ROM and MMT Flashcards
Hip Flexion
Patient position
Palpatory landmarks
Axis = greater troch
Stationary arm = midaxillary line
Moving arm = parallel to femur in line with lateral epicondyle
Hip Flexion Norm
120 degrees
No stabilization necessary
Hip Abudction
Patient position
Palpatory landmarks
Axis = ASIS
Stationary = in line with opposite ASIS
Moving arm = along midline of femur (towards center of knee joint)
Hip abduction norm
40 degrees
Stabilize ipsilateral hip (innominate bone)
Patient position
Palpatory landmarks
Sitting with 90 degrees knee flexion with towel under distal femur
Axis = tibial tubersity
Stationary = perpendicular to floor, parallel to supporting surface
Moving = Anterior midline of lower leg with tibial crest as landmark
Hip ER/IR norm
45 degrees
Stabilize distal end of femur
MMT for iliopsoas
Have patient supine
Abduction a little
ER (knee extended)
Stabilize on opposite side
Have patient supine Abduction a little IR (knee extended) Stabilize on opposite side Force down and in toward the table
MMT for Quadriceps
Patient in sitting
Knee into slight extension (10 or 15 degrees)
Apply pressure at ankle (place other hand other thigh for support)
MMT for glut max
Knee extended for ROM testing and then put into flexion for the MMT (to shorten hamstring and take them out)
Apply pressure onto hamstring
If patient can’t extend at hip, you can have them prone with feet on the floor (bent over the table)
MMT for Abductors
Side lying with neutral spine and straight into abduction
Get patient close to you and make sure bottom leg is fixed
(make sure to diff with glut med - slight ER, slight ext, and abduction - push down and into flexion, down and forward)
MMT for Adductors
Side lying with arms crossed in btw the legs applying pressure above or below knee joints
MMT for Medial Hamstrings
Internal rotation at hip and tibia
Ask patient to hold those positions and then push at ankle region down toward extension
MMT for lateral hamstrings
External rotation at hip and tibia
Knee in slight flexion
Resist at tibia - frog looking? Press downward
MMT for hip rotators
External Rotators
ER, Thigh is rolled out into ER and leg is turned in
Pressure at outer thigh and medial ankle to derotate
Sartorius, Quad femoris, gemellis, obturator, piriformis