RM- emotion and cognition Flashcards


RM- emotion and cognition


Questionnaires are good when investigating emotions and cog as how emotions affect our cog is dependnet on v personal things ppt feels. Questionnaires can help us quanitfy qualitative data about how ppl feel,
Brown and harris, Otani
Quantitative data, provide objective scientific support for theories
Some behaviour hard to observe in real life or replicate in experiment, can use questionnaires to ask how they would act in real life - more valid than controlled environment in lab
Easy to answer, send out to many people to make results generalisable to cultures
Easy to analyze - harder to interpret behaviour in real life

reliant on self report data
Not in depth - no space to say personal views not asked on questions
May argue that it is still laboratory condition, overtly observing may cause Demand Characteristics.
Pressure under lab conditions may cause alteration of results
Demand characterstics bad when meaduring emotion and cog bc its reliant on self report data since we cant directly obsere cognitoin/ memory

Experiments are also valuable when looking at emotion and cog, bc not easily observable, need to use a method that can help to focus in on specfic parts
Sharot et al
Well controlled. Could isolate variabels so they know only emotion was affecting cognition. Used cog subtraction to do this

Reductionism - reduce explanation to simplistic faster e.g “intelligence is only based on genetics” reduce complex problem into simple explanation by isolating single variables and repeatedly testing variables
Suggesting that emotion was the only cause for their FBM/ vivid memory

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