RNA Viruses- Name that Virus Flashcards
Capsule: Naked w/2 Icosahedral shells
Replication: Cytoplasm
Reoviridae (Group III): Respiratory Enteric Orphan
Capsule: Naked w/2 Icosahedral shells
Replication: Cytoplasm
Special Features: Shell digested on ingestions
10 segments – 10 genes; needs RNA-dep RNA pol
Disease: Fecal-oral transmission; Gastroenteritis - infants
Reoviridae (Group III): Rotavirus
NA: dsRNA Capsule: Naked, icosahedral Replication: Cytoplasm Special Features: Febrile illness w/headache Disease: Colorado tick fever
Reoviridae (Group III): Orbivirus
NA: dsRNA Capsule: Naked, icosahedral Replication: Cytoplasm Special Features: none Disease: Mild URI, or GI illness
Reoviridae (Group III): Orthoreovirus
NA: +ssRNA
Capsule: Naked, icosahedral
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Cytolytic, fecal oral, acid stable
Special Features: Throat-GI-blood-neurons; Replicates in motor neurons and kills
Disease: Mild disease; Nonparalytic viral Meningitis; Poliomyelitis (flaccid paralysis)
Vaccine: OPV – attenuated; SE = paralysis VAPP
eIPV- inactivated against VAPP; SE = other polioviruses
Picornaviridae (Group IV): Poliovirus (Entero)
NA: +ssRNA
Capsule: Naked, icosahedral
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Cytolytic, fecal oral, acid stable
Special Features: none
Disease: Paralysis, diarrhea, viral Meningitis, common cold
Picornaviridae (Group IV): ECHO (Enteric cytopathogenic Human orphan)
NA: +ssRNA Capsule: Naked, icosahedral Replication: Cytoplasm Family Features: Cytolytic, fecal oral, acid stable Special Features: none Disease: Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
Picornaviridae (Group IV): Enterovirus 70
NA: +ssRNA Capsule: Naked, icosahedral Replication: Cytoplasm Family Features: Cytolytic, fecal oral, acid stable Special Features: none Disease: Encephalitis
Picornaviridae (Group IV): Enterovirus 71
NA: +ssRNA
Capsule: Naked, icosahedral
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Cytolytic, fecal oral, acid stable
Special Features: none
Disease: A – vesicular lesion, Herpangia (soft palate); A16- hand-foot and mouth disease; B – myocarditis and pericarditis
Picornaviridae (Group IV): Coxsackie Viruses A And B (Entero)
NA: +ssRNA
Capsule: Naked, icosahedral
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Cytolytic, fecal oral, acid stable
Special Features: NOT CYTOLYTIC (released by budding); Fecal-oral transmission
Disease: Acute hepatitis
Vaccine: Harvix – inactive
Picornaviridae (Group IV): HAV
NA: +ssRNA
Capsule: Naked, icosahedral
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Cytolytic, fecal oral, acid stable
Special Features: ACID LABILE; Prefers 33 degrees C; RESPIRATORY transmission
Disease: Common cold, bronchitis, Croup
Picornaviridae (Group IV): Rhinovirus
NA: +ssRNA
Capsule: Naked, Icosahedral
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Larger than picorna
Special Features: Fecal-oral, Shellfish/daycare centers
Disease: most non-bacterial gastroenteritis
Calciviridae (Group IV): Norovirus
NA: +ssRNA
Capsule: Naked, Icosahedral
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Larger than picorna
Special Features: Fecal oral; Mortality in pregnant women
Disease: Endemic acute hepatitis; Due to poor sanitation
Calciviridae (Group IV): HEV
NA: +ssRNA
Capsule: Envelope, Icosahedral
Replication: Cytoplasm
Special Features: Mosquitoes (zoonotic); Man is incidental dead end host
Disease: EEE, WEE, and VEE (equine encephalitis)
Togaviridae (Group IV): Arboviruses
NA: +ssRNA Capsule: Envelope, Icosahedral Replication: Cytoplasm Special Features: none Disease: Rubella-German Measles; Respiratory and congenital Vaccine: mmR attenuated
Togaviridae (Group IV): Rubiviruses
NA: +ssRNA
Capsule: Envelope, Icosahedral
Replication: Cytoplasm
Special Features: Mosquito born, some tick (Powassan); Dengue Ab → hemorrhagic fever
Disease: West Nile Encephalitis; Dengue fever; Powassan encephalitis
Flaviviridae (Group IV): Arboviruses
NA: +ssRNA
Capsule: Envelope, Icosahedral
Replication: Cytoplasm
Special Features: Blood or STD transmission
Disease: Acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis
Flaviviridae (Group IV): HCV
NA: +ssRNA Capsule: Envelope, Helical Replication: Cytoplasm Special Features: Surrounded by projections Disease: Temp greater than 100.4
