Couples - 2.2 Flashcards
Conjugal Roles Key Sociologists
> Parsons (Functionalist) - Segregated Roles
> Bott (Segregated Roles and Joint Conjugal Roles)
Functionalist View on Conjugal Roles (Parsons)
- Men and Women have diff roles based on biological differences
- Women naturally suited to nurturing, Men suited to providing.
- Thus it’s functional and benefits everyone
What are the Key Roles Parsons identifies?
- Men’s Role - Breadwinner/Instrumental
- Female’s Role - Expressive/Caregiving
(Clear Division of Labour)
Which other perspective agrees with Functionalists on their view of Conjugal Roles and why?
> NR Supports Functionalist view as best way of organising family life.
A03 Functionalist Conjugal Roles Sociologists
> Young & Wilmott (SF)
> Feminist Views (Socially Constructed)
How do Young & Wilmott criticise the Functionalist view on Conjugal Roles?
Men and women now have = roles
How do Feminists criticise the Functionalist view on Conjugal Roles?
Gender Roles are socially constructed not natural
Explain Bott’s 2 Conjugal Roles?
> Segregated Conjugal Roles:
- Couples have separate roles e.g. male breadwinner & female homemaker/carer, spending leisure time separately.
> Joint Conjugal Roles:
- Where couples share tasks e..g housework and childcare, spending leisure time together.
Division of Labour Key Sociologists
> Young & Wilmott (SF)
> Sullivan (MOPV)
> Feminist (Rejection of MOPV)
> Oakley (Exaggeration of Men’s Contribution)
> BSA (Inequality in Dom Work)
> Hochschild (Inequality in DEF)
> Bell (Unemployed Men)
> Morley (Gender Diff on Views on the Home)
> Dunscombe & Marsden (Dual Burden)
Define the Symmetrical Family
> Equally balanced and flexible, partners share both instrumental and expressive roles.
> Couples spend leisure time together, men more home-centred and family’s more privatised.
Explain Young and Wilmott’s MOPV?
> Families less patriarchal and more equal & democratic between both men and women.
> Women also go to work now full time
> Men also now help with Housework and Childcare
Briefly Outline What Factors have led to the Symmetrical Family?
> Weakening Gender Identities
Improved Living Standards
Commercialization of Dom Labour
Economically Active Women
Explain how Weakening Gender Identities led to the Symmetrical Family
- Less pressure to conform to traditional roles, men encouraged to view women as =
Explain how Improved Living Standards led to the Symmetrical Family
New Tech e.g. washing machines and dishwashers, means that certain jobs are now easier to do, easing burden of labour but may only be available to MC.
Explain how Commercialization of Dom Labour led to the Symmetrical Family
- As families’s more dual earning, there’s been growth in Dom Labour industry
- More families pay for certain tasks to be completed e.g. hiring maids.
Explain how Economically Active Women led to the Symmetrical Family
- Girls going work more, so men need to help around the house so chores can be done.
Explain Sullivan’s MOPV?
- Women do less dom work & Men do more traditional women’s tasks & couples have = DOL.
What is the Feminist View on the MOPV?
- Reject MOPV, see family as patriarchal, women still do most housework.
- Women working not led to greater equality, they now have dual burden and triple shift.
Outline Oakley’s view on Inequalities in Housework undermining MOPV?
- No evidence of symmetry in Dom Labour.
- Young & Wilmott exaggerate mens contribution, although they did help, this was merely seen as ironing a shirt 1x a week, nothing major.
Outline BSA view on Inequalities in Housework undermining MOPV?
- Women do 2x as much work & couples still divide tasks based on TDDOL.
Outline Hochschild view on Inequalities in Housework undermining MOPV?
Even in DEF, women still had main responsibility for Dom Tasks.
Outline Bell view on Inequalities in Housework undermining MOPV?
Unemployed men resist pleas from partners to do more housework.
Outline Morley view on Inequalities in Housework undermining MOPV?
Women see home as place of work, men a place of leisure.
Outline Dunscombe & Marsden view on Inequalities in Housework undermining MOPV?
Women not required to carry dual burden, but triple shift e.g. emotion work, dom labour and paid work.
Childcare and Quality Time Key Sociologists
> Boulton (Wife Responsible for Childcare)
Braun et al (Provider Ideology)
Dex and Ward (Caring for a Sick Child)
Southerton (Quality Time)
Outline Boulton view on Inequalities in Childcare undermining MOPV?
- Need to look at who’s responsible for tasks not just who performs them.
- e.g. Wife seen as responsible for kids welfare, even when men help.
- Less than ⅕ took major role in childcare.
Outline Braun et al view on Inequalities in Childcare undermining MOPV?
Most fathers were background fathers, held a provider ideology, role was being breadwinner, not primary carer.
Outline Dex & Ward view on Inequalities in Childcare undermining MOPV?
Only 1% of fathers took main responsibility for caring for a sick kid.
Outline Southerton view on Inequalities in Responsibilities undermining MOPV?
- Women take responsibility for managing families quality time
- In late modernity, 24/7 society and flexible working mean ppl time is more fragmented and deroutinised.
