Greetings & Leave-takings Flashcards
te wɑsi
You and I go now
ɑn mi
I am going now
ɑn wei mi
I am going to my house now
ne mɑsi
You go
fɪn lo wɛf kukue mɑsi ɑn wei mi
You all sit and story I am going to the house
ɑn wei lɑxsu lɛsɛlɪn iɑ mɪnɑi
I am going inside the house to see Rachel
te sɛd lɑ wei su miwʌpɛ
We two are going to Chad’s house
ɑn fɪn oflɑne wɛf ɑn lɑmblɔ ɑwe su mi
All of you, I am leaving to go to Rambo’s garden
ɑn fɪn oflɑne wɛf ɑn miu
All of you, I am leaving you now
niɑfʌ ɑijʌ
You have come (greeting)
ɑnɑ wi lesolɪn
My name is Lesolcn
te wei mi fɛn tito mɑtʌlo
We (2) are going to the house you (3 or more) stay.
nɑ wi ɛfɛ
What is your name?
ne ɔfu iwɑf
Where are you going?
ne tiyɑt mɛku oə ne nɔ wei no mɛxɑle su mɛko
Will you sleep here tonight or at your block house?
ne si
You go (not polite)
ɑndɾu lɑf wei miwɑf yɑu
Andrew, they all (3+) are going to the house
ɑn mɑkɛt su iɑi mi
I am going to see the market
ɑn me ɑwo
I have come
ne wʌfʌ ɑn mewu
I will see you tomorrow
ɑn wei mi
I am going to my house
ɑlo sɑmo, ɑndɾu ɑn me ɑwo ɑn me ɑwo, ɑiyo ɑyio
3 ways to sing out when approaching a house
fin tito mɑtʌlo ɑn wei miwɑf yɑu
You all (3+) stay here Im going to the house
nɑf wei wɑs
You and I (3+) go to the house
te wei wɑs
You and I go to the house
ne wei otsin
You come inside the house
ne ɑiyo
You come
ne ɑntɛte ɑfitɛl ioflɑi ɑisi
You go finish the rest of the work
ne wei mɑs
You go to your house
ne ɑntɛte ɑisi
You go work
fine wei mɑs
You two go to the house
sikɔ ɑnɔ niyɑf ɑnɑ yo
thank you friend, you give food
ɑnɔ no tɛnɛsi
My home place is Tennessee
no towɑ ɑmɛɾɪkɑ
My country is America
ne ɔfu ɑf yɑi
Where did you come from?
ɑlo sɑmo, ɑndɾu ɑn me ɑwo ɑn me ɑwo, ɑiyo ɑyio
3 ways to sing out when approaching a house