Roles of the Family - 2.1 Flashcards
Functionalism Roles of Family Key Sociologists
> Parsons (2 Irreducible Functions) > Steel and Kid (Stress Relief) > Murdock (4 Functions of Family) > Parsons (Segregated Division of Labour) > Parsons (Functional Fit)
Explain the Functionalist Organic Analogy of the Family?
> Bodies a system made up of diff parts e.g. cells, organs, functioning to maintain it
> Likewise, Societies, made up of structures e.g. education, state etc.
> Family plays vital role maintaining social system, meeting needs of systems e.g. the economy.
Briefly outline Murdock’s 4 Functions of the Family
> Sexual Function
Reproductive Function
Primary Socialisation
Economic Function
Explain Murdock’s Sexual Function
- Stable Satisfaction of the Sex Drive
- With same marital partner, preventing sexual jealousy and social disruption caused by a sexual free for all.
Explain Murdock’s Reproduction Function
Biological reproduction, through family otherwise society can’t continue.
Explain Murdock’s Primary Socialisation
Teaching basic norms and values, for new members to integrate into society.
Explain Murdock’s Economic Function
Meeting members economic needs e.g. food and shelter
Murdock view on Benefit of 4 Functions of the Family
> By performing these functions NF helps to maintain social stability
NF efficiency at meeting family members needs is why it’s universal.
What are Parsons 2 Irreducible Functions
> Primary Socialisation
Explain Parsons idea of Primary Socialisation
Equips next-gen with basic skills and values, to help them integrate within society and co-operate with others.
Explain Parsons Idea of SOAP and the Warm Bath Theory?
> Emotional security achieved in marital relationship, working life’s stressful, so male breadwinner can come home and be ‘de-stressed’ by his wife.
> Releases tensions, so he can return to work aiding the economy.
Explain Parsons Segregated Division of Labour
> Male Breadwinner
Female Housewife
- Gender Division of Labour is biologically based e.g. women give birth so are suited to expressive role.
Explain Parsons Functional Fit
> Structure of family changes as needs of society change.
> EF was multifunctional, unit of production and consumption performing variety of functions
> NF fits complex modern society through Geographical and Social Mobility.
> No need for EF functions, e.g. health and education now carried out by state e.g. NHS
Explain how the NF performs the function of Geographical Mobility in relation to Parsons Functional Fit
Easier for NF to move to where jobs are, harder with an extended family.
Explain how the NF performs the function of Social Mobility in relation to Parsons Functional Fit
> Status is achieved not ascribed, sons can achieve higher status than fathers.
> Breaking away to set up own NF, removes status conflict that would’ve occured if they stayed.
Explain Steel and Kidd’s view on how the Family provides Stress Relief
> Family provides stress relief, providing a safe haven.
> Adults can out childish dimension of personality, playing with their kids toys
> Acts as safety valve preventing stress overwhelming adults
> Maintaining social stability.
A03 Functionalist Key Sociologists
> Ansley (Exploitation of Women)
Briefly outline all the Criticisms of the Functionalist view on the Family?
> Outdated > Ansley > Benefiting Powerful Groups > Downplay Conflict > Socially Constructed
Explain how the Functionalist View of the Family is Outdated?
- Assumes NF is still dominant, ignores ability of other family types e.g. SSC, Reconstituted to perform essential functions.
- Women now go to work and segregated gender roles not as applicable today.
Explain how Ansley criticises Parsons Warm Bath Theory?
- States women are takers of shit, opposing Parsons Warm Bath Theory
- Men may get their stress relieved, but only by dumping it on their wives.
Explain the Benefiting Powerful Groups disadvantage of the Functionalist View?
- Does functions of family really benefit whole of society or just powerful groups?
Explain how the Functionalist view of the Family Downplays Conflict
- Present rosy view of family, see it as harmonious.
- Ignore dark side of family e.g. DV and child abuse.
Explain how Parsons view on the Segregated Division of Labour is Socially Constructed?
