ROM Flashcards
Shoulder Flexion
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) Seated, lifting arm with straight elbow
b) centre of humeral head
c) parallel to trunk
d) parallel to humerus
e) 0-170 degrees
f) thoracic extension
g) glenohumeral joint
h) synovial ball-and-socket
i) multi axial diarthrosis
Shoulder Extension
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, stretching arm backwards
b) centre of humeral head
c) parallel to trunk
d) parallel to humerus
e) 0-60 degrees
f) anterior flexion
g) glenohumeral joint
h) synovial ball-and-socket
i) multi axial diarthrosis
Shoulder Abduction
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, lifting arm like a birds wing
b) two fingers width directly below acromion process
c) parallel to trunk
d) parellel to humerus
e) 0-170 degrees
f) lateral flexion
g) glenohumeral joint
h) synovial ball-and-socket
i) multi axial diarthrosis
Shoulder Horizontal Abduction
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, with arm abducted to 90 degrees, will move arm backwards
b) over acromion process
c) over shoulder, towards neck
d) parallel to humerus on superior aspect
e) 0-40 degrees
f) anterior flexion
g) glenohumeral joint
h) synovial ball-and-socket
i) multi axial diarthrosis
Shoulder Horizontal Adduction
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, with arm abducted to 90 degrees, will move arm forwards into chest
b) over acromion process
c) over shoulder, towards neck
d) parallel to humerus on superior aspect
e) 0-130 degrees
f) protraction of other shoulder
g) glenohumeral joint
h) synovial ball-and-socket
i) multi axial diarthrosis
Shoulder Internal Rotation
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, arm abducted to 90 degrees, elbow flexed to 90 degrees, forearm in pronation, parallel to floor, will move arms down
b) on olecranon process of elbow
c) parallel to floor
d) parallel to forearm, aligned with ulna
e) 0-60 degrees
f) scapula elevation
g) glenohumeral joint
h) synovial ball-and-socket
i) multi axial diarthrosis
Shoulder External Rotation
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, arm abducted to 90 degrees, elbow flexed to 90 degrees, forearm in pronation, parallel to floor, will move arms up
b) on olecranon process of elbow
c) parallel to floor
d) parallel to forearm, aligned with ulna
e) 0-80 degrees
f) thoracic extension
g) glenohumeral joint
h) synovial ball-and-socket
i) multi axial diarthrosis
Elbow Flexion/Extension
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated with forearm in supination (will move arm up for flexion or down for extension)
b) lateral epicondyle of humerus (at end of elbow crease)
c) parallel to midline of humerus/aimed at head of humerus
d) parallel to radius
e) 0-140 degrees
f) n/a
g) humeroulna/humeroradial joint
h) synovial hinge
i) uniaxial diarthrosis
Forearm Supination
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, elbow flexed to 90 degrees, with forearm in thumbs up position with patient holding a pen
b) over head of 3rd MC
c) perpendicular to the floor
d) parallel to pen
e) 0 - 80/90 degrees
f) n/a
g) proximal radioulnar joint
h) synovial pivot
i) uniaxial diarthrosis
Forearm Pronation
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, elbow flexed to 90 degrees, with forearm in thumbs up position with patient holding a pen
b) over head of 3rd MC
c) perpendicular to the floor
d) parallel to pen
e) 0 - 80/90 degrees
f) shoulder abduction
g) proximal radioulnar joint
h) synovial pivot
i) uniaxial diarthrosis
Wrist Flexion
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, forearm in thumbs up position with fingers relaxed/extended, elbow partially flexed and forearm resting on something, palm will move towards forearm
b) anatomical snuffbox
c) parallel to radius
d) parallel to 2nd MC
f) error can result from flexed fingers
g) radiocarpal joint
h) synovial ellipsoid
i) biaxial diarthrosis
Wrist Extension
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, forearm in thumbs up position with fingers in relaxed flexion, elbow partially flexed, dorsal aspect of hand will move towards forearm
b) anatomical snuffbox
c) parallel to radius
d) parallel to 2nd MC
f) error can result from extended fingers
g) radiocarpal joint
h) synovial ellipsoid
i) biaxial diarthrosis
Wrist Ulnar Deviation
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, forearm in pronation, fingers relaxed in extension, palm of hand resting flat on a table surface, wrist will deviate towards ulnar side (pinky finger)
b) dorsal base of 3rd MC
c) parallel to midline of dorsal aspect of forearm
