Role Play Flashcards
Dealer uses Deal Update to add more cash down and the rate goes higher. Dealers calls in to discuss, what do you say?
Dealers call in on an AA stating the rate is too high, how do you handle the conversation and what actions do you take?
Dealer calls in on an MR deal with a self-employed applicant, explain our self-employed policy to the dealer.
A dealer calls in about an AA, explain to them our Bookout policy and how that carries over into Funding
There is a new preferred dealer and they want to know the difference between Nickel and Core, how would you explain this to them?
Explain Multiple Offers to a dealer and why it would benefit them.
Dealer calls in to rehash and you increase the income from TheWorkNumber but the rate increases. What do you say?
Dealer calls in on a Post-Bureau AD and states, “You never buy anything”. How do you respond?
Dealer calls in on an expired approval, explain the process that needs to happen from here and why.
A dealer asks you when is it OK to resubmit a returned contract, explain your response.
A dealer calls asking if we do eContracting, answer the question and explain the process.