Role of Micronutrients in HNLC Regions Flashcards
What limits primary productivity?
Nutrient availability, light availability, grazing by zooplankton
What is the typical pattern of a spring bloom?
Bloom uses up NO3 in euphotic zone, NO3 replenished by deep mixing over the winter
What are the regions where there is no spring bloom and the surplus NO3 never gets used up?
Subarctic Pacific Ocean, Eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean
What are iron concentrations like in the worlds oceans?
Surface dissolved iron is very low, and is in limiting supply relative to macronutrients. Shows a nutrient-like profile. Open-ocean has lower iron than coastal regions
What are some sources of iron in the modern oceans?
Open ocean/coastal: vertical mixing, aeolian deposits of continental dust and volcanic ash, coastal eddies, hydrothermal vents. Coastal waters: river sediments, continental runoff, resuspension of bottom sediments.
Why is iron important?
Used in phytoplankton physiology: photosynthesis, nitrogen assimilation (used in synthesis of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase, nitrogenase enzyme complex for N2 gas fixation in cyanobacteria), synthesis of chl-a
What is the iron hypothesis?
Phytoplankton growth in HNLC areas was limited by the availability of iron (John Martin 1986)
How was the first experiment of the iron hypothesis conducted?
In Southern Ocean in 1989, test tubes with natural seawater spiked with iron, dramatic increase in chl-a and decrease in [NO3] in Fe treatments after a few days
Why were researchers skeptical of Martin’s results?
Containers were too small (no mixing), all zooplankton had been removed, possibility of iron contamination
What is some past evidence of the iron hypothesis?
During the ice ages there was less rain and the Earth was a drier, dustier place, which may carry Fe to ocean and cause phytoplankton blooms and drawn down CO2, to help further cool climate during glacial periods
What did other tests of the iron hypothesis find?
Using ultra-clean techniques they confirmed Martin’s original findings: Fe stimulates growth and NO3 uptake
What kind of growth occurred in these experiments?
Larger organisms (esp. diatoms) did most of the growth and NO3 uptake.
What causes the size-based response to Fe?
Small phytoplankton have a lower Ks and greater SA:V ration which helps uptake of Fe, which is good when [Fe] are low, but when Fe is available, diatoms have a much higher growth rate than smaller organisms
What were some experiments of the iron hypothesis?
IronEx I/II, EisenEx, EIFEX, SOIREE, SEEDS I/II, SOFeX (north/south), SERIES
What did IronEx I (Oct 1993) do?
Single pulse of Fe added to eastern equatorial Pacific HNLC zone from to raise [Fe] ~4nM, tracked changes using chl-a fluorescence and sulfur-hexafluoride
What did IronEx I find?
After 2-3 days: tripling of [chl-a], 4x increase in NPP, no measureable drawdown of NO3 or CO2, fertilized patch subducted below pycnocline after 4 days
What did IronEx II (June 1995) do?
Patch fertilized 3x over 1 week to prevent rapid sedimentation. Tracked uing chl-a and SF6 and drifter deployed.
What were the results of IronEx II?
Patch for 19 days (drifted 10-100km/day), phytoplankton growth rates doubled (NPP increased), [chl-a] increases 25x, [NO3] decreased 50%, uptake incrase 15x, ocean-atmosphere CO2 flux decreased 60%, most growth due to large diatoms, micro- and meso-zooplankton biomass doubled
What did SOIREE (Jan-Mar 1999) do and find?
Fe added repeatedly over a few weeks. Dissolved Fe decreased after infusions, photosynthetic competency increased in patch, photosynthetic biomass increased, PP increased, nutrients removed from surface waters, large drawdown of aCO2, DMS increased with enrichment
What is DMS?
Dimethylsulphide, a cloud-nucleating agent, so increased DMS may lead to increased cloud cover and cooling (affect climate)
What produces DMS?
Haptophytes (i.e Phaeocystis, coccolithophores)
What are phaeocystis?
Form large gelatinous colonies or unicellular flagellates, can form extensive blooms in temperate oceans, dominates polar phytoplankton assemblages, can produce 10% of the total global flux of DMS to atmosphere
What results did SERIES (July-Aug 2002, subarctic NE Pacific) find?
Diatoms were dominant, specifically pseudo-nitzschia, which can produce toxins
What were some common findings in the mesoscale Fe experiments?
Phytoplankton blooms but a wide range in bloom signatures, not all resulted in more C export
What did LOHAFEX (Feb/Mar 2009, southern ocean) do?
Fertilized inside the core of an eddy and followed response for 39 days.
What did LOHAFEX find?
Chl-a biomass doubled in 2 weeks, heavy grazing pressure (copepods and amphipods), so only a modest amount of C sank out, minor effect of CO2 transfer from atmosphere-ocean, blooms phaeocystis (but not diatoms b/c Si limitation), which can produce DMS
How do we know [Fe] were higher during glacial periods?
Greenland and Antarctica ice cores show dust levels during last ice age 30x higher than today, sediment cores from southern ocean back 140000yrs show higher rates of biological productivity during ice ages
Why do scientists think fertilizing oceans on a massive scale is risk?
Too many unknowns: diatom sp. which can be toxic increase after Fe fertilization, increase heterotrophic activity may cause higher levels of CO2, but decreased O2 in oceans, increased productivity can also have increase DMS
What is the commercial interest in fertilization?
Increase fish production and obtain C credits