d) parallel to 3rd MC
e) 0-30 degrees
f) n/a
g) radiocarpal joint
h) synovial ellipsoid
i) biaxial diarthrosis
Wrist Radial Deviation
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, forearm in pronation, fingers relaxed in extension, palm of hand resting flat on a table surface, wrist will deviate towards radial side (thumb)
b) dorsal base of 3rd MC
c) parallel to midline of dorsal aspect of forearm
d) parallel to 3rd MC
e) 0-20 degrees
f) n/a
g) radiocarpal joint
h) synovial ellipsoid
i) biaxial diarthrosis
Thumb CMC Radial Abduction/CMC Extension
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, forearm in pronation, hand facing palm down, resting flat on a firm surface
b) dorsal surface of thumb, base of thumb MC in anatomical snuffbox
c) parallel to radius
d) aligned with thumb MC
e) 0-50 degrees
f) n/a
g) fifth carpo-metacarpal joint
h) synovial saddle
i) biaxial diarthrosis
Thumb CMC Palmar Abduction/CMC Flexion
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, forearm in thumbs up position, thumb is relaxed, forearm and hand resting on ulnar border
b) junction of thumb and 2 MC (in anatomical snuffbox)
c) over radius
d) parallel to thumb MC
e) 0-50 degrees
f) n/a
g) fifth carpo-metacarpal joint
h) synovial saddle
i) biaxial diarthrosis
Thumb MP or MCP Flexion/Extension
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, elbow flexed, forearm in 45 degrees supination, hand and forearm supported on a firm surface
b) dorsal surface of MP joint
c) over the dorsal aspect of thumb MC
d) over dorsal aspect of proximal phalanx
e) 0-50 degrees
f) n/a
g) metacarpophalangeal joints
h) synovial condyloid
i) biaxial diarthrosis
Thumb IP Flexion/Extension
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, elbow flexed, forearm in 45 degrees supination, hand and forearm supported on a firm surface
b) dorsal surface of IP joint
c) over dorsal surface of thumb proximal phalanx
d) over dorsal surface of thumb distal phalanx
e) 0-90 degrees
f) n/a
g) interphalangeal joints
h) synovial hinge
i) uniaxial diarthrosis
Thumb Opposition
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, forearm in full supination, forearm and hand resting on dorsal surface
> this requires an alternate method:
try touch thumb to pinky finger
> full ROM is ability to touch fingertips
Fingers MC or MCP Flexion
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, elbow flexed, forearm in thumbs up position, hand and forearm supported on a firm surface on ulnar border
b) dorsal aspect of MP joint
c) dorsal aspect of hand following MC for the MP joint being tested
d) dorsal surface of proximal phalanx for MP joint being tested
e) 0-90 degrees
f) n/a
g) metacarpophalangeal joints
h) synovial condyloid
i) biaxial diarthrosis
Fingers MC or MCP Extension/Hyperextension
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, elbow flexed, forearm in thumbs up position, hand and forearm supported on a firm surface on ulnar border
b) dorsal aspect of MP joint
c) dorsal aspect of hand following MC for the MP joint being tested
d) dorsal surface of proximal phalanx for MP joint being tested
e) 0-45 degrees
f) n/a
g) metacarpophalangeal joints
h) synovial condyloid
i) biaxial diarthrosis
Fingers MC or MCP Abduction
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, forearm pronated, fingers straight, hand resting on firm surface
b) centred over MP joint being tested
c) over corresponding MC
d) over proximal phalanx
e) 0-25 degrees
f) n/a
g) metacarpophalangeal joints
h) synovial condyloid
i) biaxial diarthrosis
Fingers PIP Flexion
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, elbow flexed, forearm in thumbs up position, hand and forearm supported on a firm surface on ulnar border
b) dorsal aspect of PIP joint
c) dorsal aspect of hand following proximal phalanx for the PIP joint being tested
d) dorsal surface of middle phalanx for PIP joint being tested
e) 0-110 degrees
f) n/a
g) interphalangeal joints
h) synovial hinge
i) uniaxial diarthrosis
Fingers DIP Flexion
a) Position
b) Axis
c) Stationary bar
d) Moveable bar
e) Normal ROM
f) possible substitutions
g) joint name
h) Structural Classification of Joint
i) Functional Classification of Joint
a) seated, elbow flexed, forearm in thumbs up position, hand and forearm supported on a firm surface on ulnar border
b) dorsal aspect of DIP joint
c) dorsal aspect of hand following middle phalanx for the DIP joint being tested
d) dorsal surface of distal phalanx for DIP joint being tested
e) 0-80 degrees
f) n/a
g) interphalangeal joints
h) synovial hinge
i) uniaxial diarthrosis