GB / The Gallbladder Channel of Foot Shao Yang / 足少阳胆经 Flashcards
44 points
GB1 瞳子髎 Tongziliao
In the hollow of the lateral side of the orbital margin, approximately 0.5 cun lateral to the outer canthus
- Intersection of the Sanjiao and Small Intestine on the Gallbladder Channel
GB2 听会 Tinghui
With the mouth open, in the hollow between the intertragic notch, posterior to the condyloid process of the mandible anteriorly
GB3 上关 Shangguan
Anterior to the ear, in a hollow above the upper border of the zygomatic arch, directly superior to Xiaguan ST7
- Intersection of the Sanjiao and Stomach on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB4 颔厌 Hanyan
In a shallow depression within the temporal hairline, below Touwei ST8, one quarter of the distance between Touwei ST8 and Qubin GB7
- Intersection of the Sanjiao and Stomach on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB5 悬颅 Xuanlu
In a shallow depression within the temporal hairline, below Hanyan GB4 and midway between Touwei ST8 and Qubin GB7
- Intersection of the Sanjiao and Stomach and Large Intestine on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB6 悬厘 Xuanli
In a shallow depression within the temporal hairline, midway between Xuanlu GB5 and Qubin GB7
- Intersection of the Sanjiao and Stomach and Large Intestine on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB7 曲鬓 Qubin
On the temple, approximately one finger-width anterior to Jiaosun SJ20, level with the apex of the auricle
- Intersection of the Bladder on the Gallbladder Channel
Gb8 率谷 Shuaigu
In the temporal region, in the slight depression 1.5 cun directly above the apex of ear
- Intersection of the Bladder on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB9 天冲 Tianchong
In a shallow depression approximately 0.5 cun posterior to Shuaigu GB8
- Intersection of the Bladder on the Gallbladder Channel
- GB10 浮白 Fubai
In a shallow depression one third of the distance along the curved line joining Tianchong GB9 and Wangu GB12
- Intersection of the Bladder on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB11 头窍阴 Touqiaoyin
In a depression two thirds of the distance along the curved line joining Tianchong GB9 and Wangu GB12
- Intersection of the Bladder on the Gallbladder Channel
GB12 完骨 Wangu
In the depression just posterir and inferior to the mastoid process
- Intersection of the Bladder on the Gallbladder Channel
GB13 本神 Benshen
On the forehead, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, two thirds of the distance between Shenting DU 24 and Touwei ST8
- Intersection of the Yang Wei Mai on the Gallbladder Channel
GB14 阳白 Yangbai
On the forehead, 1 cun superior to the middle of the eyebrow, directly above the pupil when the eyes are looking straight ahead
- Intersection of the Yang Wei Mai, Sanjiao and Stomach and Large Intestine on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB15 头临泣 Toulinqi
In a shallow depression 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, directly above Shenting DU24 and Touwei ST8
- Intersection of the Yang Wei Mai and Stomach on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB16 目窗 Muchuang
In a shallow depression one third of the distance between Toulinqi GB15 and Chengling GB18, 2.225 cun lateral to the midline
- Intersection of the Yang Wei Mai on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB17 正营 Zhengying
In a shallow depression two thirds of the distance along the line connecting Toulinqi GB15 and Chengling GB18
- Intersection of the Yang Wei Mai on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB18 承灵 Chengling
Directly lateral to Baihui DU 20, in line with Zhengying GB17, approximately 2.25 cun lateral to the midline
- Intersection of the Yang Wei Mai on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB19 脑空 Naokong
Directly above Fengchi GB20, level with BL9 and Du17, approximately 2.25 cun lateral to the midline
- Intersection of the Yang Wei Mai on the Gallbladder Channel
GB20 风池 Fengchi
Below the occiput, in the hollow between the origins of the sternomastoid and trapezius muscles
- Intersection of the Yang Wei Mai, Yang Qiao Mai and Sanjiao on the Gallbladder Channel
GB21 肩井 Jianjin
Midway between Dazhui DU14 and the tip of the acromion, at the crest of the trapezius muscle
- Caution: needling angle and depth
- Intersection of the Yang Wei Mai, Stomach and Sanjiao on the Gallbladder Channel
*GB22 渊腋 Yuanye
Approximately 3 cun below the centre of the axilla, on the mid-axillary line. Situated in the fourth intercostal space.
*GB23 辄筋 Zhejin
1 cun anterior and slightly inferior to Yuanye GB22, in the fourth intercostal space.
