RN / Conception Vessel / Ren / 任脉 Flashcards
24 Points
*RN1 会阴 Huiyin - 第十一鬼穴
At the centre of the perineum, midway between the posterior border of the genitals and the anus.
- Intersection of the Chong Mai and Governor Vessel on the Conception Vessel
- Eleventh Ghost point
RN2 曲骨 Qugu
On the midline of the lower abdomen, at the superior border of the pubic symphysis, 5 cun below the umbilicus.
Caution: needling depth
- Intersection of the Liver on the Conception Vessel
RN3 中极 Zhongji - 膀胱募穴
On the midline of the lower abdomen, 4 cun inferior to the umbilibcus and 1 cun superior to the pubic symphysis
- Front-Mu Point of the Bladder
- Intersection of the Three foot yin channels (Spleen, Liver and Kidney) on the Conception Vessel
RN4 关元 Guanyuan - 小肠募穴
On the midline of the lower abdomen, 3 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 2 cun superior to the pubic symphysis
- Front-Mu point of the Small Intestine
- Intersection of the Three foot yin channels (Spleen, Liver and Kidney) on the Conception Vessel
RN5 石门 Shimen - 三焦经募穴
On the midline of the lower abdomen, 2 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 3 cun superior to the pubic symphysis
RN6 气海 Qihai
On the midline of the lower abdomen, 1.5 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 3.5 cun superior to the pubic symphysis
RN7 阴交 Yinjiao
On the midline of the lower abdomen, 1 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 4 cun superior to the pubic symphysis
- Intersection of the Kidney and Chong Mai on the Conception Vessel
RN8 神阙 Shenque
In the centre of the umbilicus
RN9 水分 Shuifen
On the midline of the abdomen, 1 cun above the umbilicus and 7 cun below the sternocostal angle
RN10 下腕 Xiawan
On the midline of the abdomen, 2 cun above the umbilicus and 6 cun below the sternocostal angle
- Intersection of the Spleen on the conception vessel
RN11 建里 Jianli
On the midline of the abdomen, 3 cun above the umbilicus and 5 cun below the sternocostal angle.
- Intersection of the Spleen on the conception vessel
RN12 中脘 Zhongwan - 胃募穴、八会穴之腑会
On the midline of the abdomen, 4 cun above the umbilicus and midway between the umbilicus and sternocostal angle
- Front-Mu point of the Stomach
- Hui-Meeting point of the Fu
RN13 上腕 Shangwan
On the midline of the abdomen, 5 cun above the umbilicus and 3 cun below the sternocostal angle
- Intersection of the Small Intestine and Stomach on the Conception Vessel
RN14 巨阙 Juque - 心经募穴
On the midline of the abdomen, 6 cun above the umbilicus and 2 cun below the sternocostal angle
- Front-Mu point of the Heart
RN15 鸠尾 Jiuwei - 络穴、膏之原穴
On the midline of the abdomen, 7 cun above the umbilicus and 1 cun below the level of the sternocostal angle
- Luo-Connecting point of the Conception Vessel
RN16 中庭 Zhongting
On the midline of the sternum, at the level of the sternocostal angle
RN17 膻中 Danzhong - 心包经募穴、八会穴之气会
On the midline of the sternum, in the depression level with the junction of the fourth intercostal space and the sternum
- Influential point of Qi
- Front-Mu point of the pericardium
- intersection of the Spleen, Kidney, Small Intestine and Sanjiao on the Conception Vessel
*RN18 玉堂 Yutang
On the sternal midline, level with the third intercostal space
*RN19 紫宫 Zigong
On the sternal midline, level with the second intercostal space
*RN20 华盖 Huagai
On the midline of the manubrium, just superior to the sternal angle, level with the first intercostal space.
*RN21 璇玑 Xuanji
In the shallow depression slightly superior to the centre of the manubrium, about 1 cun inferior RN22.
RN22 天突 Tiantu
On the midline, in the centre of the suprasternal fossa
- Intersection of the Yin Wei Mai on the Conception Vessel
- Window of the Sky point
RN23 廉泉 Lianquan
On the anterior midline of the neck, in the depression above the hyoid bone
- Intersection of the Yin Wei Mai on the Conception Vessel
RN24 承浆 Chengjiang - 第八鬼穴
Above the chin, in the depression in the centre of the mentolabial groove
- Intersection of the Governor Vessel, Stomach and Large Intestine on the Conception Vessel
- Eight Ghost point
Conception Vessel / Ren Mai / 任脉
- Function
1. One of the eight extraordinary vessels
2. with its own acupoints
3. Sea of all the yin channels (Guanyuan RN4 关元)
4. Regulates the uterus, blood and reproductive functions
5. Relation with Sanjiao and digestive functions - One branch of conception vessel
1. arises in the pelvic cavity, enters the spine and ascends along the back
2. similar to the pathway of DU Mai - Luo-Connecting Channel
1. arises at descends from Jiuwei RN15 and disperses over the abdomen