Fisheries Flashcards
Why are cod ideal fish for the fishing industry?
Easy to dry and salt
What are some characteristics of cod?
Demersal, longlived (20+yrs), early maturity (2-4yrs), omnivorous, broadcast spawn, highly fecund, soniferous
Why does Georges Bank have high primary production?
Anti-cyclonic retention gyre around the bank, frontal zone (gulfstream meets Labrador current)
What are the target species in the Georges Bank food web?
Copepods, Pseudocalanus, Haddock, Cod,
What are the early years of the New England Groundfish fishery?
The Basque kept secret for 400yrs, discovery of codfish banks by John Cabot in 1497, wars between France, England, Spain, first industry for US colonial settlers, in 1700, 11m pds cod shipped from Boston to Europe
How was the early harvest done?
Handline, longline, gillnets
What happened in the early 1900s related to the groundfish fishery?
Over 800 schooners sailed from New England ports for cod, dangerous work for fishermen who set and pulled baited groundline by hand, 3800 lost from Gloucester from 8301900
When did atlantic halibut become commercially extinct?
What is wrong with bottom trawling?
Degrades habitat, bycatch
What happened to advance the New England Groundfish Fisher?
Steampowered trawl vessels catch fish 6x faster than sailing
How much did trawl fishery grow in 1920?
4x with 125000 tons, 1930 growth overfishing was evident
When did the distant water fleet show up and what did it do?
1960, extremely efficient harvest of all groundfish species, poor regulations mean collapse of fish populations
What was the solution to prevent distant fleets from taking fish stocks?
Extend national fishing grounds from 200 nautical miles (from 12)
What did the domestication of the groundfish fishery do?
Eliminate foreign fleets, abandoned harvest quotas in 1982 (instead fish/mesh size limites)
When did declines and collapses start to occur?
Early 1980s declines, GB haddock and yellowtail flounder, SNE YT flounder collapse
When was the highest effort in fishing?
1990s, with record low biomass
What happened in 1994?
NMFS issued license moratorium, reduced allowable days at sea, closed portions of GB and SNE, new fish/mesh size restrictions
Have stocks recovered after almost 10yrs of imposed closures?
Some have (scallops), some haven’t (cod, some indication of recovery)
Over the last 500 years, what caused declines in cod landings?
Generally wars, some instances of poor productivity
When was all cod fishing in Newfoundland stopped?
What has replaced the cod fisheries?
Shrimp, snow crab, other crustaceans