fascism Flashcards
what are some of the basic features of fascism?
vague political term, idealist, new secular culture, new nationalist and authoritarian based, willing to use violence and desire for empire and expansion.
fascism seeks new ideas
what is the organisation of fascism?
mass mobilisation and militarisation, use of symbols and emotional aspects, masculine principle of male dominance and organic view of society
what are the disputed origins of fascism?
is it product of modernity and war.
prolonged war, coercive state to maintain control, defeat and humiliation. also modern tech and influence of modern science e.g social darwinism
what was the context for the founding of Italian fascism?
the end of ww1 saw increase in strikes and gender relations, peace treaty created idea of mutilated victory, there was instability in government.
when did Mussolini found his fascist party?
founded party in 1919 preaching nationalism and republicanism, in 1921 becomes PNZ
how did Mussolini’s fascist party increase in size?
by 1923 had 250,000 members from people tired of strikes and instability
when did Mussolini become PM and what effect did it have on nation?
becomes PM in 1922, by 1925 freedom of press and democratic elections banned and fascist violence subsides, during 1930s ride for war was seen as healthy for the nation
what was were the causes of rise to power of fascism in Germany?
after the humiliation of ww1 and the treaty of Versailles, many germans felt angry as the country was hurting. the spread of socialism and the 1929 wall st crash caused unemployment, people looked towards a solution
what was Nazism focused on?
mostly focused on racial hatred, but hitler wanted to expand German living space, and purging nation of political enemies
to what extent were people supportive of these regimes?
in Italy debate in 1974 found that the idea of anti-fascism was absent at the time
during the 1990s in Germany it was believed that people were scared into submission by gestapo, but they actually had fewer resources and people felt secure under hitler
how successful was fascist movement in Hungary?
had large number of fascist supporters and due to large losses and spread of communism post ww1. the country had high unemployment and antisemitism led by Horthy. however didnt spread far as it was prevented by government as fascism needs political freedom
how successful was fascism in spain?
spain was frequently called fascist, but were political insignificance during 1920s-30s, it had form of weak nationalism, weakness of secularisation and had strong church, spain had strong left wing movement. post civil war spain was semi fascist
what was the legion of archangel Michael?
romainian facsist party and was 3rd largest in Europe. it was different to others as it had aspects of religious mysticism, death cults, extreme anti semitic and strange rituals
how successful was the fascist movement in Romania?
had 200k members by 1937 but were halted by by king carol ii
why did fascism fail in France?
france was protected by established notion of state and was ww1 victor, they faced less problems and right wing groups didn’t have wide following
why did fascism fail in Britain?
Britain had no problem with nationalism, had prosperous economy and well educated, had constitution parliament. its fascist party leader was imprisoned
what was the turning point in nazisim and start of denazification?
1943, as hitler was on the defensive and dead in 1945, Mussolini also dead, after war popular opinion was execution for nazi leaders, but Roosevelt supported putting them on trial.
what was the process of denazification?
high ranking nazis placed on trial by international military tribunal for crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. this took a while to set up
what were some of the issues with the process of denazification?
it took time to set up such a large trial and many nazis fled to nations that were sympathetic towards them such as Argentina. the German army would not be tried as they were supposedly not responsible
what were some of the outcomes of Nuremberg trials?
adolf Eichman trial in 1961 resulted in his execution, many evaded justice e.g Hess and Goering killed themselves and others got mild punishments and later released from prison
what was structural denazification?
ridding this who influenced nazism from professions, many former nazis were given high level jobs as reformed nazis such as Hans Globke became chief of staff to west Germany
how was Neo-fascism halted Germany?
germany saw small springs of Neo-fascism but to lesser degree than Italy, they were banned early on or split up into other groups
what are some of the key aspects of Neo-fascism?
historical revisionism, holocaust denial and antisemitism
international focus and use of nostalgia of pre-war fascism, use of violence and nazi symbols with focus on race and resentment
what relationship did Neo-facsists have with other nations in the Cold War?
there were havens for nazis escaping justice such as Franco Spain and Belgium, its role during the Cold War was collaborating with other right wingers to destabilise communist govts
what were some of the acts Neo-fascist groups performed during Cold War?
some groups committed terror acts in Italy against Aldo Morro govt in 1960s-70s, however these groups not strong enough on their own bur needed alliances
what was the effect post 1945 europe had on fascism?
post war fascism was weakened but was not dead as still had small groups performing act and operating within other organisations. and neo fascism survived through dictators in Europe
what was the fascist influence on Portugal?
never allied to European fascism like spain was, it lasted from 1929-1974 led by Salazar.
it had fascist elements such as youth movement modelled on hitler youth and fascist salute, it remained neutral in war until allowed US troops in 1944. but allowed nazis to escape through there but not the extent of Spain