- Intersection of the Bladder on the Gallbladder Channel
GB24 日月 Riyue - 前募穴(胆)
On the anterior chest wall, in the 7th intercostal space, directly below the nipple, 4 cun lateral to the midline
- Front - Mu point of the Gallbladder
- Intersection of the Spleen, Yang Wei Mai and Bladder on the Gallbladder Channel
GB25 京门 Jingmen - 前募穴(肾)
Below the lateral aspect of the ribcage, anterior and inferior to the free end of the 12th rib
- Front-Mu point of the Kidney
GB26 带脉 Daimai - 八脉交会穴(带脉)
Directly below Zhangmen LV 13 (anterior and inferior to the free end of the 11th rib), level with the umbilicus
Same name with the extraordinary channel
Abdominal obesity and Gridling vessel losing control
Zusanli ST36, Daimai GB26, Zhongwan RN12
- Meeting point of the Gallbladder channel with the Girdling vessel
*GB27 五枢 Wushu
On the lower abdomen in the depression just medial to the tip of the ASIS
- Meeting point of the Gallbladder channel with the Girdling vessel
*GB28 维道 Weidao
On the lower abdomen in the depression just medial to the inferior border of the ASIS, 0.5 cun inferior and slightly medial to Wushu GB27
- Meeting point of the Gallbladder channel with the Girdling vessel
GB29 居髎 Juliao
On the lateral aspect of the hip joint, at the midpoint of a line drawn the anterior superior iliac spin and the prominence of the great trochanter
- Meeting point of the Gallbladder channel with the Yang Qiao Mai
GB30 环跳 Huantiao - 天星穴
On the postero-lateral aspect of the hip joint, one third of the distance between the prominence. of the great trochanter and the sacro-coccygeal hiatus
Important acupoint for sciatica
- Heaven Star point
- Intersection of the Bladder on the Gallbladder Channel
GB31 风市 Fengshi
On the lateral aspect of the thigh, directly below the great trochanter, 7 cun superior to the popliteal crease
GB32 中渎 Zhongdu
2 cun inferior to Fengshi GB31
*GB33 膝阳关 Xiyangguan
At the centre of the large depression formed between the tendon of the biceps femoris muscle and the posterior border of the ITB, directly superior to the lateral condyle of the femur, locate and treat with the knee flexed at an angle of 90 degrees
GB34 阳陵泉 Yanglingquan - 合穴(土)、八会穴(肌肉)、天星穴
Below the lateral aspect of the knee, in the tender depression, approximately 1 cun anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula
- He-Sea point
- Earth point
- Hui- Meetint point of sinews
- Heavenly Star point
GB35 阳交 Yangjiao - 郗穴(阳维脉)
On the lateral aspect of the lower leg, 7 cun superior to the lateral malleolus, in the depression at the posterior border of the fibula
- Xi- Cleft point of the Yang Wei Mai
GB36 外丘 Waiqiu - 郗穴(胆)
On the lateral aspect of the lower leg, 7 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, at the anterior border of the fibula
- Xi-Cleft point of the Gallbladder
GB37 光明 Guangming - 络穴
On the lateral aspect of the lower leg, 5 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, at the anterior border of the fibula
- Luo-Connecting point
GB38 阳辅 Yangfu - 经穴(火)
On the lateral aspect of the lower leg, 4 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, at the anterior border fo the fibula
- Jing-River point
- Fire point
GB39 悬钟 Xuanzhong - 八会穴(髓)
On the leg anterior to the fibula, 3 cun proximal to the prominence of lateral malleolus
Also know as Juegu
- Hui-Meetint point of the marrow
GB40 丘墟 Qiuxu - 原穴
At the ankle joint, in the depression anterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus
- Yuan-Source point
GB41 足临泣 Zulinqi - 腧穴(木)、带脉交会穴
In the depression distal to the junction of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of the tendon of m. extensor digitorum longus (branch to little toe)
- Shu-Stream point
- Wood point
- Confluent point of the Dai Mai (Girdling Vessel)
*GB42 地五会 Diwuhui
In the depression proximal to the heads of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, medial to the tendon of the extensor digitorum longus of the little toe
GB43 侠溪 Xiaxi - 荥穴(水)
Between the fourth toe and the little toe, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web
- Ying-Spring point
- Water point
GB44 足窍阴 Zuqiaoyin - 井穴(金)
On the dorsal aspect of the 4th toe, at the junction of lines drawn along the lateral border of the nail and the base of the nail, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
- Jing-Well point
- Metal point