Roman Empire and Carthage Flashcards
when does Polybius write and what does it cover?
polybius writes in second half of of 2nd century BCE, covered 264-146.
his books are fragmented and some lost
which significant did Polybius witness?
the destruction of Carthage
when does Livy write?
Livy writes early 1st century AD and uses earlier sources, covering 753-9 BCE
what was the first punic war, where did it mainly occur?
lasted from 264-241 BCE and was mainly a naval war and resulted in Carthaginian defeat
how did the first punic war end?
241, Treaty of Lutatius, Carthage must evacuate Sicily, free roman prisoner and pay Rome 3200 silver
when was second punic war?
lasted from 218-201 BCE, the roman lost a disastrous amount of men
How did the second punic war end?
Hannibal was defeated in 202 and a treaty was signed with Carthage in 201 which reduced its land and its military power. prevented Carthage from waging war without Rome’s permission
when was the third punic war?
lasted from 149-146 BCE
how did the Third Punic war end?
146, romans destroy the city of Corinth and Carthage
what were some of the effects of Roman conquest on society?
the influx of artwork, exposure to greek literature and artistic culture was embraced
what was some of the economic benefits of roman conquest?
massive amounts of wealth seized from wars allowed for roman citizens to be exempt from taxation in 167BCE
How did Cato the Elder criticise the influence of greek society?
what is the argument against this?
criticised greek influence on culture and the corrupting influence on traditional roman behaviour
however this was an invention of his own, as their was no sense of identity among romans
what did Cato the Elders writing suggest about roman institutions?
They had worked better in the recent past and the roman elite agreed their hegemonic status in the world through the destruction of Carthage
what was the African boom?
period of economic prosperity in 2nd century AD, massive surge in African exports
what is the evidence of impact of the African boom across the Mediterranean?
initially trade heads to Italy and Rome then spreads to rest of Med.
amphorae, fine ware and cookware in central Med
what was the impact on Carthage of African boom?
Carthage grows to 2nd largest city in western empire after Rome
what was traveling with the pottery in trade across the Mediterranean?
olive oil, fish sauce, wine, grain, textiles
what was Rome’s initial influence in France?
entry into France was initially through trade but was followed by military conquest and imperial administration
what was the social and cultural influence of romans in France?
domination in southern France resulted in change in language and eradication of native language replaced with latin and the restructure of landscapes with monuments and structures
when did Italian Imports begin to flow through France significantly? what was being exported?
3rd c. BCE Italian imports flowed through region at unseen rate, wine in amphoras imported into France and the rest of Gaul
how many amphoras are estimated to be imported into French province?
55-65 million amphoras of wine imported into gaul through 1st century of roman occupation
what was pre-roman trade like in the mediterranean?
ship wreaks have shown pre roman trade was more mixed cargo with punic amphoras and fine ware, small scale operation by merchants
what was significance of coinage in mediterranean France?
there was no significant evidence of monetary circulation until 2nd c. BCE under roman control
what was the significance of roman coinage in France?
coins had been distributed enough to form monetary economy after a generation of distribution.
The range of coins was extremely diverse including from Rome, Iberia and Rhodes