165 and 160 BCE, until it was
finally presented successfully on its third attempt?
What author was considered by Cicero to be Rome’s best tragedian?
What work in the “Appendix Vergiliana” is the source of the phrase e pluribus unum?
What work of Plautus is based on the mistaken identity of two twins and is the source for Shakespeare’s
Comedy of Errors?
Who are the first and last men, respectively, covered by Suetonius in his De Vita Caesarum?
J. Caesar - Domitian
In which work is the story of Cupid and Psyche recounted?
Asinus Aureus
Messala Corvinus was the literary patron to which of the following?
In the corpus of what elegiac poet were the works of Lygdamus and Sulpicia the Younger included?
In what Book of Caesar’s De Bello Gallico does Caesar defeat Vercingetorix?
What two books of Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita are completely missing Periochae?
136 & 137
What first-century AD author wrote the Argonautica, modeled off of Apollonius of Rhodes?
Valerius Flacchus
What Latin author wrote De Lingua Latina and Antiquitates Rerum Humanarum et Divinarum?
What late-historian wrote a 31-book work chronicling the emperors from Nerva to Valens?
Ammianus Marcellinus
What late Latin author wrote the Saturnalia and a commentary on Cicero’s Somnium Scipionis?
In what book of Vergil’s Aeneid does Aeneas meet the Sibyl of Cumae and travel through the Underworld?
Who speaks the following line from Vergil’s Aeneid: “Agnosco veteris vestigia flammae”?
Naturales Quaestiones
Lucilius Junior
Naturalis Historia
De Rerum Natura
Gaius Memmius
What orator, known for his Asiatic style, did Cicero defeat in his case In Verrem?
Hortensius Hortalus
What poet was exiled to Tomi by the emperor Augustus for his supposed, “carmen et error”?
The Widow of Ephesus and Cena Trimalchionis are both sections from what work?
What author was consul in A. D. 100 and delivered the Panegyricus Traiani in the same year?
Pliny the Younger
What author wrote twelve books of epigrams?
What author wrote six books of satire?
What early Roman author wrote the fabula praetexta Ambracia, tracing the campaigns of his friend Fulvius
Q. Ennius
What late Latin author, a follower of Manichaeism before his conversion to Christianity, wrote the 22-book
work De Civitate Dei?
Decimus Laberius and Publilius Syrus were both writers of what genre?
What work of Vergil based on Hesiod’s Works and Days includes the story of Aristaeus and the bees?
Who was the teacher of Horace, whom he called ‘plagosus’ because of his floggings?
What work, written by Augustus, begins with the words, “Annos undeviginti natus exercitum”?
Res Gestae
What author translated the Bible into Latin and wrote a De Viris Illustribus?
Who wrote the early Christian dialogue Octavius?
Minucius Felix
What author, the court poet of Honorius, wrote the epic De Raptu Proserpinae and a Gigantomachia?
What author wrote the nine-book collection Facta et Dicta Memorabilia?
Valerius Maximus
Who author wrote the oratorical works Controversiae and Suasoriae?
Seneca the Elder
What author of the early empire was considered the “Roman Aesop”?
What first century historian wrote a ten-book work on Alexander the Great?
Curtius Rufus
Which of the following was NOT cited as a main source by Livy in his Ab Urbe Condita?
Q. Ennius
The history of what Roman historian, who lived during the reign of Tiberius, did Pliny the Elder complete in
his Bellum Germanicum?
Aufidius Bassus
What author was the tutor of Marcus Aurelius and often exchanged letters with him?
The earliest inscription of Latin, reading “Manios me fhefhaked Numasioi,” was found on what artifact?
Praeneste Fibula
What 4th Century AD historian wrote the Caesares, a brief history chronicling the emperors from Augustus
to Constantius II?
Aurelius Victor
What Roman author during the reign of Tiberius wrote a vast encyclopedic treatise of six artes, including
medicine, oratory, and philosophy?
What teacher taught oratory to both Julius Caesar and Cicero?
Molon of Rhodes
What Latin playwright, considered the best of all by Volcacius Sedigitus, wrote the Plocium and Synephebi?
Caecilius Statius
Who, according to Suetonius, was the first professor to lecture on Vergil and other poets, in around 26
Caecilius Epirota
“Arma gravi numero violentaque bella parabam”
Amores by Ovid
“Quot homines, tot sententiae”
“Iam primum omnium satis constat”
Ab Urbe Condita
“Rem publicam, Quirītēs, vitamque omnium vestrum…vidētis”
3rd Catilinarian
“Phoebe silvārumque potēns Diāna”
Carmen Saeculare
“Iuvenile vitium est regere non posse impetum”
Seneca the Younger