Rodents - Small Furies 1 Flashcards
Rodents are of which order?
What are rodents charactised by?
Continuously growing incisor teeth
What is the smallest rodent?
Pygmy mouse
What is the largest rodent?
How many sub-orders are there in the rodent order?
5 sub-orders
What are the two main sub-orders in ‘pet’ species?
Myomorpha (mouse like)
Hystricomorpha (porcupine like)
What are the additional sub-orders called?
Scuriomorpha (squirrel like)
Anomaluromorpha (springhares and scaly tailed squirrels)
Castorimorpha (beavers, gophers, kangaroo mice, pocket mice, kangaroo rats)
What is the dental formula of myomorpha?
I 1/1 , C 0/0 , P 0/0 , M 3/3
Total = 16
What is the dental formula of hystricomorpha?
I 1/1 , C 0/0 , P 1/1 , M 3/3
Total = 20
Why is it possible to reduce the crown length safely with a dental burr?
The incisor pulp cavity is small and beneath the gum line
What is the difference between the cheek teeth in hystricomorph and myomorph rodents?
Hystericomorph rodents have continuously erupting cheek teeth
Myomorph rodents cheek teeth don’t continue to erupt - they stop erupting.
What does the mouth anatomy of rodents allow them to do?
They can gnaw without wearing molars or swallowing debris and they can chew.
Describe rodents incisors.
Chisel shaped (soft dentine wears more quickly causing this shape)
Open rooted (aradacular)
Continually growing (elodont)
Hard enamel on one side (rostral)
What is the lower to upper incisor crown ratio in myomorphs?
What is the difference between molars in myomorph and hystricomorphs?
Myomorphs = anelodont (grow for short period then cease erupting)
Hystricomorphs = continue to erupt throughout life (dental disease more common)
Describe the gastrointestinal system of rodents.
Monogastric - simple stomach (hamsters have fore-stomach). glandular part of the stomach separated from fore stomach by a ridge.
Relatively large caecum
Elongated colon
Why do rodents exhibit caecotrophy (eat droppings)?
It enhances the uptake of essential vitamins and amino acids produced by bacterial fermentation in the hindgut
What prevents rodents from vomiting?
Limiting ridge between oesophagus and cardia of the stomach (J-shaped cardia)
Strong oesophageal sphincter
Do you need to starve rodents before surgery? Explain why/why not?
You do not need to starve rodents before surgery because they have a high metabolic rate and relatively fast gut transit time.
Are rodents mouth or nasal breathers?
They are obligate nasal breathers, mouth breathing is a sign of respiratory distress.
How many lobes do rodents have in their left and right lung?
Left lung = single lobe
Right lung = four lobes
Why are hamsters’ lungs different to other rodents?
Hamsters have one single lobe in their left lung but 5 lobes in their right lung (instead of 4).
What are the names of the lung lobes in rodents?
Left lung
Right cranial
Right middle
Right caudal
Right accessory
Are oxygen requirements high or low for rodents size?
How do rodents optimise respiration?
They have short airways and increased respiratory rates
More alveoli of thinner diameter (increased S.A)
High chest wall compliance
How does high chest wall compliance in rodents optimise respiration?
Increases vital capacity therefore decreases residual lung capacity
Which way does the oxygen binding curve shift in smaller animals?
The right
How does the movement of the oxygen binding curve help meet the increased demand for oxygen by the tissues of small animals with a high metabolic rate?
Haemoglobin released oxygen readily at tissue level
What does a relatively high surface area to volume ratio result in in rodents?
They dissipate heat readily
Have a high metabolic rate
What are the mechanisms for thermogenesis that rodents use?
Behavioural - huddling, nest building and tunnelling
Peripheral vasoconstriction
Non shivering - brown fat behind scapula and around neck - can persist for life
What are the mechanisms for heat loss that rodents use?
Sweat glands (minimal and on feet)
Evaporation of saliva groomed over body
Arteriovenous shunts in ears, tails and feet
What is the reproductive strategy of a myomorph rodent?
Litter size = large
Gestation period = short
Young = altricial (need lots of looking after)
What is the reproductive strategy of a hystricomorph rodent?
Litter size = small
Gestation period = long
Young = precocial (reflected in longer gestation period)
What is the difference between bicornuate and duplex female reproductive systems?
Bicornuate = single cervix and uterus
Duplex = left and right cervix and left and right uterus
Bicornuate reproductive systems are seen in female ferrets, cats, dogs and which rodent species?
Guinea pig
Duplex reproductive systems are seen in female rabbits and which rodent species?
Rat, mouse, hamster, gerbil and chinchilla
Describe the testes in rodents.
In most rodents the testes are large (compared to body size) and descend into the scrotal sac following puberty.
In which rodent species are the testes found inguinally?
What is the advantage of rodents having lots of accessory sex glands?
Increases reproductive success