- Gender Roles not biological, but socially constructed, varies between cultures and societies.
A03 Parsons Functional Fit Key Sociologists
> Young and Wilmott
> Laslett
Explain how Young and Wilmott criticise Parsons Functional Fit
- Extended Kin networks still strong in East London as in 70’s
Explain how Laslett criticise Parsons Functional Fit
- Family was already nuclear before industrialisation.
Marxists Roles of Family Key Sociologists
> Engels (Inheritance of Property) > Althusser (Socialisation) > Zaretsky (Cushioning Effect) > Zaretsky (Unit of Consumption) > Zaretsky (Ideological Functions)
What is the General Marxist view of the Family
Marx believe family is a tool of capitalism and main function is to maintain capitalism, reinforcing social inequalities.
Explain Althusser’s Idea on how the Family aids capitalism through Socialisation?
- Family focal point in socialisation process.
- Socialising next generation into ruling class ideology and unequal social hierarchy
- Maintains capitalism ensuring next generation sees ruling class ideology as normal.
Explain Engel’s Idea on how the Family aids capitalism through Inheritance?
- Isolated NF means wealthy men can confirm a child is there’s pass down private property to sons who inherit it.
- Ensuring wealth stays within private NF, rather being distributed among society.
- Cycle continues reproducing inequality and maintaining capitalism.
- Women used as mere instruments for reproduction of children, as only monogamous NF can ensure this.
Explain Zaretsky’s Idea on the Family maintains Capitalism by Acting as a Unit of Consumption
- Family play vital role in generating profits for bourgesoie.
- Workers payed less than amount charged for products they create
- Advertising urges family to keep up with all latest products
- Media target Children who use pester power to make parents spend more
- Children who lack the latest clothes or gadgets are mocked by peers
Explain Zaretsky’s Idea on how the Family aids capitalism through Ideological Functions?
- Socialises ppl to accept capitalist system as fair, natural and unchangeable.
- Hierarchy in families teaches kids to accept there’ll always be someone in “authority” who they must obey, mirrors hierarchy of boss-workers.
Explain Zaretsky’s Idea on how the Family aids capitalism through the Cushioning Effect?
- Family provides safe haven from harsh oppression and exploitation of capitalist world.
- Family allows man to feel in control and powerful, which can’t feel in workplace due to exploitation
- Maintains capitalism, preventing proletariat from recognising their oppression and starting a revolution.
Briefly outline all the Criticisms of the Marxist view on the Family?
> Ignores Family Diversity > Doesn’t consider other inequalities > Deterministic > Negative View > Engels View not applicable in Modern Society
Explain how Marxism ignoring Family DIversity is a disadvantage?
- Only focus on NF, ignoring other types of family.
Explain how Marxism not considering other inequalities is a disadvantage?
- Overemphasises role of family in maintaining capitalism
- Ignores other inequalities such as role of family in maintaining patriarchy.
Explain how Marxism being too deterministic is a disadvantage?
- Assumes ppl passively accept being brainwashed into accepting ruling class ideology.
- Some families reject consumerist lifestyle many families bring up kids to be independent thinkers.
Explain how Marxism having too much of a negative view is a disadvantage?
- Ignores positive effects family can have for members.
Explain how Engels View not being applicable in Modern Society is a disadvantage?
People rarely marry to pass on wealth to kids, rather out of love.
Feminist Roles of Family Key Sociologists
> Lib Feminists (Move towards Equality)
> Somerville - Lib Fem (Improvement)
> Marx Fem (Role of Capitalism)
> Ansley - Marx Fem (Absorbing Men’s Anger)
> Benston - Marx Fem (Resrve Army of Labour)
> Rad Fem (Men as Enemy)
> Diff Fem (Not all Women have = experience)
What 4 Branches of Feminism is there?
Liberal Feminists, Marxist Feminists, Radical Feminists, Difference Feminists
What Type of View do Lib Feminists have?
Why do Lib Fem have a more positive outlook?
