Road/Walking Flashcards
OLW & P.E.s about going, coming, walking, etc
yɑti pɑiyɑ
Left Hand
yɑti ɑi
Right Hand
ɑn yo melɑ peiyɑ
I don’t know the road.
ɑn yo tɪtiye mei
I know the road
ɑn tɛtɑpɑ wei opɑipɔk su mi ɑn isɛliɑf mulo
I am going to round in Opaipak and then come back
nɑf no twɑiyɑi miwɑfwɑ
We are going on a long walk
mɑ ɔfɛlo yo
Where did mama go?
ɑn miu
I will go
ɑn wei mi
I am going to my house now
te wɑsi
You and I go now
ɑn mi
I am going now
ne mɑsi
You go
fɛn lo wɛf kukwe mɑsi ɑn wei mi
You all sit and story I am going to the house
te sɛd lɔ wei su mi wɑf yɑu
We two are going to Chad’s house
ɑn fɛn oflɑne wɛf ɑn lɑmbo lɔ ɔwe su mi
I am leaving you all to go to Rambo’s garden
ɑn fɪn oflɑne wɛf ɑn miu
All of you, I am leaving you now
niɑfʌ ɑijʌ
Friend, come
ɑn isu mou
I am going down
ɑn ɔsu mino
I am going up
ɑn ɔsuwɑf o eee wɛfɛ ɑn tito mofɛnɑi
I came down from up there and arrived here
ɑn nei təməlʌ miu oə ɔfʌnɑu
Can I go with you or no?
tei ifɑfʌ meo ne ɑi
You came and we shook hands
tuʌ te yo puɛ miu
Now you and I go on a poorly maintained road
no poni
Walking diagonally up a mountainside
te wei mi fɪn tito mɑtɛlo
We (2) are going to the house you (3 or more) stay.
ne ɑfu iwæf
Where are you going?
ne seɑ
You come (close/close-ish)
ne suɬ
You come down (talking to person on upper side)
ne toəl
You come down
ne tɑxol
You come up (talking to person on lower side)
neɑsu sɪn
You come up/you go up (long)
ne sɪn
You come up/you go up
ne fotu ɑisi
You go pee
ne si
You go
ne ɑlo tufu
You stand over there
ɑndɾu lɑf we miwɑf yɑu
Andrew, they all (3+) are going to the house
ɑn mɑkɛt su iɑi mi
I am going to see the market
ɑn me ɑwo
I have come
mofi netɛn le sɛd lɑ wei ɑsu minyɑ
Nathan is going up to Chad’s house
mofi nɛtɑn le sɛd lɑ wei oflɑne wɛfə lɑ wei isu moyɑ
Nathan is leaving Chad’s house to go down to his house
mof lɑf yɑp miwɑf yɑu
They all (3+) are ready to go to the singsing now
fin tito mɑtʌlo ɑn wei miwɑf yɑu
You all (3+) stay here Im going to the house
nɑf wei wɑs
You and I (3+) go to the house
te wei wɑs
You and I go to the house
ni wei otsin
You come inside the house
ne ɑiyo
You come
ni wei mɑs
You go to your house
fine wei mɑs
You two go to the house
ne ofue meyɑɔ
When will you come?
te tɛtɛpɑi mi
You and I go and come back
te tɛtɛpɑi wei su mi
You and I go to the house and come back
ne sɛyeɑ
You come here
ne ɔi
You come here (alt)
tuʌ ɑn miwɛfiyɑu
I’m going now
wʌlɑfi tuʌ ne mɑsi
Ok good, you go now
ɑnɑ luɑ lusmɛt le meyɑ
my wife Lusmet is coming
ɑnɑ yɛn le meyɑ
my child is coming
ne ɑfu miu
where are you going to go?
ne ɑfu miwɑfiyɑu
where are you going? (when you see them walking)
ɑn ne tɛmɛlɑ miu
I am going with you
ne ɑfu yɑi
where did you go?
ɑn opɑipɔx su miyɑi
I came from Opaipzx
tisɑs le ɑnɔmɛnɔ yo mɑtifi
Jesus cut the road for me
yo pɑ
middle of the road
yo momɑle
road junction