RNA interference, RNA isolation and introduction to RT-PCR Flashcards
Total RNA is a term to describe what?
The entire complement of RNA molecules found in any given cell and includes the three major types of RNA molecules:
1- mRNA
2- tRNA
3- rRNA
______ is transcribed as a ______-stranded molecule containing ________ from gene-containing template of DNA.
1 - mRNA
2 - single
3 - ribonucleotdies
____ is involved in protein ________ within the ribosome (composed of _____), and functions by converting the information carried by the ______ into a corresponding _____ _____ sequence.
1 - tRNA 2 - synthesis 3 - rRNA 4 - mRNA 5 - amino acid
What are examples of small RNA molecules that play a variety of roles in regulatory function?
snRNA - small nuclear RNA
miRNA - micro RNA
What is snRNA involved in?
Involved in the maturation of mRNA.
What is miRNA involved in?
The regulation of gene expression.
mRNA is the key link between the information stored within a _____ and the expression of that information via ________ _________.
1 - gene
2 - protein synthesis
What is the central dogma of molecular biology?
DNA –> mRNA –> protein
mRNAs serve a central function in what?
Transport, regulation and translation of information from DNA nucleotides to a sequence of aa’s that ultimately form fully functional proteins.
mRNA expression is controlled by a number of regulatory proteins to regulate many events that affect the cell cycle such as?
1 - level and/or stability of mRNA in specific cell types
2 - ability to form functional proteins following post-transcriptional modification
3 - mRNA translocation in the cell
In this lab, we will be investigating which technique?
The ____ process of RNAi was originally discovered in ______, where it was originally described as what?
1 - in-vivo
2 - plants
3 - post-transcriptional gene silencing
RNAi is a powerful tool used to what?
Artificially down-regulate the expression of specific target genes.
RNAi is a natural process. How so?
Natural process triggered by dsRNA precursors that are present during viral infection of mammalian systems.
Precursors are processed into what, with a length of what? (dsRNA precursors from viral infection)
Short RNA duplexes of 21-28 nucleotides in length.