BL / The Bladder Channel of Foot Tai Yang / 足太阳膀胱经 Flashcards
67 Points
BL1 睛明 Jingming - Meeting Point
0.1 cun medial and superior to the inner canthus of the eye, near the medial border of the orbit
- Meeting point of the Badder, Small Intestine, Stomach, Gall Bladder and Sanjiao channels with the Governing (Du), Yin Motility and Yang Motility vessels
- Caution: do not manipulate the needles and after the needling you must press over 1 minute to avoid bleeding
BL2 攒竹 Cuanzhu
Superior to the inner canthus, in a depression on the eyebrow, close to its medial end.
BL3 眉冲 Meichong
Directly superior to Cuanzhu BL2, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, level with Shenting DU24
BL4 曲差
0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the medline and one third the distance between Shenting DU24 and Touwei ST8.
- The cun length of anterior hairline
BL5 五处 Wuchu
0.5 cun directly posterior to Quchai BL4, 1 cun within the anterior hairline, and 1.5 cun lateral to Shangxing DU23.
BL6 承光 Chengguang
1.5 cun posterior to the Wuchu BL5, 2.5 cun within the anterior hairline and 1.5 cun lateral to the midline
BL7 通天 Tongtian
1.5 cun posterior to Chengguang BL6 and 4 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the midline
BL8 络却 Luoque
1.5 cun posterior to Tongtian BL7, 5.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the midline
- Also: 1.5 cun lateral to and 0.5 cun posterior to Baihui DU20
BL9 玉枕 Yuzhen
1.3 cun lateral to Naohu DU17 (located in the depression superior to the external occipital protuberance), 1.5 cun superior to Fengfu FU16
BL10 天柱 Tianzhu
On the lateral aspect of the trapezius muscle, 1.3 cun lateral to the midline of posterior hairline.
BL11 大杼 Dashu - 八会穴(骨)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra (T1)
- Hui-meeting point of bone
BL12 风门 Fengmen
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra (T2)
- Caution: needling depth
BL13 肺俞 Feishu - 背俞穴(肺)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra (T3)
- Back-shu point of the Lung
- Diseases of yin / yang
- Caution: needling depth
BL14 厥阴俞 Jueyinshu -背俞穴(心包)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the forth thoracic vertebra (T4)
- Back-shu point of the Pericardium
- Caution: needling depth
BL15 心俞 Xinshu - 背俞穴(心)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fifth thoracic vertebra (T5)
- Back-shu point of the Heart
- Caution: needling depth
BL16 督俞
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the sixth thoracic vertebra (T6)
- Caution: needling depth
BL17 膈俞 - 八会穴(血)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the seventh thoracic vertebra (T7)
- Hui-meeting point of Blood
- Caution: needling depth
BL18 肝俞 Ganshu - 背俞穴(肝)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the ninth thoracic vertebra (T9)
- Back-shu point of the Liver
BL19 胆俞 Danshu - 背俞穴(胆)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the tenth thoracic vertebra (10)
- Back-shu point of the Gall Bladder
BL20 脾俞 Pishu - 背俞穴(脾)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the eleventh thoracic vertebra (T11)
- Back-shu point of the Spleen
BL21 胃俞 Weishu - 背俞穴(胃)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the twelfth thoracic vertebra (T12)
- Back-shu point of the Stomach
BL22 三焦俞 Sanjiaoshu - 背俞穴(三焦)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first lumbar vertebra (L1)
- Back-shu point of the Sanjiao
BL24 气海俞 Qihaishu
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the third lumbar vertebra (L3)
BL23 肾俞 Shenshu - 背俞穴(肾)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra (L2)
- Back-shu point of the Kidneys
BL25 大肠俞 Dachangshu - 背俞穴(大肠)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebra (L4)
- Back-shu point of the Large Intestine
- L4 at the same level with the top of iliac crest
BL26 关元俞 Guanyuanshu
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fifth lumbar vertebra (L5)
BL27 小肠俞 Xiaochangshu - 背俞穴(小肠)
1.5 cun lateral to the midline, at the level of the first posterior sacral foramen
- Back-shu point of the Small Intestine
BL28 膀胱俞 Pangguagnshu - 背俞穴(膀胱)
1.5 cun lateral to the midline, at the level of the second posterior sacral foramen
- Back-shu point of the Bladder
BL29 中膂俞 Zhonglushu
1.5 cun lateral to the midline, at the level of the third posterior sacral foramen
BL30 白环俞 Baihuanshu
1.5 cun lateral to the midline, at the level of the fourth posterior sacral foramen
BL31 上髎 Shangliao - 八髎穴
Over the first posterior sacral foramen. Between the midline and posterior superior iliac spine
- Eight crevice point - Upper crevice
BL32 次髎 Ciliao - 八髎穴
Over the second posterior sacral foramen
- Eight crevice point - Second crevice
BL33 中髎 Zhongliao - 八髎穴
Over the third posterior sacral foramen
- Eight crevice point - Middle crevice
BL34 下髎 Xialiao - 八髎穴