> Gender Inequality, gradually being overcome, through legal reforms e.g. Equal Pay and Sex Discrimination, Rape within marriage illegal.
> Family becoming more democratic & equal, due to raise of DEF, new man becoming more widespread.
> Women are now in paid work & have choice if they want marry or cohabit, if they want to have kids etc.
> Socialisation of sons and daughters more = having similar aspirations for them.
Why are Lib Fem, not completely positive?
Major barriers to gender equality, have recently been broken, only small changes need to be made to achieve full equality.
How does Somerville support the Lib Feminist view of the Family?
- Women’s role has improved w/ better access to divorce, control over own fertility and better job opportunities.
Outline the Criticisms of Liberal Feminism
> Only reflects experiences of White MC women, ignores experiences of BAME
> Law Reform doesn’t mean ppl’s attitudes have changed.
> More women in employment, but ignore they do triple shift on top of this.
Explain the General Marx Fem outlook?
Cause of oppression for women is capitalism, due to emergence of priv property and lack of control over means of production, thus it needs to be abolished.
Briefly outline the 3 Main Ways Marx Fem believes Faily serves capitalism?
> Women reproduce labour force
Absorbing Men’s Anger: Ansley
Reserve Army of Cheap Labour: Benston
Explain how the Family aids Capitalism through Women Reproducing the Labour Force?
- Housework, Childcare & Emotional Work unpaid women performs is vital to keep the family going benefiting capitalist class.
- They socialise next-gen of workers, servicing current workers.
Explain Ansley view on how the Family aids Capitalism through Women Absorbing Mens Anger?
- Women provide emotional support to men
- Due to frustration and stress working in a capitalist system.
- Women are takers of shit, absorbing anger of proletariat husband.
- that should be directed towards capitalist employers e.g. DV.
Explain Benston’s view on how the Family aids Capitalism through Women being a Reserve Army of Cheap Labour?
- Taken on temporarily when extra workers are needed
- Allows employers to increase rate of exploitation, making production more flexible
- Returning to domestic role when no longer required.
What do Marx Fem believe the Solution to Women’s problems are?
Capitalism and family must be abolished.
Outline the Criticisms of Marxist Feminism
> Doesn’t explain women’s inferiority in non-capitalist areas.
Women’s oppression didn’t begin with capitalism.
Outdated, women no longer reserve army of cheap labour.
What do Radical Feminists see as the cause of Women’s Oppression and Exploitation?
> Patriarchy
> Family
How do Rad Feminist believe Men exploit Women?
> Men benefit from women’s unpaid dom labour, triple shift, sexual services and wages.
> Men dominate women through threat of DV
How do Rad Fem view Heterosexual Relationships
- View heterosexual relationships as ‘sleeping with the enemy’’ so women should be lesbian.
- Live independently from men.
A03 Rad Fem Sociologists
> Somerville (Exaggerated)
How does Somerville oppose the Rad Feminist view?
- Exaggerates exploitation of women in family.
- Unrealistic due to heterosexual attraction separatism is unlikely.
- Ignores DV suffered by men.
Explain Diff Fem outlook on the Family?
> Can’t generalise about women experiences
> Diff ethnicities, class, sexualities have diff experiences of family.
> Other Feminists see family as negative, white feminists neglect black girls experience of racism.
> e.g. Black feminists view family as positive source of support in a racist society.
Criticisms of Difference Feminism
Ignores women do share some same experiences e.g. DV, Low Pay, Sexual Assault etc.
PLP Family and Households Key Sociologists
> Smart (Importance of Non-Biological Relationships)
Tiper (Pets as Family)
Nordqvist (Donor-Conceived Children)
What type of view is the PLP and who they do criticise and why?
> Interactionist View, criticises theories e.g. Functionalism & Marxism.
> Saying they assume NF is dominant, ignoring diversity of families.
> And they assume family members are puppets manipulated by structure of society to perform functions e.g. serving needs of capitalism.
What does Smart focus on?
Sees importance of relationships important to us, though may not be defined as biological, marriage or family
Outline the 4 Types of Relationship Smart and Tiper outlined not conventionally defined as biological, marriage or family?
