RNAV (PBN) Operations Flashcards
What is RNAV?
- A method of navigation that permits operation on any desired course within coverage (station reference) or within the limits of a self contained system.
- A Navigation specification (RNAV 5, etc)
What is the difference between RNAV and RNP navigation specifications?
- RNAV does NOT have on board performance monitoring and alerting.
- RNP does have onboard performance monitoring and alerting.
Essentially this means that RNAV operations can only be conducted under RADAR control. RNP operations can be conducted outside RADAR coverage.
What are the RNAV specifications used for terminal area operations>
- RNAV 1
- Basic RNP-1
What are the Basic RNP-1 airports JJP flys to?
RJFU Nagasaki (SID)
RJOM Matsuyama (SID)
VHHH Hong Kong
RCTP Taipei
What are the RNAV specifications?
RNAV 1 & 2
What are the RNP specifications?
Basic RNP-1
What is the required navigation performance for RNAV1 and Basic RNP1?
Total system error not more than +/- 1nm for 95% of the time
What RNAV specification is applied to all domestic airways in Japan?
Must be within 5nm of track for 95% of the time
What air routes are RNAV 10 (RNP10)?
Oceanic routes and oceanic control areas in SE Asia.
N884 and M646 are RNP10 routes (Manila Flight).
What navigation accuracy is specified for for RNP-APCH?
+/- 1nm for Initial/Intermediate approach.
+/- 0.3nm for final approach segment
+/- 1nm for missed approach
What is RNP AR APCH?
- same accuracy as RNP APCH*
- has curved turning pattern called RF (radius to fix) LEG.
- uses barometric altitude and accurate GNSS position fixing.
*JJP uses RNP 0.3 however some approaches allow RNP 0.15 with lower mini
What are the 3 error components?
- Path Definition Error (PDE) - negligible
- Flight Technical Error (FTE) - AP or crew error
- Navigation System Error (NSE) - on A320 this is Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU)
What is the requirement for Total System Error?
Within the specified navigation accuracy for 95% of the time.
What is Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU)?
Predictive difference between FM position and actual position.
EPU is equal to Navigation System Error.
How does the FMGS determine NAV ACCURACY?
- Compares EPU with RNP. Both are displayed on the Progress Page.
- If EPU does not exceed RNP = ACCURACY HIGH
What are the FMGS default area RNP values?
What does the message GPS PRIMARY LOST mean?
GPS PRIMARY status no longer complies with navigation accuracy or integrity is lost.
When flying with GPS PRIMARY LOST, what happens when EPU exceeds RNP?
- ACCUR changes to LOW
When is ACCURACY always HIGH?
When flying with GPS PRIMARY
What are the messages relevant to PNP operations?
What are the equipment requirements for RNAV10 (RNP10) operations?
What are the equipment requirements for RNAV 5 operations?
What are the equipment requirements for RNAV 1 operations?
What are the equipment requirements for Basic RNP 1 operations?
What are the equipment requirements for RNP APCH operations?
What are the equipment requirements for RNP AR APCH operations?
What is GNSS?
Global Navigation Satellite System
Comprises multiple satellite constellations - the primary one being GPS
What are the three types of Augmentation available to improve the accuracy of GNSS receivers?
- ABAS = Aircraft Based Augmentation System
- SBAS = Satellite Based Augmentation System
- GBAS = Ground Based Augmentation System
What is ABAS?
Aircraft Based Augmentation System
Integrates information obtained from other GNSS elements with information available on board the aircraft,
A320 aircraft are equipped with RAIM and FDE.
What is RAIM function?
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
GNSS receiver processor determines the integrity of the GNSS navigation signals using either GPS signals alone, or GPS signals augmented with barometric altitude (baro-aiding).
Loss of integrity is indicated by GPS PRIMARY LOST message
What is FDE?
Fault Detection and Exclusion
Receiver detects faulty satellite signals and automatically excludes them from the navigation position calculation.
What is GBAS?
ground based augmentation system.
GBAS transmitter on the ground provides a correction message to enable precision approach services using GNSS such as GLS and FLS approaches.
Flight Planning requirements
- check the letter R is inserted in Item 10 of the FPLAN and the RNAV descriptor required for the flight appear in Item 18 after the letters PBN/
What are the descriptors for RNAV navigation?
What is critical DME?
The DME which if becomes inoperative, affects the accuracy of navigation using DME/DME/IRU.
This unreliable distance is defined as DME GAP
What is RAIM prediction?
A function to predict whether or not RAIM will be available at a particular point and a particular time.
RAIM prediction should be conducted and no RAIM outages greater than 5 minutes should exist at the destination at the time of arrival.
NOTAM for RAIM prediction is issued when RAIM is unuseable for more than 5 minutes.
In the A320 how is navigation performance monitoring achieved?
By the display of messages on the MCDU or ND
What PBN procedures are used for SIDs and STARs in Japan
Bothe RNAV 1 and BASIC RNP 1 for SIDs and STARs
Why do SIDs in Japan always start on runway heading until 500 ft AGL then start a turn?
Because standard SID guidance for RNAV SIDs is DME/DME tuning. DME accuracy is not assured on the ground. At 500 ft AGL DME accuracy is assured.
Whan does RNP 1 change to RNP 2 on the MCDU?
At 50 nm or passing 15 000 ft whichever comes first.
Why don’t you have to change the RNP value when it defaults to RNP 2.
Because the figure of merit (FOM) for GPS PRIMARY is 0.28. If the FOM exceeds 0.28 GPS PRIMARY LOST will be displayed.
What are the default values for the FMGS?
- Enroute = 2.0 (changes to Terminal 1.o at 50nm or 15 000 ft)
*Terminal = 1.0 nm
- Approach = 0.3 nm
What is RNAV 5?
A PBN accuracy standard that requires +/- 5nm of prescribed track for 95% of the time. It is the standard the Japan’s Sky Highway is based on.
Which ATS routes are RNAV 5 routes in Japan?
ATS routes M, N, and Y.
L and Z are conditional routes (CDR) available to approved operators
Is approval required to operate on RNAV routes
Yes, CAL 83-2 refers
How should a pilot inform ATC that any navigation requirement is not satisfied while operating on RNAV routes?
What is a DME GAP?
A segment of an RNAV route where the required accuracy of position information cannot be obtained using two DME stations.
If a DME cannot be replaced by any other DME to ensure accuracy on a route segment it is called a critical DME.
DME GAPS only apply to DME/DME RNAV operations.
How is RAIM function determined on the A320?
In the terminal area if the RAIM function is available is the pilot required to monitor navigation systems other than GPS?