Coronaviridae (Group IV): SARS
NA: +ssRNA Capsule: Envelope, Helical Replication: Cytoplasm Special Features: none Disease: Acute respiratory illness
Coronaviridae (Group IV): MERS
NA: -ssRNA
Capsule: Envelope (lipid), Helical w/ 8 segments
Replication: Nucleus-Needs host-primers
Special Features: Must contain RNA transcriptase/RNA dep RNA pol; Glycoprotein spikes (envelope); Hemagglutinins – bind to host (A); Neuraminidase – release from host (A); Antigenic drift – minor; Antigenic shift - reassortment
Disease: Aerosol, destroys ciliated Epithelial in bronchi; Acute respiratory disease
Orthomyxoviridae (Group V): Influenza
A – pandemic
B – human & seals
C – humans, pigs, dogs
NA: -ssRNA
Capsule: Envelope, Helical, Not segmented
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Must contain RNA transcriptase; Syncytium formation - F protein
Special Features: Cytopathic → syncytia; NOT viremic
Disease: Respiratory transmission: Croup, cold
Paramyxoviridae (Group V): Parainfluenza
NA: -ssRNA
Capsule: Envelope, Helical
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Must contain RNA transcriptase; Genomes not segmented; Syncytium formation - F protein
Special Features: Viremia (in blood stream)
Route: URT → mucous → blood (viremia) → salivary glands
Disease: Respiratory transmission: Parotid or salivary; Tests and ovaries; Transient viral Meningitis
Vaccine: M of mMr –attenuated
Paramyxoviridae (Group V): Mumps
NA: -ssRNA
Capsule: Envelope, Helical
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Must contain RNA transcriptase; Genomes not segmented; Syncytium formation - F protein
Special Features: Maternal ab protect for 6 months
Disease: Respiratory transmission: URT → viremia → skin Rash by T cell response; Postinfectious –Encephalitis (immune)
Paramyxoviridae (Group V): Measles (Rubeola)
NA: -ssRNA
Capsule: Envelope, Helical
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Must contain RNA transcriptase; Genomes not segmented; Syncytium formation - F protein
Special Features: Syncytia
Disease: Respiratory: Pneumonia, bronchitis, cold in Infants and children (lower respiratory)
Vaccine: No vaccine; Ig and monoclonoal ab for high risk
Paramyxoviridae (Group V): Respiratory Syncytial
Virus (RSV)
NA: -ssRNA
Capsule: Envelope, Helical, Bullet-shaped
Replication: Cytoplasm
Family Features: Must contain RNA transcriptase;
Special Features: Reservoirs – raccoons, skunk, bats; Negri bodies (CNS)
Disease: Encephalitis –fatal; Broken skin; Replicates muscle – CNS Prodromal, Excitation, Paralytic
Vaccine: Give Ig and Inactive vac
Rhabdoviridae (Group V): Rabies virus
NA: 2 x +ssRNA
Capsule: Enveloped
Replication: ?
Family Features: Replicate with DNA intermediate; Has tRNA for primer of reverse transcriptase; DNA intermediate; dsDNA circularizes and integrates
Special Features: Infect Th CD4+ cells
Disease: HTLV I–STD or blood transmission-Lymphoid leukemias in Japan HTLV II
Retroviridae (Group VI): Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Viruses (HTLV)
NA: 2 x +ssRNA
Capsule: Enveloped
Replication: ?
Family Features: Replicate with DNA intermediate; Has tRNA for primer of reverse transcriptase; DNA intermediate; dsDNA circularizes and integrates
Special Features: If replication restricted genome exists As dsDNA in latent cells Antigenic drift rapidly; very mutable
Disease: Cytopathic non-transforming; Cause death
Retroviridae (Group VI): Lentivirinae
NA: 2 x +ssRNA
Capsule: Enveloped
Replication: ?
Family Features: Replicate with DNA intermediate; Has tRNA for primer of reverse transcriptase; DNA intermediate; dsDNA circularizes and integrates
Special Features: Latent in unactivated CD4 T cells; GP41-GP120; Gp120 to CD4 receptor; Coreceptors: Cxcr4 on T & Ccr5 on Macro; GAG-capsid; POL-RT, integrase ,protease; Env (SU-Gp120) (TM-Gp41); Gp41 = fusion; Viral RNA by RNA pol II
Disease: Infects CD4 T cells, Monocytes/macro; STD, blood, perinatal; Macrophage reservoirs
Retroviridae (Group VI): HIV (species of Lentivirinae)
NA: -ssRNA
Capsule: Envelope (protein looks like HBsAG), tiny
Replication: ?
Special Features: Encodes delta antigen – capsid
Defective (needs HBV)
Disease: Cytopathic effects by HDV On liver cells
HDV (unclassified)