- Friends: maybe like a brother or sister to you
- Fictive kin: Close friends treated as relatives e.g. mum’s best friend who you call auntie’
- LGBT ‘Chosen Families’: Supportive network of close friends, ex-partners & others
- Dead Relatives: Live on in ppl’s memories, continuing to shape their identities & actions.
- Pets (Tiper): Kids often saw their pets as ‘part of the family’.
Explain Nordqvists Findings on Donor-Conceived Children
> Saw importance of social relationship > over biological.
> Mums noted definition of mum was linked to raising a kid, rather than cell that started process.
> Where couples knew donor, they had to resolve whether they counted as family.
> Lesbians concerned sperm donor, may be treated as real 2nd parent.
Outline PLP’s view on the effects of the Decline of the NF
> NF declined in significance as fewer people get married and have kids, more people are living alone.
> Shouldn’t overestimate stability of NF & not be surprised at high rate of family breakdown.
> But ppl can still form meaningful relationships, establishing own alt families.
Outline how the PLP states we don’t have Full Freedom in relation to Families?
People not entirely free to construct own families, restricted by society and culture.
Outline the Criticisms of the PLP
> PLP too broad a view.
> Incl. range of personal relationships we ignore what’s special about relationships based on blood/marriage.
> Descriptive rather than analytical.
New Right Family and Households Key Sociologists
> Dennis & Erdos (Concern about Fatherless Children)
> Murray (View on State Policies)
What is New Right’s General Outlook on the Family?
> Support Functionalist view - only one correct family type e.g. NF w/TDDOL, best way of organsing family life.
> NF’s naturally self-reliant and cares for members and primary socialisation of kids.
Why do New Right oppose Family Diversity and LPF
> Changes leading to family diversity e.g. Cohabitation, SSC, LPF threatens NF.
> Produces crime and dependency culture.
> LPF means boys lack male role model, leading to increased crime rates & poor educational outcomes.
What do New Right believe it’s important kids have?
Important kids have stable home w/ married couple w/ wife staying home to look after kids.
What is Dennis & Erdos’s New Right view on Concern about Fatherless Children
- Rise in NO of kids brang up without fathers is worrying.
- Kids more likely to be associated with ASB, educational underachievement and other social problems, compared with kids from married couples.
Why is Murray critical of Welfare Benefits from the State?
> Offers perverse incentives rewarding irresponsible behaviour
> If fathers see state will take care for their kids they’ll be more likely to leave.
> Council housing for teen mothers encourages them to get pregnant.
What does Murray believe Family Diversity encourages?
What 2 Essential Functions does this threaten?
> Encourages deviant family structures harming society and dependency Culture
> Where individuals rely on state to support them & kids, rather than being self-reliant.
> Threatens 2 essential functions e.g. removing work ethic among men and successful Socialisation of kids.
Explain New Right’s Solutions to Dependency Culture?
> Cut & tighter restrictions on welfare benefits so tax is reduced, giving fathers incentive to work to provide for families.
> No council housing for teen mothers means they’ll decline
> Taxes favour married rather than cohabiting couples
> Make absent fathers responsible for kids.
> Less state interferes better family life will be.
A03 New Right Key Sociologists
> Neale (Benefits of Rising Diversity)
Feminism (View on Gender Roles)
Chester (Exaggeration)
According to Neale how does New Right fail to recognise benefits of Family Diversity?
- Rising diversity means less judgmental society, as we accept more sorts of family structures& relationships.
What is the Feminist view opposing New Right idea of Gender Roles?
- Gender roles are socially constructed and not fixed by biology.
- TDDOL is oppressive to women.
Explain Chester’s Idea of how New Right views are Exaggerated?
New Right exaggerate NO of LPF, most ppl will spend most of their lives in NF
As New Right has a stigmatised view of LPF, what do they fail to recognise?
- Most want to work, but can’t due to difficulty of finding flexible work and balancing childcare.