Role of Government in Business - Chapter 4 Flashcards
The 7 Government Activities that Affect Business
- Crown corporations
- Laws and regulations
- Bank of Canada
- Taxation
- Gov expenditures
- Purchasing policies
- Services
National Policy
Gov directive that placed high tariffs on imports from the US to protect Canadian manufacturing, which had higher costs
State Capitalism
The combination of free markets and some gov control within the economic system of a country
Crown corporations
Companies that are owned by the federal or a provincial government
The whole process of selling publicly-owned corporations
The gov withdraws certain laws and regulations that seem to hinder competition
What is the primary responsibility the fed gov is responsible for?
Ensure and support the country’s economic performance
Marketing boards
Controls the supply or pricing of certain agricultural products. Consequently, they often control trade.
Designed to give some stability to an important area of the economy that’s normally very volatile.
What is P3s or PPPs?
Public-Private Partnerships
Public-private partnerships (P3s or PPPs)
A trend that we are seeing today by merging of public and private philosophies
What is BoC
Bank of Canada
Bank of Canada (BoC)
Federal Crown corporation, Canada’s central bank. Provides banking services on behalf of the fed gov; doesn’t offer banking services to the public
Monetary policy
Management of the $ supply and interest rates.
Money supply
The amt of money the BoC makes available for ppl to buy goods and services.
Overnight rate
Interest rate at which major financial institutions borrow and lend one day funds among themselves
Prime rate
The interest rate that banks charge their most creditworthy customers
Transfer payments
Direct payments from gov to other gov or to individuals
The fed gov’s transfer program for reducing fiscal disparities among provinces and territories
What are the 2 important departments of the fed gov that provide services to bus/consumers?
- Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
- Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development / Global Affairs Canada
National Research Council
What is NRC
Federal agency that began in 1916. Reports to Parliament through ISEDC
Industrial policy
A comprehensive coordinated gov plan to guide and revitalize the economy
Requires close consultation w business and labour to develop a program for long-term, sustainable industrial development
Fiscal policy
The fed gov effort to keep the economy stable by increasing or decreasing taxes or gov spending. First half of fiscal policy involves taxation
If gov spending exceeds the amt gathered in taxes for a specific period of time
Reductions in the national debt have been the result of surpluses
Federal budget
Comprehensive report that reveals gov financial policies and priorities for the coming year