Robinson and Gallagher Flashcards
When do they think was the highest point of imperialism?
They argue that it was consistent, informal and formal tactics used throughout century however informal preferred in early stages. Formal more common later to protect interests.
How much foreign trade went outside of empire and how many migrants?
Over half of foreign trade outside empire. 20 million emigrants outside of empire.
When will formal means be used?
Only when polity is on brink of financial collapse. Or if it is important to the needs of metropole.
What didn’t regulate imperialism?
Trade cycle of the metropole.
How is Latin America perfect example of informal empire.
Created mutually beneficial agreements, commerce and credit flowed into there economy, brits gained political influence and the elites developed vested interest in british success.
whats official mind.
Idea of ‘official mind’ in the metropole who decides informal or formal means.