Over the fourth posterior sacral foramen
- Eight crevice point - Lower cravice
BL35 会阳 Huiyang
0.5 cun lateral to the Governing vessel, level with the tip of the coccyx (locate the coccyx superior to the anus)
BL36 承扶 Chengfu
Just below the buttock, in the centre of the transverse gluteal crease, in a depression between the hamstring muscles
BL37 殷门 Yinmen
On the back of the thigh, in the depression between the hamstring muscles, 6 cun distal to Chengfu BL36, on the line connecting Chengfu BL36 and Weizhong BL40
BL38 浮郗 Fuxi
On the back of the knee, 1 cun superior to Weiyang BL39, on the medial side of the tendon of biceps femoris
- Locate with the knee slightly flexed
BL39 委阳 Weiyang - 下合穴(三焦)
On the back of the knee, on the popliteal crease and towards its lateral end, in the depression medlal to the tendon of biceps femoris
- Lower He-sea point of Sannjiao
BL40 委中 Weizhong - 合穴(土)、天星穴
On the back of the knee, on the popliteal crease, in a depression midway between the tendons of bicepts femoris and semitendinosus
Locate with the knee slightly flexed
- He-sea point of the Bladder channel
- Earth point
- Command point of the Back
- Heavenly Star point
BL41 附分 Fufen
3 cun lateral to the midline, level with the lower border of the spinous process of T2 (Level with Fengmen BL12)
- Caution: needling depth of the second line
- Intersection of the Small Intestine on the Bladder Channel
BL42 魄户 Pohu
3 cun lateral to the midline, level with the lower border of the spinous process of the T3 (level with Feishu BL13)
BL44 神堂 Shentang
3 cun lateral to T5, level with Xinshu BL15
BL43 膏肓俞 Gaohuangshu
3 cun lateral to the midline, level with the lower border of the spinous process of T4 (level with Jueyinshu BL14)
BL45 譩嘻 Yixi
3 cun lateral to T6, level with Dushu BL16
BL46 膈关 Geguan
3 cun lateral to T7, level with Geshu BL17
BL47 魂门 Hunmen
3 cun lateral to lower border of spinous process of T9, level with Guashu Bl18
BL48 阳纲 Yanggang
3 cun lateral to T10, level with Danshu BL19
BL49 意舍 Yishe
3 cun lateral to T11, level with Pishu BL20
BL50 胃仓 Weicang
3 cun lateral to T12, level with Weishu Bl21
BL53 胞肓 Baohuang
3 cun lateral to the midline, at the level of the spinous process of the second sacral vertebra
BL51 肓门 Huangmen
3 cun lateral to L1, level with Sanjiaoshu BL22
BL52 志室 Zhishi
3 cun lateral to L2, level with Shenshu BL23
BL54 秩边 Zhibian
On the buttock, in the depress 3 cun lateral to sacrococcygeal hiatus
BL55 合阳 Heyang
On the lower leg, 2 cun inferior to Weizhong BL40, in the depression between two head of gastrocnemius muscles
BL56 承筋 Chengjin
On the lower leg, 5 cun below Weizhong BL40, in the centre of the belly of the gastrocnemius muscle
BL59 跗阳 Fuyang - 郗穴(阳跷脉)
On the lower leg, 3 cun directly superior to Kunlun BL60
- Xi-Cleft point of Yang Motility vessel
BL57 承山 Chengshan - 天星穴
On the lower leg, in the depression formed below the bellies of the gastrocnemius muscle when the muscle is flexed, about 8 cun distal to Weizhong BL40
- Heavenly Star point
BL58 飞扬 Feiyang - 络穴
On the lower leg, 7 cun directly superior to Kunlun BL60, lateral to and about 1 cun inferior to Chengshan BL 57
- Luo-connecting point of the Bladder channel
BL60 昆仑 Kunlun - 经穴(火)、天星穴
Behind the ankle joint, in the depression between the prominence of lateral malleolus and the Achilles tendon
- Jing-river point
- Fire point
- Heavenly Star point
BL61 仆参 Pucan - 阳跷脉会穴
On the lateral side of the foot, 1.5 cun inferior to Kunlun BL60, in a tender depression on the calceneum
- Meeting point of the Bladder channel with the Yang Motility vessel
BL62 申脉 Shenmai - 阳跷脉和穴、第五鬼穴
On the lateral side of the foot, about 0.5 cun inferior to the inferior border of the lateral malleolus, in a depression posterior to the peroneal tendons
- Confluent point of the Yang Motility vessel
- Fifth Ghost point
BL63 金门 Jinmen - 郗穴
On the lateral side of the foot, in the depression posterior to the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone
Landmark: the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone
- Xi-Cleft point of the Bladder channel
- Intersection of the Yang Wei Mai on the Bladder channel
BL64 京骨 Jinggu - 原穴
On the lateral side of the foot, in the depression anterior and inferior to tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone
- Yuan-Source point
BL65 束骨 Shugu - 腧穴(木)
On the lateral side of the foot, in the depression posterior and inferior to the head of the 5th matatarsal bone
- Shu-Stream point
- Wood point
BL66 足骨通 Zugutong - 荥穴(水)
On the lateral side of the foot, in the depression anterior and inferior to the 5th metatarso-phalangeal joint
- Ying-Spring point
- Water point
BL67 至阴 Zhiyin - 井穴(金)
On the dorsal aspect of the little toe, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
- Jing-Well point
- Metal point