- Women find themselves juggling childcare and multitasking, during their leisure time.
- Men have better uninterrupted quality time.
Reasons for Gender Division of Labour Sociologists
> Crompton & Lyonette’s (2 Reasons for Gender Division of Labour)
> Kan (Trends Among Younger Men)
> Gershuny (Couples Adapting)
> Kan (Impact of Women’s Wage on Dom Labour)
> Rad Fem (View on Heterosexual Relationships)
> Dunne (SSC and Gender Scripts)
> Weeks and Smart (SSC and Gender Scripts)
Briefly outline the 2 Reasons of Crompton & Lyonette’s for the Gender DOL
> Cultural & Ideological Explanation
> Economic Explanation
What is the Cultural & Ideological Explanation for the Gender DOL
Patriarchal cultural norms shape gender roles.
women perform more dom labour, as society expects and has socialised them to do.
In relation to the Cultural & Ideological Explanation when will equality be achieved?
Equality will only occur when attitudes, norms and socialisation change
How does Kan support the idea Equality will only occur when attitudes, norms and socialisation change, in relation to the Cultural & Ideological Explanation?
Younger men now do more dom work, highlighting gen shift
How does Gershuny support the idea Equality will only occur when attitudes, norms and socialisation change, in relation to the Cultural & Ideological Explanation?
Couples adapted to women working full time, creating new norm of men doing + dom work.
What is the Economic Explanation for the Gender DOL
Women earn less than man, so it’s economically rational for them to do more dom labour, while men spend time getting + money.
In relation to the Economic Explanation when will equality be achieved?
How is this supported by Kan?
- Equality will only occur when women earn = men, thus leading to = contribution to dom labour.
- e.g. Kan: Every 10K a year a women gets = 2 less hours of housework a week.
What is the Rad Fem view on Heterosexual Relationships, in relation to Dunne’s Study?
Rad Fem see heterosexual relationships as patriarchal & unequal, even when women work.
What did Dunne find in SSC that supports with the Rad Fem view on Heterosexual Relationships and why was this?
> But in SSC, Dunne found lesbian couples w/ kids, had more equality in dom labour.
> Heterosexuals are socialised into gender scripts, setting out diff masculine and feminine roles, linked to dom tasks.
> Lesbians didn’t link dom tasks to gender scripts, more open to negotiation and =
According to Dunne how may Lesbian couples not be equal?
But even for lesbians if there’s unequal earning there was unequal DOL.
Weeks & Smart View on Lesbian Couples & Gender Scripts
SSC are more = as DOL’s open to negotiation and agreement, not based on patriarchal tradition.
Resource and Decision Making Key Sociologists
> Barrett and McIntosh (Inequality between Female Dom Work and Men Financial Support)
> Kempson (Struggle of WC Women)
> Pahl and Vogler (Money Management)
> Edgell (Men’s decision making power in MC relationships)
> Smart (PLP Perspective on Money in LGBT Couples)
What does Inequality in Resources depend on?
Inequality in resources depends who controls family income and makes decisions on how it’s spent - usually the man.
Barrett and McIntosh - view on Resource and Decision Making, between Men and Women
- Men gain more from women’s DOM work than they give back in financial support
- Also coming with strings attached.
- Men also make majority of big decisions.
Kempson view on Resource and Decision Making, between Men and Women
WC women denied own needs, hardly going out, eating smaller portions of food, just to make ends meet, as they see money as family money.
Why did Pahl and Vogler state Men have greater control over resources?
Men have greater share of resources as they earn more
What are Pahl and Vogler’s two controls over money management, they found?
- Pooling
- Allowance System
Define Pooling in relation to Pahl and Vogler
- Both partners have joint access to income and both responsible for expenses
- More equality in decision making and control over resources
- Usually when both man & women work full time.
- Increasing in recent years, but men still tended to make major decisions, due to greater earnings.
Define the Allowance System in relation to Pahl and Vogler?
Men give wives an allowance to meet the family’s needs, excess is kept for him. (Declining)
A03 Criticisms of Pahl and Vogler
> Feminists (Decision Making not Linked w/ Money)
How do Feminists criticise the idea that Men have greater share of resources as they earn more?
Decision making not linked to money, but due to patriarchal society and gender role socialisation.
Edgell’s findings on differences in Resource and Decision Making, between Men and Women in Professional Couples.
- Even if professional couples work full time, unimportant decisions are made by wife children’s clothes, food.
- Major decisions by man alone or jointly, but w/ man having final say e.g. finances, moving house etc.
Explain Smart’s PLP Perspective on Money in LGBT Couples
- LGBT’s didn’t care who controlled money, fine giving this to partners.
- Didn’t see control of money as inequality.
- Freedom to do what suits them as a couple.
- As they don’t enter relationships with heterosexual baggage of culture meanings, seeing money as source of power.
Difference vs Dual Burden & Triple Shift
> Dual Burden: Paid Work & Unpaid Work
> Triple Shift: Paid/Unpaid Work & Emotional Work