Rok(u) Kyu Flashcards
To teach the basic concepts of Sixth Kyu
Taihen Jutsu Gyokui Kata
forms of movement
Shizen Gyo Un Ryu Sui
natural movement - the body adapts to the situation in a natural manner, power comes from movement not muscle.
Ken Tai Ichi Jo
weapon and body are one. - the weapon is used as an extension of the body
Ashi Rau/Sha Ha Ashi
footwork - as a basis of all movements.
Tai Sabuki
body judgement - how to move during a fight
Ashi Gata
footwork forms - moving in all ten directions.
Aruki Gata
walking methods
Tora Aruki
Tiger movement - pouncing in
Juji Aruki
Walking across - Moving across the line of your attacker
Moguri Gata
Descending forms - passing beneath, going under. when you go low to pass under your attackers arms or legs.
Ashi Waza
Methods of walking
Yoko Ashi
walk sideways
Saru Ashi
Monkey step
Nuki Ashi
Stealth Sstep
Tobi Ashi
Leaping step
Kata Ashi
Single step
O Ashi
Large step
Ko Ashi
Small step
Kage Ashi
Shadow step
Aruki Waza
Walking movements
Hoko Jutsu
Horizontal movement
Shizen Aruki
Walking naturally
Soyu Shin So Soku Ho
“Crab” walking crossing arms and legs, going sideways.
Hyo Jo Ho Ko
Walking on slippery surfaces
Mu On no Ho
Silent walking: small steps, tip-toe.
Shoten no Jutsu
Vertical movement - running up walls
Shi ho tobi
Jumping in all directions - silently as possible.
Chi Tobi
Earth Jump - Check step along the ground
Ten Tobi
Heaven Jump - high jump.
Inashi Gata
striking a pressure point using the movement of your body
Kihon Gata
Bojutsu basics
Nage Waza
throwing techniques
Ganseki Nage
Big rock throw
Ganseki Otoshi
big rock drop
Ganseki Goshi
Big Rock hip
Ganseki Geri
Big Rock kick
Ganseki Ori
Big Rock Crush
Harai Goshi
Sweeping the Hip
O goshi
Big Hip
O Soto Gake
Big Outer Hook
Uchi Mata
Inner Thigh Fork
Uchi Gake
Inner Thigh Hang
Gyaku Nake
Reverse throw
Taki Otoshi
Waterfall drop
Hane Goshi
Jumping Hip
Itami Nage
Pain Throw
Seoi Nage
Shouldering Throw
Shime Waza
Chokes and Strangles
Hon Jime
Principle Constriction
Gyaku jime
Reverse Constriction
Sankaku Jime
Triangle Constriction
place back arm behind neck and front arm in front of neck, front arm grabs back elbow and back arm grabs front bicep.
Do jime
Abdomen Constriction
O Gyaku Jime
Large Reversal Constriction
Mimi Jime
Ear Constriction
Ryo Ude jime
Both arms constiction
Seion Jime
Unvoiced Sound Constriction
Itami Jime
painful Constriction
Kata Yaburi no Kamae
Form Breaking
Munen muso no Kamae
Distraction-free No-mind
Otonashi no Kamae
Waki Uchi
striking the side - torso
kote uchi
striking the wrist
Mawate Kote Uchi
Turning the Stick and striking the wrist
Ryote Tsuki
Two handed strike with the end of Hanbo
katate Tsuki
One handed strike with the end of Hanbo
Tsuke Iri
Attach and enter
Koshi Ori
Hip Breaking
Ganseki Otoshi
Big Rock drop
forms of movement
Taihen Jutsu Gyokui Kata
natural movement - the body adapts to the situation in a natural manner, power comes from movement not muscle.
Shizen Gyo Un Ryu Sui
weapon and body are one. - the weapon is used as an extension of the body
Ken Tai Ichi Jo
footwork - as a basis of all movements.
Ashi Rau/Sha Ha Ashi
body judgement - how to move during a fight
Tai Sabuki
footwork forms - moving in all ten directions.
Ashi Gata
walking methods
Aruki Gata
Tiger movement - pouncing in
Tora Aruki
Walking across - Moving across the line of your attacker
Juji Aruki
Descending forms - passing beneath, going under. when you go low to pass under your attackers arms or legs.
Moguri Gata
Methods of walking
Ashi Waza
walk sideways
Yoko Ashi
Monkey step
Saru Ashi
Stealth Sstep
Nuki Ashi
Leaping step
Tobi Ashi
Single step
Kata Ashi
Large step
O Ashi
Small step
Ko Ashi
Shadow step
Kage Ashi
Walking movements
Aruki Waza
Horizontal movement
Hoko Jutsu
Walking naturally
Shizen Aruki
“Crab” walking crossing arms and legs, going sideways.
Soyu Shin So Soku Ho
Walking on slippery surfaces
Hyo Jo Ho Ko
Silent walking: small steps, tip-toe.
Mu On no Ho
Vertical movement - running up walls
Shoten no Jutsu
Jumping in all directions - silently as possible.
Shi ho tobi
Earth Jump - Check step along the ground
Chi Tobi
Heaven Jump - high jump.
Ten Tobi
striking a pressure point using the movement of your body
Inashi Gata
Bojutsu basics
Kihon Gata
throwing techniques
Nage Waza
Big rock throw
Ganseki Nage
big rock drop
Ganseki Otoshi
Big Rock hip
Ganseki Goshi
Big Rock kick
Ganseki Geri
Big Rock Crush
Ganseki Ori
Sweeping the Hip
Harai Goshi
Big Hip
O goshi
Big Outer Hook
O Soto Gake
Inner Thigh Fork
Uchi Mata
Inner Thigh Hang
Uchi Gake
Reverse throw
Gyaku Nake
Waterfall drop
Taki Otoshi
Jumping Hip
Hane Goshi
Pain Throw
Itami Nage
Shouldering Throw
Seoi Nage
Chokes and Strangles
Shime Waza
Principle Constriction
Hon Jime
Reverse Constriction
Gyaku jime
Triangle Constriction
Sankaku Jime
place back arm behind neck and front arm in front of neck, front arm grabs back elbow and back arm grabs front bicep.
Abdomen Constriction
Do jime
Large Reversal Constriction
O Gyaku Jime
Ear Constriction
Mimi Jime
Both arms constiction
Ryo Ude jime
Unvoiced Sound Constriction
Seion Jime
painful Constriction
Itami Jime
Form Breaking
Kata Yaburi no Kamae
Distraction-free No-mind
Munen muso no Kamae
Otonashi no Kamae
striking the side - torso
Waki Uchi
striking the wrist
kote uchi
Turning the Stick and striking the wrist
Mawate Kote Uchi
Two handed strike with the end of Hanbo
Ryote Tsuki
One handed strike with the end of Hanbo
katate Tsuki
Attach and enter
Tsuke Iri
Hip Breaking
Koshi Ori
Big Rock drop
Ganseki Otoshi