Robinson Crusoe Flashcards
Tá strana kopca bola príliš strmá
That side of the hill was too steep
Kúsok po kusku som odnasal všetko bohatstvo
Piece by piece I carried all wealth
StranA útesu
side of the cliff
Tvrdou pracou som dokázal urobiť dieru hlbsie
„With hard work I was able to make the hole Deeper
Nástroje na Kopanie
digging tools
At times
Neutopil som sa ako ostatní
I not drowned like the others
Bol som bez živého človeka na ktorého by som sa obrátil
„ I was without another
living person to turn to.“
„Najprv ma z toho bolela hlava.“
„It made my head
sore at first,
Klakol som si na kolena vedla moje postele
Going down on my knees beside my bed
Od toho dňa som si našiel čas čítať každé ráno
From this day I made time
to read each morning“
To bolo v čase ked
It was about this time tha
Čo to bolo čo spôsobilo jeho zmenu?
What was it that made his change
Čo sa stalo že…
What happened to make
Modlil som sa k Bohu
I prayed out loud to God